Chapter 38
Evanee had no idea what Evan's mother was beginning to think of her. On the car ride to LA, Evan's mom, or Laila as she preferred to be called, attempted to learn more about the green eyed girl.
Each of her questions earned a well answered response, but Evan's constant snickering had ruined most of Evanee's confidence every time Laila had called her Evangeline.
It wasn't as if Evanee didn't like it. She just wasn't very accustomed to her full name since everyone usually called her by "Evanee".
"So, Evangeline," Laila began.
The obnoxiously expected laughing had erupted from Evan again, making both his mother and Evanee glare at him.
"Do you know what college you're planning on going to? Evan has been getting a few letters from colleges because of hockey. It's not that big of a sport here in California, but people seem to know natural talent," Laila boasted, smiling at her son in the passenger seat.
The amount of kindness Laila held for her only son was touching, but Evanee could tell that Evan was completely embarrassed by his mother's continuous stories of him.
"Scouts always look for the most hardworking students. I'm actually still unsure of what college I'll be going to, but I'm planning on getting my Bachelors Science of Nursing Degree which is provided in all universities. It will probably take the entire four years, but it's worth it in the long run I guess."
She hummed in agreement, quickly smiling at Evanee through the rear view mirror. With the silence, Evan had taken the opportunity to turn on the radio.
There was no further conversation which Evanee was thankful for. She stared out the car window for the rest of the trip, admiring the many buildings that passed and the different sceneries that came and go as they drove.
It was a bit odd that they hadn't just gone out to eat at a local restaurant. Of course it was nice to go somewhere far from time to time but going all the way to LA just for lunch seemed a bit excessive to Evanee since she usually didn't go out on trips like this.
After countless songs, they had finally arrived at what looked to a large outdoor mall. It wasn't that packed which was surprising seeing that it was the weekend. They parked next to the Main Street that had little shops lined up on each side.
When the three got out of the car, Evanee grabbed the purse she had hurriedly packed before they had left. Then she noticed the two cameras Laila was grabbing out of the car.
"Evangeline, can you grab my purse in the back? It's navy blue," Laila called out since Evan had ran to the closest bathroom as soon as they had parked.
Evanee grabbed the purse before shutting the door. It was slightly large, well larger than her own small black purse that was strapped across her chest.
"Are you planning on taking photos?"
Laila smiled at her as she placed her Canon camera and Polaroid into her purse. "Of course. Evan probably didn't mention this but I love taking pictures and you know that I tend to travel a lot for my job so I take pictures all over the world. Don't tell Evan I told you this, but he's basically been my little model since he was born. I have literally thousands of pictures of him back at home if you're ever interested."
"I certainly am." Laila was pretty laid back. Not as much as Gemma, but pretty damn close. "Should we walk to the restroom or wait for Evan?"
"He'll probably be running here after so I guess we'll wait. Plus the restrooms are pretty far from here," Evan's mother informed her as they took a seat on the closest bench. "So how are you and Evan? Because that boy talks about you nonstop. He was heartbroken after what happened a few weeks ago."
"That wasn't his fault. I guess things got out of hand but we're all fine now. I'm just happy that he and David are fine now."
It was quite refreshing to talk about these sort of things to someone other than her aunt since Evanee didn't exactly have any close female friends. Evan's mom was also very kind and not in the least bit intimidating.
There was a short second of silence. "Before Evan gets here because that boy is usually always joking around, I want to seriously thank you for the past few months you've been with my son as a friend and a girlfriend. He keeps me updated unlike most kids and he really loves you. I'm not always home and I know that it's kind of hard for him to live on his own. Since he met you, he seems a lot better. I really appreciate it."
Then came the slight sniffling and watery eyes. "Thank god I decided to wear waterproof mascara today. Evan doesn't like it when I cry so let's keep this to ourselves," Laila said. They ended their conversation with a hug and Evanee was happy that her presence actually helped Evan and his mother.
Finally, Evan came running down the sidewalk. "Are you guys ready? I passed this new shop while I was running here. It's an Asian bakery called 85 Degrees and it looks amazing."
"We'll go there after we walk around then," Laila answered as the three of began walking past a few small shops.
They entered the first shop five minutes after they had started walking, which was a jewelry store. It has been Laila who had first seemed interested which led to her asking Evanee if she could go with her to go inside. As the two looked around the shop, Evan had gone to the cashier and quickly bought two bracelets. They were each $20. It was basically a thick, silver chain with a colored gem decorating the top. He had picked out a blue one for his mother and green one for Evanee and before either of the two girls could notice, he had paid for it and had even paid an extra $5 so the shop could wrap the bracelets in two separate black boxes held together by a red ribbon.
Without them suspecting anything, Evan had appeared next to them as they finished up staring at the pieces of jewelry.
As they left the shop, Evan stopped them from walking further. He pulled out the two boxes," for the two most beautiful women in my life."
Evanee and his mother opened the boxes to find the bracelets he had bought, causing him to be tackled in a quick hug by his mother.
The green eyed girl laughed and out the bracelet on. "Corny," Evanee teased before kissing his cheek. "Thank you, Evan."
They had stopped at a few more shops, buying clothes and such. Once it was decided that they were finished shopping and were ready to eat, Laila had decided to visit a few places around the mall to take pictures.
The closest place they stopped at was a brick wall with colorful angel wings painted on it. Laila wasn't one to be in pictures apparently but she certainly loved taking them. Before she started taking pictures, she moved Evanee in front of the brick wall at the perfect angle so that the wings really looked like they were sprouting from her back.
Laila had used the Polaroid for this picture and once the film was completely finished, she showed it to the couple.
The picture was taken far enough to get Evanee's entire body and the wings in the picture, but also close enough to see the angel wings necklace Evan had gotten her for New Years.
"You're quite the model," Laila complimented her, making Evanee blush. "Now let's get my baby boy in a couple of pictures."
Evan had embarrassed himself in front of Evanee plenty of times before so this was nothing. He already had the perfect posture and smile and everything as Laila took pictures of him with her other camera. He truly was a model and a very good looking one.
She took more pictures in the following forty five minutes, decided that the many pictures she took of both Evan and Evanee were enough, and had walked with them to 85 Degrees.
It was a quiet little bakery where the customers would grab a tray and tongs, picking whatever pastry they wanted from the large array of food displayed through glass drawers.
After each of them chose what they wanted, they went to the cashier and ordered drinks as well. Evanee took out her wallet to pay but was immediately shot down by Laila and Evan, insisting that they had invited her and that she didn't have to pay. Both of them were pretty stubborn, so Evanee sighed and took the food to the table in the corner as they ordered the three drinks and paid.
The two came back with Evanee's taro latte, Thai tea for Evan, and a honeydew smoothie for Evan's mother. They spent the first thirty minutes and the next hour and half talking, mostly Laila telling stories of Evan when he was younger.
Evan sat in the backseat with Evanee when they drove back home, which was another two hour trip. Fifteen minutes into the car ride, Evanee had fallen asleep onto Evan's shoulder and Evan was fast asleep leaning on his girlfriend's head.
Laila had exited the free way to stop for a gas and before she had taken off again, she took one picture of the two in the backseat. The last picture of the night.
And as always I hope he enjoy(:)
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