Chapter 2
Evan was fully dressed in his pajamas, which was basically just red basketball shorts and a black t-shirt. After making a quick spaghetti dinner that barely did anything to fulfill Evan's hunger, he finished his homework and rushed to play online with his friends. He had just started to set his PC and headset up when a ringing filled his ears.
Daithi De Nogla wants to Skype.
"Right on time," Evan mumbled and accepted the call. Three faces appeared on his second screen. He had dual monitors, one to play games and the other monitors to skype with his friends while playing.
Almost every day, the "crew" would play and record videos using different names. Evan as Vanossgaming, David as Daithi De Nogla, Tyler as I AM WILDCAT, and Jonathan as H2O Delirious. Using these names, the four each made youtube channels and all four were widely known. And although it would be nice to be known by a lot of people, they liked having a secret they all could share.
David, Jonathan, and Tyler appeared on his screen and greeted him at the same time. "How'd it go with the girl? Please tell me you didn't kill her." David, of course, was joking around but there was a voice in the back of his head that said that he knew Evan was capable of doing that and would be crazy enough to if he was that angry.
"It actually wasn't bad. We fought for a while, stopped, and then I dropped her off."
A loud cough came from Tyler. "Are you telling me that you actually stopped arguing without physically fighting or breaking something and did a nice thing for a girl who insulted you in front of a bunch of people?"
Evan's friends were probably not supposed to be this surprised, but Evan did have a history of fighting and anger issues. It wasn't like him to just let something like this go.
"I did, but that doesn't mean I'm not still mad at her. I told her I'd make her life a living hell and I'm going to live up to it," Evan smiled at the screen, but only two of his friends smiled back. "What David?"
David and Evan had known each other before they had met Tyler and Jonathan. The two first met in second grade and were best friends since. They were basically brothers and like all brothers, they got into a few fights, but nothing too serious. Seeing the disappointed expression on David's face had instantly brought guilt to Evan. David was like the older brother between the two and had always gotten Evan out of trouble when he needed it. His decisions and thoughts on certain subjects influenced Evan because Evan knew that everything that David decided was in order to prevent him from getting in trouble.
Evan sighed. "I know I shouldn't but I can't just let her do something like that and get away with it. I was kind, I offered her a ride home and played nice."
"I guess."
The conversation came to a stop until Jonathan cleared his throat to cut through the thick silence. "How about some Gmod Prop Hunt?"
They didn't talk about Evanee for the next few hours as they all shared jokes and laughed, playing their game. Their other friends that they had met online also joined: MiniLadd, Lui Calibre, Terroriser, and BasicallyIDoWork. After hours of laughing, dying, and Nogla repeatedly cussing people out, the four all had hilarious and entertaining footage that they'd be able to edit and share on YouTube.
Throughout the game though, Evan couldn't help but wonder what Evanee was doing. If she really was going to wait at the school before he saw her, did that mean that her aunt wasn't home?
It proved to be a a very interesting topic because by the end of recording, Evan decided to run across the street and ask.
"Going somewhere?" Jonathan asked Evan, seeing that Evan had switched his basketball shorts into a pair of jeans.
He couldn't say where he was going. It was nice to know that he could make life a living hell for Evanee just by crossing the street, but Nogla would disapprove and probably guilt him into not going.
"Just gonna drive to 7-11 real quick."
With friendly partings and a questioning look from Nogla, Evan quit the Skype call and left to Evanee's house. There were no cars in the front of the house just like it was hours before when he dropped Evanee off. He rang the doorbell and hoped that the somewhat annoying girl would open the door quickly because it was freezing outside.
"Gemma. Thank god you're home. We ran out of pads and I'm kind of craving ice cream so if we coul-," Evanee stopped her chatter as soon as she looked up to meet a pair of brown eyes. A scream flooded the space around them and then a loud slam as the frightened girl swung the door shut. Second of silence passed and Evan was about to knock again, but Evanee had opened it.
"What the hell are you doing here Evan?"
"I was just a bit curious. Why isn't your aunt home?" Evan was restraining himself from laughing. He had to since he was supposed to be mad, but the beauty in front of him made that seemingly impossible.
Evanee opened the door and gestured Evan to come inside, which was probably not a good idea. Evan walked in with a quick nod and took in his surroundings. His house was nothing like this. The walls were painted fully white and paintings covered the space. The living room, which was also the first room he entered, contained several black bean bags, a matching black couch, a flat screen TV, a grand piano, and a beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling.
Holy fuck
A knowing smile crossed Evanee's lips. "Surprised? My aunts an interior decorator if you're wondering why it looks good. Everything was actually pretty cheap when she did start decorating."
When a guest came into the house, the same reaction was shown to Evanee. Her aunt was absolutely amazing at her job and made a lot of money doing it, but that also meant long hours at work leaving Evanee alone in their house. Every room was like this, especially her own room since her Aunt Gemma wanted what was best for her.
She gestured for Evan to take a seat on one of the bean bags as she plopped down on one herself. "I know you're supposed to make my life a living hell but does it have to be at my house?"
"I didn't come here for that. Like I said, I was just curious." Evanee didn't question him and just sat glancing at Evan.
Evan was pretty tall and more muscular than the average male teenager. His shirt kind of proves that, Evanee thought to herself partially seeing an outline of his abs. She thought back to just a few hours ago. It would be a lie to say she didn't find him attractive without a shirt.
"Well since you're my guest, would you like something to drink?"
"Just some water. Thanks," Evan said with a smile. Even though he promised her he'd make her life miserable, it was difficult.
Evanee nodded and got up ftom the bean bag and walked backwards towards the kitchen.
The youtuber scrunched his face in confusion. "Why are you walking like that? I won't touch anything, I swear."
"Its not that," Evanee muttered and fiddled with her fingers.
That's when something clicked in Evan's mind. When Evanee first opened the door, she asked for something.
Evan sighed, got up, and headed for the door. The green eyed girl stared at him in confusion.
"Are you coming or not?"
"To the nearest store to buy you some pads. I have an older sister you know, so this doesn't really bother me."
Once again, Evanee was surprised by Evan's actions. After locking the door, they both got into Evan's car and drove to Wal-Mart.
After they had purchased Evanee's necessities, which Evan had so kindly paid for, they headed back to the house.
"Evan you missed the turn," the teenage girl blurted out looking behind them.
"You said you wanted ice cream right? There's a Baskin Robins around here," Evanee's head hurt from thinking about him.
First, he acts like a complete asshole, apologizes, and then takes her out for ice cream. There was no denying that he was moody, but Evanee couldn't help but start to like the boy sitting next to her.
The two had arrived at the tiny ice cream shop. It was empty; not much of a surprise since it was the middle of Autumn and freezing outside.
After telling Evan what flavor ice cream she wanted, the short girl ran to the restroom to change. When she got back, Evan was already sitting at a booth and her ice cream was set on table along with his.
Evan took this time to actually talk to her. "Does your aunt come home late everyday? "
Evanee was surprised as the words left the taller boy's mouth. She wasn't expecting him to talk during the time.
"Yes, except on Saturdays. She's free the whole day so that's when we catch up and tell each other about our week. What about you? How's your living situation? "
"I just live with my mom, but she's always travelling. So i have to drive myself everywhere."
"This is unexpected and I'm completely fine with you saying no, but would you be willing to drive me home after school? Its just horrible on the bus and I had a really fun time singing with you, even though you sound like a dying cat."
The last sentence wasn't necessary, but Evanee thought it would lighten up the mood.
Evan thought about it for a second. He couldn't lie to himself and say that their car ride wasn't fun. He made the decision of agreeing but only because it would give him more opportunities to bother her, and maybe just because there was a part of him that actually liked spending time with her, not that he'd ever admit it.
"Fine, but you owe me."
"Thank you Evan," she flashed a smile at him and to Evan, that was thanks enough. Seeing her smile made him want to too.
Both of them learned a lot from the time they spent together. Even after finishing their ice cream, they didn't bother ending the conversation.
"Why don't we head back. Its getting late."
They hadn't even realized that they had spent over an hour talking.
By the time they had gotten home, it was past ten and a gray car was parked outside of Evanee's house.
"Shit," her aunt's car was already here and Evan noticed it too.
The two walked to the front door and Evanee nervously unlocked it. "Go home already. I have no idea what my aunt might do and I dont want her getting the wrong idea."
Evan nodded and left.
"Evangeline Freya Pierce, I-" Gemma stopped in the middle of her sentence, seeing the boy behind her niece. "Who is this?"
Stupid fucking prick.
"Hi, Ms.Pierce. I'm Evan, I live across the street," the disobedient asshole smiled at Gemma and held his hand out for her to shake, which she gladly did.
Gemma couldn't contain her wide smile. "Sorry, I wasn't expecting Evangeline to have a visitor. Where were you two?"
Evanee was mentally banging her head against a solid surface and hoping that Evan would shut the hell up.
"Evangeline, " Evan had used her full name,"was in need of some pads so I offered to buy some for her and then we went out for ice cream. I'm sorry if we had scared you, but she's here in one piece."
She's definitely going to think we're dating. Stupid Evan.
"I'm glad you guys went out. My little ducky here never has friends over so I'm happy she had fun. Why dont you come in. You dont have school tomorrow so I can set up a movie for you two."
Kill me now.
"That'd be great."
I lied, he's dying first.
Gemma happily left the room to find a good movie and make some snacks. Evanee on the other hand was ready to kill.
"Did you not understand when I said to leave? God, she's going to think we're dating. Do you know how scary that is?"
Evan finally found a way to make her life horrible and he was enjoying every second of it. His smug smile made Evanee even angrier.
"Its okay, ducky. I'm enjoying this," Evan said with a wink.
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