Chapter 21
"This is all your fucking fault," Evanee complained, her voice a bit deeper than usual.
Luck was on her side the night before because Gemma and her boyfriend, Drew, went out that night and came home around midnight, thirty minutes before Evan had dropped everyone off at home. They had found her asleep in her bed, without a single that she had been out late that night.
Though, this was a clue. The raven haired girl had been suffering throughout the school day earlier with a stuffed nose and a cough because she just had to feel the waves on her skin late last night, but someone was there to help her.
"I didn't say anything about getting your feet wet, Ducky. This is your fault and you can't say shit," Evan replied, amused by the teenage girl in front of him.
Gemma and Drew were at work and they wouldn't be getting home until ten at night. Currently, it was only four and Evanee felt like shit laying down in her bed with Evan sitting beside her.
After last night, their 'relationship' had slightly changed. Evanee wasn't as mad at him and Evan wasn't that much of an asshole towards her. In fact, Evan had seen her in her weakened state during lunch so he had prepared some chicken noodle soup he bought at the 99cent store, warmed it up, and brought it over.
Although she'd never admit it, Evanee enjoyed the Canadian boy's company and was happy he was there with her, but she knew that Gemma would be furious if they found out Evan was at their house.
Forgetting about those consequences, Evanee continued eating the soup, glaring at Evan as he began looking through her closet.
"What the hell are you doing, Evan?"
"I'm finding something nice for you to wear at my party tomorrow," Evan replied nonchalantly and continued looking for an outfit.
Knowing Evanee, she'd probably just wear a t-shirt and jeans, if she actually agreed to go, but Evan had something else in mind.
He pulled out a tie dye crop top and a pair of black, high-waisted shorts. "This would look pretty good."
She scoffed, setting her soup down on her bedside table. "I can't say that it would look bad, but it'd be cold and it'd show my stomach," Evanee said.
"Which is why it'd look great on you. Plus, it won't be cold inside the house with everyone there."
The thought of a huge crowd packed into a single living room made Evanee cringe. In no way did she want to be pushed or shoved in a mob of sweaty and drunk teenagers while wearing an outfit that exposed a lot of skin.
Evan put the outfit back and looked for something else that would Evanee a bit more. "What about this then?" He had found a long sleeve burgundy shirt with a black skater skirt.
"You have excellent taste in female clothing because I'd consider wearing that if I actually wanted to go," she said, seeing the second outift Evan had shown her. Evan whined. "I'm not going Evan. With that many people there, I'd probably end up panicking in the middle of a crowd. It doesn't matter anyways since Gemma and Drew are going to be home tomorrow night and they aren't exactly fond of you any more."
She had explained everything to him earlier on about Drew moving in and what they had said about Evan, to which Evan just shrugged. "I might just cancel the party then. Honestly, I don't want to get on your aunt's bad side if I'm going to be coming over more often."
Evanee stood up abruptly, immediately regretting it after she felt insanely dizzy; so dizzy that Evan had to pick her up off the floor after she blacked out for a second and then set her back on the bed.
"Fuck, that hurt." She laid back down. "I was going to stand up and get mad, but I'm too weak for that, I guess. But Evan, I'm trying to be straightforward with you because everything is getting too confusing."
The brown eyed boy sat down on the bed next to her. "What are you talking about?"
"This. I can't deal with you always changing your mind and being mean then being nice. If you like me, tell me. If not, then just stop playing with me. Stop kissing me, stop calling me Ducky, and just stop making me feel special if I'm not." By then, Evanee was flailing her arms around while talking, but she was right.
If Evan didn't like her, he needed to stop making her feel so happy, otherwise Evanee would just rely on him and be disappointed everytime he wasn't there.
Her words were spoken truthfully and they made Evan actually think about everything he's done since he had met her.
First off, he got in a fight with her in front of a group of people, became friends, slept beside her, flirted with her, asked her to go on a date, told her he was finished with her, kissed her, then went back to flirting.
"I'm sorry, Evanee." Instead of sitting up against the headboard, Evan laid down in bed next to her as he spoke. "I'm sorry for doing all this crap and telling you I was done and making you feel like I was playing with you. I like you and I've been a complete a asshole about it."
Of course, hearing that Evan had just called himself an asshole, Evanee was pretty satisfied with his apology. "I'll forgive you on one condition." Evan waited for her to go on. "Kiss me."
"But you're sick."
"You unromantic, inconsiderate di-"
Evanee's words were cut off by Evan closing the space between them and planting his lips on hers.
"God, I hate you," Evanee said between breaths, to which Evan smiled wickedly and kissed her again.
Short chapter, but in my last chapter, there were a lot of #Eevanee shippers at first so I decided to write this, but the story may change depending on the comments. So comment again who you ship and vote
And as always I hope ye enjoy (:)
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