Chapter 6
After the traumatizing incident, Evan had cleaned up pieces of glass scattered on the floor so no one was allowed in the kitchen. Jonathan had to go to the restroom to wash the spit that had also left his mouth when coughing out the bottle.
So that left Evanee, Tyler, and David stuck in the living room.
"We all heard you upstairs." Tyler's statement caught their attention. "We shoved a bottle into Jonathan's mouth to your music."
The three laughed. Evanee had realized that it was Tyler who was always kidding around. She also observed that he didn't like silence.
"Seriously though. You guys are pretty good."
Tyler's compliment earned him a warm thank you from the girl and a pillow to the face from one of his best friends.
Evanee found it seemingly odd that Evan's close friends had accepted the fact that she just barged in on their pre-party, but she was absolutely certain that their company brought her joy.
Evan and Jonathan entered the living room, ending the entertaining small talk amongst the three.
"Evan, can we see the pictures?" David asked. Evan tossed his phone to him in reply and everyone crowded around him on the small couch.
"Calm the fuck down," Tyler had shouted as Jonathan tried to claw his way between David and Evan in order to se the pictures.
David was already at the gallery and began to swipe. It was just a mass of consecutive photos of Jonathan trying to fit a bottle the size of Evanee's forearm into his mouth and failing to do so. Their joined laughs were probably loud enough to wake the entire neighborhood, until the end of the bottle incident. The five had stumbled onto a picture taken last night none other by Gemma.
"Damn Evan. You could have just told us you two were dating," Tyler stared at the picture of Evanee cuddling against Evan's chest. "Who took the picture anyways?"
Evan was slightly too embarrassed to speak.
"My aunt Gemma is a total nutjob. Whoops." She grabbed the phone and handed it back to Evan. "We're not a thing. It just so happened that this booger and I fell asleep after a movie."
She received questionable glances from Tyler and Jonathan, a grateful look from Evan, but she had no clue about David. The tall boy just sat staring off into space again.
"Well, its been fun seeing a bottle being shoved down someone's throat, but I'm not a party type of girl so I'll be seeing you guys," Evanee didn't bother to stay lokg enough to hear their farewells. She just took off running into the cold Autumn wind into her own home.
"I like her," David blurted out randomly, causing the others to stare at him. "She's pretty cool. A bit weird, but cool."
Evan thought the same thing. His neighbor was nothing but weird and he liked that. She was different.
"She's hot too." Tyler shrugged after his statement. It was weird having another person at their pre-party, but he didn't mind. "Anyways, we still have a shit ton of beer and people are probably going to start arriving in like ten minutes. So Jonathan turn the music, Evan set out some beers on kitchen counter, I'll move all the breakables into Evan's room, and David go do what you normally do."
Similar to Evanee, David wasn't very fond of parties. He didn't like the overwhelming stench of alcohol wherever he went, seeing a couple doing inappropriate things publicly, or having to reject any girls since there were drunk out of their minds. His friends understood, so they were fine with him always leaving in the middle of the party.
As the guests started to pour in, Evan announced that this was a start to a great senior year and then came the crazy. Bottles and plastic red cups everywhere. People grinding to the music. As usual, David had already left the scene when everybody crowdes around Jonathan to see if he could chug two bottles of beer down in less than fifteen seconds.
Whenever a party was thrown at Evan's house, David liked to walk to Malcolm park which was around five minutes away.
The party had started at nine and it was only ten when David made it to the park. It was late and he didn't expect anyone to be hanging around there at night, but he was mistaken. A single body moved back and forth on the swings.
It wasn't until he was closer that he realized it was Evanee Pierce.
Her earbuds were slowly taken out and she stared at David in confusion. He had noticed that she had dressed differently. The black jeans, black combat boots, black gloves, and the oversized beige knit sweater were more attractive than Evan's baggy clothes.
"Didn't like the party?"
David sat on the swing next to her, staring at the darkened sky above him as they spoke.
"Wasn't entertaining. How come you're out here all alone?"
"Music was too loud and I like Autumn nights," her response was simple and David smiled.
"I do too."
The two sat there swinging in silence for a few minutes, staring at the stars. The silence wasn't awkward and in all honesty, David enjoyed this more than hanging out with his friends sometimes. In certain situations, he found himself just watching his friends enjoy each other's prescence. Always on the sidelines because he never felt the need to make jokes or do crazy things alongside them.
His thoughts always traveled to his friends when he was silent. The thought of his friends not deeming him necessary to them crossed his mind plenty of times. They all had been friends for years, inseparable, but the doubt in his head seemed to grow as each day went by.
"Frowns don't suit you," Evanee quietly commented looking at the boy next to her. "I don't expect you to talk about it to someone you just met, so maybe we can get your mind off of it."
David didn't say anything causing the raven haired girl to sigh, thinking of ways to cheer him up. Earlier that night, he seemed pretty happy singing and it had also left her smiling.
She began to hum the beginning of Photograph by Ed Sheeran. David didn't have a single clue what she was doing though.
"If you haven't realized, I'm trying to coax you into singing with me," she offered him a kind smile. "You seemed pretty happy earlier."
With that, David started singing thd first lines as Evanee hummed along. It was by the beginning of the chorus David had stopped and waited for Evanee to sing along.
So you can keep me
Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans
Holding me closer till our eyes meet
And you won't ever be alone
Wait for me to come home
In David's opinion, the moment was perfect. The original singer's voice was higher during the chorus, which Evanee perfectly sang. They continued on like that. One would stsrt singing and the other sang along to the words they knew.
"Well, I'm heading back home since we've been here for two hours and its freezing." Evanee checked her phone, which read 12:07. "Are you staying?"
He shook his head and they walked together in another wave of comfortable silence, until the blaring nusic filled their ears once again.
Unlike she expected, David didn't go back inside the house. Instead he leaned against it, basking in the cold air that surrounded his body. Evanee knew that he didn't find the party all that fun.
"Come on. You'll freeze to death out here," she waited for him to move from his spot, which he eventually did.
The temperature of the house was much warmer than it was outside, but it still proved to be a little chilly.
David's reaction to the house was similar to Evan's, but he hadn't mentioned a word. He just sat down on one of the bean bags and admired the room.
He was a quiet soul, different from his other three friends.
Without an explanation, the green eyed singer went upstairs to change. It was then that she remembered that she left her pajamas at Evan's house and thst she still had his clothes, but she figured that she would just return them in the morning.
Since it still was a bit cold, she decided to wear a stitch onesie and had grabbed another one for David. It was a black owl onesie and a very large one. Evanee had bought it online as L since they had run out on any smaller sizes, but rolling up the sleeves each time she wore it solved the problem.
She came downstairs and found David in the same exact spot she left him in and tossed the onesie to him.
"Figured you'd be cold in only jeans and a thin sweater."
Her tall classmate thanked her and asked where the nearest restroom was to change in privacy. While he did, she picked her two favorite mugs. Her black mug had Haruhi and Kyouya-senpai on it (A/N:Ouran Academy Host Club. Amazing anime), while the white mug she picked for David had a picture of Captain America.
She prepared the two mugs of hot chocolate and mini marshmallows along with a few leftover cookies from earlier in the week, setting everything down in the living room.
As she enjoyed her hot chocolate, a loud cough came from behind her and she bent backwards to see David. He wad wearing the onesie and it fit him perfectly and when he raised his arm, she saw the wings attached.
"It looks good on you mr.upside down."
"You're the one who's upside down." She straightened her back and turned to face David. "What's that? "
"Hot chocolate and some oatmeal cookies."
Evanee had always just dealt with her problems straightforward and went with the flow, which applied to David and Evan. She went along with Evan's torture of visiting her house and accompanying David at the park and at her house.
She hadn't planned on letting David stay until she saw him standing in the cold or planned on befriending Evan after their loud argument. Everything was unexpected and Evanee found herself loving it. She loved being comfortable with other people and laughing with someone else and sitting in comfortable silence. The smile forming on her face matched her thoughts.
"What are you so smiley about?"
"The unexpected, David."
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