Chapter 5
"I'm so sorry Ducky. I promise I'll make it up to you next Saturday."
And with that, Gemma was out the door and off to work. Saturday was Evanee's favorite day of the week because she would spend that day with her aunt, the only person she could tolerate with the exception of Evan. But today was not an off day. Gemma had gotten an urgent call from one of her employees and had to leave for the night. What type of interior decorator had to go to work at night?
This left Evanee hopelessly bored on a Saturday night, eating mashed potatoes and watching anime. It was just another night added to the collection of disappointing nights she's ever experienced. That was until the blaring music across the street had interrupted her show. It was only seven, leaving Evanee to wonder why the party was already starting. Of course she had heard about Evan's party and she also knew that it didn't start until nine. Like Evan had done the day previous, she had decided to visit out of curiosity.
Being a person who didn't take a liking to most people, she didn't plan on staying, but the event did seem interest her. In her seventeen years of life, Evanee hadn't attended one party unless she counted her aunt's parties for her work. She quickly crossed the street, the cold breeze forcing her to walk faster. Inside the large house, Evan and his close friends were having a few drinks and talking. A loud knock at the door interrupted their ongoing discussion about dancing lobsters in top hats. Being the host, Evan had answered the door and was fairly surprised to see his neighbor standing outside his door in pajama shorts and a white tee shirt.
"Ducky? What are you doing here? Where's Gemma?"
Before Evanee could answer, someone else had appeared behind Evan. "Ducky? Isn't this the girl who insulted you the other day?" Jonathan cut in, staring at the two. Hearing Evan's thoughts on her the day prior, she was the last person he expected to show up at the door, especially two hours before the actual party. "Not to be rude, but what's she doing here?"
Evanee had rushed into the house because of the cold air outside and turned to face Jonathan. "I live across the street and I was just wondering why there was music when the party starts later." Then she turned to Evan. "Something happened at work and Gemma had to leave, so what are you guys doing here?"
The thought of his friends staring at her in short shorts crossed Evan's mind. "Why don't I explain upstairs?" The girl nodded slowly and followed Evan upstairs, leaving Evan's three friends to continue their conversation. Evan's house was the same size as hers, but it was fairly plain. His room was painted light beige with random posters hung around and a computer setup across his bed, along with a small dresser by his bed.
Evan was rummaging through his clothes to find a shirt and pants for Evanee. "So why am I here? If you're planning to rape me, Gemma is on speed dial and she's not afraid to cut a bitch."
This earned a chuckle from Evan. "I don't doubt it. It's a bit cold so I assume you wouldn't want to stay in those and there are three guys downstairs."
After three minutes of throwing clothes around and Evanee attempting to do the worm on Evan's bed, Evan had found gray sweatpants and a baggy tee shirt for her. Needing her privacy, Evanee kicked Evan out of his own room to change and headed downstairs once she was done.
"Did you and Evan have a quickie upstairs? Cause I'm pretty sure you two were up there less than ten minutes," Tyler said, making the three erupt in laughter.
Evanee could understand his mistake. She was, in fact, wearing Evan's clothes which were much too loose on her. It was only then that she realized the gigantic cat head on the front side of her shirt. If she had the chance to, she was definitely keeping it.
Tyler and Jonathan headed to the kitchen for more beers, leaving Evanee to wonder why Evan wasn't with them when she came down. She took a seat on one of the three sofas in the living room, waiting for Evan to appear.
"Sorry about that. Tyler sometimes doesn't realize that jokes can be a bit insulting," David had taken a sit on the couch next to her. In her eyes, David was the least irritating out of Evan's group whenever they were too loud at school. Still, she felt awkward around him like she always did. "I'm David by the way."
"Evanee. Sorry for intruding earlier."
"It's perfectly fine. If you don't mind, care to explain how you know Evan? I know about the argument you guys had yesterday, so seeing as to how you're so comfortable with him is a bit confusing."
David was much more friendlier than she anticipated and it did reduce the overwhelming nervous feeling in her stomach. "Well after the fight, Evan offered to drive me hom since our little encounter made me a bit late for the bus. Then he came over later that night for some reason and we went out for ice cream." David then realized that Evan had lied to him, not that it was that large of a deal. Evanee had also excluded the part where Evan had bought her toiletries. "We got to know each other a bit, he stayed for a movie, we fell asleep, and then my aunt made us breakfast. It's a very random chance of events. Sorry if any of it confused you."
"No. I understand. That sounds very surprising I guess, since I know that although Evan is a bit of a ladies man, he doesn't have any girl friends, you know? Assuming that you guys aren't..."
The thought flustered Evanee and she hurriedly explained. "Oh, no. He's okay but hell no. I've only known him for like two days."
It wasn't much of a secret that Evan was experienced when it came to quick relationships and other girls, not that it bothered Evanee. David, on the other hand, found it quite annoying since he was also despised by the girls Evan had dumped. He was glad that this girl was a bit different.
"So care to tell me why you guys are here before the party?" The question still lingered in her head.
"We always have pre-parties whenever one of us is throwing a party. It's tradition." The smile that appeared afterwards hinted to Evanee that their tradition was quite important and she didn't want to intrude. "You're not interrupting though. Apologies if it sounded that way."
By this point in their conversation, the teenage girl took a liking to David. He wasn't overly friendly, but at the same time he wasn't so awkward like herself. It made her feel a bit more comfortable being the only girl in the house. He was also very kind, something she didn't expect from one of the four most popular boys of Tracker high. Although she did feel bad for labeling him as that before.
A comforting silence fell over them. David continued drinking his bottle of beer lost in thought, while Evanee stared at him in wonder.
Evan had mentioned him once when he was driving her home.
"If you want to sing, go to my friend David."
Evanee doubted if the boy near her actually did sing. His voice was very deep for his age, but it did seem to soothe her.
She also wondered if other people judged him like she had first done. In fact, she labeled Evan and all of his friends assholes before actually getting to know any of them and she was planning on changing that. Besides, she was bound to learn more about them if she was going to start appearing in their videos.
"Evan mentioned that you sang," Evanee started up another conversation.
"Just a bit. I'm pretty certain you'll hear me sing this year too, since I sit next to you in your second period. " It was only the first week of their senior year, so she barely paid attention to anyone around her. "I'm also certain you didn't know that since you always have your head buried in a book or violently writing down notes."
The straight A student couldn't argue with that. This was the first tine she heard of this information because she was too focused in her studies when in class. She could also distinctly hear the humor in David's voice.
"Guilty as charged." She flashed her charming smile, earning one back. "I'm looking forward to hearing you sing."
"Evan actually has an extra guitar upstairs. He lets me use it usually since he has his own," David got up from the couch, put down his drink on the closest table, and offered a hand to Evanee, which she politely accepted. She followed him upstairs, into a room that contained nothing but instruments. "His father was a singer, so Evan got his fair share of musical talent when it comes to the guitar and drums."
Her hand trailed over the unused piano, the drums, and an old guitar. David had later picked up the same guitar she observed and begin to play a peaceful string of melodies.
"If you don't mind, I kind of want to play with you." David's eyes went wide. "Not like that you fat blueberry.
I have a bit of experience with the piano so if you know any songs on the guitar just blurt them out."
It was song after song. Neither of them knew songs that the other knew. Songs were randomly said and it was after ten minutes that they actually found something they both knew.
The two settled on Georgia by Vance Joy, a favorite of David's. He was fairly impressed hearing the way she played, but she was even more impressed by Nogla's voice. She had joined in at the chorus and everything about it felt right. Years ago she would play piano with her father and her mother would sing alongside her. She hadn't felt comfort like this for such a long time.
"That was..."
"Fucking awesome," David finished. "I've actually never played with someone before and that was just great. If you're up for it, I wouldn't mind practicing other songs some other time."
"I live across the street, so whenever you decide to visit Evan, hit me up. I have a piano in my living room and hopefully you can bring an extra guitar."
"I have one. Evan didn't mention that you lived across the street. Apologies in advance for the noise later cause Evan's party always get a bit rowdy."
Evanee knew they did. She had lived at the house across the street for nine years, so it wasn't much of a surprise.
"Why don't we go back downstairs? They're probably looking for us," David suggested and was followed to the kitchen by Evanee.
When they arrived, the image in front of them was a bit startling.
Tyler was helping Jonathan fit most of a beer bottle inside his mouth, while Evan was laughing his ass off and taking pictures. As the three saw them, they immediately stopped laughing and turned to face David and Evanee. Tyler's sudden movement had caused Jonathan to choke and he coughed out the top half of the bottle, resulting in a mass of broken glass on the kitchen floor.
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