Chapter 19
"Dude, this place is fucking packed," Jonathan exclaimed as the five of them walked inside the building for Laser Tag Championships.
"That's because these are professionals, " Evanee informed them, spotting a few familiar faces around the room. "If we actually want to make it past the first round, we can't do what you idiots did the first time we played."
They thought back to that moment and burst out laughing at the memory. Each of them remembered the way they ran in circles and screamed whenever someone shot them.
Evanee then saw Kelly, the person who had worked there the last time they went laser tagging. Kelly had seen her at the same moment and walked towards them with a smile.
"Hey guys. I'm guessing you guys are here for the tournament, so I have a paper up at the front that one of you need to fill out. Since you just came here, you'll be going up against our newest team, which I'm sure you'll have no problem doing."
Knowing what she was doing, Evanee was the one who followed Kelly to fill out the paper for the tournament. All of the questions were easy since they asked for names and ages and other shit like that, but the second part made her think. It was the codenames and the team name. She then remembered each of their names: DaithiDeNogla, Vanoss, H2ODelirious, and IAmWildcat. Then she put her name, Lyte Nyx and then came the name.
The raven haired girl looked outside through the tinted window that decorated the walls of the building and saw a yellow and green bus and a sudden name popped up in her head, The Banana Bus Squad. She finished filling the paper out and gave it back to Kelly, who in turn gave them their cards.
"So, how do you know them?" Kelly asked, referring to the four childish boys laughing in the corner.
"School. You interested in any of them?"
A surprised expression appeared on the blonde's face as she looked at Evanee in mild astonishment. "Well, I guess it's easy to see that I do think one of them is cute." Evanee stayed silent, waiting for her to continue. "Its the tall one, Tyler I think."
Tyler was adequate when it came to romantically interacting with girls. He just didn't do it often since most girls didn't interest him, but Evanee remembered the way Tyler looked when he first saw Kelly. Apparently he had a thing for blondes.
"I bet you $20 that I can get him to ask you on a date in the next five minutes,"Evanee proposed.
Of course, being skeptical, Kelly agreed and watched with interest as Evanee walked back to her group of friends and began talking.
"Real talk. Kelly likes you and I bet her $20 that you'd ask her out in the next five minutes." Evanee's sudden statement caught the group off guard, but she knew that she'd get her $20 as soon as a smile appeared on Tyler's face. He left them to go talk to Kelly."Anyways, I just filled out one of the papers and we'll be going against some newbie team, but that doesn't mean you guys get to slack off. I play to win," Evanee moved her eyes to Evan, making sure he got her reference.
If Evan wanted to play a little gsme with her by trying to make her fall for him, she'd do the exact same thing and like Evanee said, she plays to win.
Jonathan, oblivious to whatever was happening between the two, started doing squats, stopped, then did bush ups. "We got to train. Train hard, play hard."
"Fucking noob," David muttered. Delirious flipped him off and continued 'training'. "I'm going to regret this."
The tall Irish boy went down as well and began doing push ups, challenging Jonathan to whoever could do more push ups in one minute.
Evam and Evanee watched the two idiots and so was the group of around sixty people scattered around the building. "I'll do the same thing if you want me to, Ducky. Besides, I know you just love looking at these." The teenage boy flexed his biceps and winked at the shorter girl.
After a short period of time, the other rounds were finished and almost half of the many groups that had attended the championship ship had already left after losing.
"For our last two teams of the day, we have 'The Banana Bus Squad' and 'FaZe Tekken'," Kelly announced to the crowd that still lingered in the lobby to see the last two teams play.
Jonathan facepalmed. "Did you really call us the Banana Bus Squad? We're supposed to be ruthless warriors," he cried out.
"And you're nothing close to that, so hush child. Remeber what I said, Jonathan, since you're the best out of these scrubs, you'll be going straight from our side to theirs. That's what they'll be expecting. Meanwhile, David and I will go around the right side, while Evan and Tyler go around the left. We'll sneak up from behind," Evamee restated their plan, quiet enough so that no one else heard.
After Kelly explained the rules once more since it was mandatory, the two teams grabbed their guns and vests and slid their cards in the little slot on top of the laser guns to register in the game. Before the round started, both teams went to their sides and waited for the bell to ring, signifying the game has started.
"What the hell are you doing?" The raven haired girl asked seeing Evan follow her and David go with Tyler. "Where's David going?"
"I told him to go with Tyler. Let's get 'er going, Ducky," Evan winked and started to walk around the arena like they had planned.
Not wanting to fuck their plan up, Evanee went along with it and followed Evan until they met at the opposing team's side with Tyler and David, right behind the other team who was completely oblivious to them.
Evanee raised her hand up to signal when they'd shoot. She counted down from three and as it went down to zero, there was nothing but chaos. 'The Banana Bus Squad' began shooting and it was ten points after another ten points and so on. Then they ran for their lives, Jonathan climbing to the second floor and shooting from a higher advantage.
The other four spread out around the arena, hiding behind corners, waiting for their enemies to pass by. It was the most fun any of them had since Evanee and Evan made that one agreement.
Now, the entire situation was flipped. Evan no longer wanted Evanee and went back to making her life hell, while she tried to do the same for him.
"Time is up! Both teams head to headquarters," Kelly appeared shouting. Headquarters was basically just the lobby, but the nickname sounded cooler.
Everyone rushed through the arena doors, hung up the vests and guns, and waited in the lobby to see their ranks.
The large TV in the center of the lobby had the word loading printed across the screen, leaving the the two teans who had just battled in absolute angst.
Then, one by one, words began appesring on the screen.
There was a long pause as each team huddled together, staring at the screen, hoping they had triumphed and would make it to the next round.
The Banana Bus Squad
A chorus of shouts and cheers flooded the building as the words appeared, making Evanee feel ecstatic. Although the tournament didn't seem like a huge thing, she couldn't deny that it made her monumentally happy to share some time with her friends, including Evan, no matter how much of a dumbass he was.
Suddenly, she was lifted off the ground and she felt something warm against her lips. She couldn't resist kissing Evan back as he lifted her up, but the moment ended too soon. Their three friends stood there dumbfounded, completely confused on the odd relationship between Evan and Evanee, but they made the wise decision to not question it.
"For tonight, why don't we call this a truce," Evan said over the loud commotion, looking at Evanee specifically, "and celebrate."
More shouts and cheers followed, b ut it stopped once they heard a small groan. "Its Thursday. We have school tomorrow," Evanee whined, knowing that she'd practically be half-dead if she didn't get enough sleep.
"Of course, little miss goody two-shoes would be the one whining," Evan smirked.
"You know what, fine. I'll go and whatever we're doing, I'll make sure that I'll kick your damn ass," the raven haired girl stuck her tongue out at Evan and then smiled with her three other friends as they left the Laser Tag Arena for a celebratory night out.
I'm honestly so sorry about not updating in forever. School has been hectic since it starts at like 7-2:30. Then I have to get home and do homework, which usually takes me four hours since I have all honors classes and I also take time for French club every week. Its all very tiring and I get really busy, so apologies on my behalf. Vote and comment what you think on the chapter and what the group should do
And as always, I hope ye enjoy (:)
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