Chapter 17
Evan didn't make a difference.
With the time they had spent watching bad movies and eating cheap cake, they couldn't deny that there was no negative aspect due to Evan's absence.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow at school, okay?" Evanee said as the three of them exited the front door seeing that it was already late and her aunt would be home pretty soon.
Throwing away the leftover cake and cleaning up the mess, Evanee's smile never left her face. Why did she even cry over something, or specifically someone, so stupid?
If there was one thing Evanee didn't want to waste her time doing, it was crying over someone who didn't give two shits about her. The raven haired girl was glad that she finished her homework at school today since it was already late. Instead of waiting for Gemma to arrive, Evanee went upstairs, took a shower, and got ready for bed.
As Evanee laid down in her bed in her pikachu footie pajamas, a sudden noise made her jump.
"Evanee! Come down here!"
Hearing Gemma's voice, Evanee came running down the stairs, a bit scared of her tone.
When she reached the foot of the stairs, Gemma was standing there with a man standing next to her.
"Oh, there you are. I know this is sudden but I want you to meet Drew, my boyfriend. I know I've been taking a little longer than usual at work and I thought you deserved to know why," Gemma explained with a huge smile on her face.
There was nothing better than seeing Gemma happy after everything her aunt had done for her for so long. It was amazing to know that Gemma had finally found someone to talk to other than her.
Evanee held her hand out, which Drew politely shook. He had a strong grip, but not strong enough to actually hurt the teenage girl when they shook hands.
Drew slightly reminded Evanee of Jonathan in the way their body types were. The two were both tall and a tiny bit thin, but Drew had black hair and a short beard. He didn't dress like a forty year old adult would, but neither did Gemma. In fact, her thirty-nine year old aunt would occasionally 'borrow' some of her clothes.
"Its nice to meet you, Drew. I'd love to learn more about you, but I unfortunately have school tomorrow so I'll have to go. I'm assuming you're sleeping here?"
There was a short, unsure glance towards Gemma, but she nodded, assuring Drew he'd be staying the night.
Gemma planted a short kiss to her niece's forehead before she sent her off to bed.
"Your niece is exactly how you described," Drew said smiling as the two of them sat down on the couch. "Beautiful and kind just like her amazing aunt."
"I'm glad you like her. Evanee usually isn't so open with people. I bet its that nice boy Evan across the street," Gemma smiled to herself, remembering the picture she had taken.
A certain look crossed Drew's features. "Evan? As in Evan Fong?" The dark brown haired woman nodded, wondering why it mattered.
"Troublemaker, he is. I used to tutor the boy. I'd make sure that Evanee doesn't get hurt if she hadn't already."
There was no sunlight streaming through her window today. The sky was basked in gray, meaning it might rain later on in the day.
After getting ready for school and changing into a pairof jeans and a black hooded sweater that had the Black ops 2 symbol on it, Evanee walked down the stairs to find Gemma and Drew already eating breakfast.
"Morning ducky," Gemma greeted. "The bus comes in like fifteen minutes so so you have enough time to eat. Your plate is on the counter."
Not that she was planning to go with Evan, but Gemma usually thought that her niece got a ride from him every morning. Ignoring the fact, Evanee grabbed her plate and sat down next to her aunt at the table and began eating.
"So, Drew and I talked last night about a few things. We've actually been dating for quite a while and I've been planning for Drew to move in, if that's alright with you?" The green eyed girl nodded, not really minding if it made Gemma happy. "Good and we also talked about Evan across the street. We thought it best for you not to hang around him anymore."
"I don't plan to," Evanee said with a scowl, immediately regretting that she did after seeing the sad look on her aunt's face. "It's nothing, Gemma."
"Like hell it's nothing. You know what I'm going to go there and talk to his mom. That little-"
She felt a hand touch her back and looked down to see Drew with a concerned face. "Don't jump to conclusions. Let Evanee go to school and we'll work this out later."
Evanee was in absolute awe. Nobody, not even hereself, could calm Gemma down when she was really mad. Having Drew around would probably be better than what Evanee would have guessed.
With a quick goodbye from Gemma and a short 'bye kiddo' from Drew, Evanee grabbed her backpack and walked towards the bus stop.
Before her stood hell disguised on earth and standing next to the gates stood Satan disguised as none other than Evan with Sydney standing right next to him.
The raven haired girl didn't even give the asshole the satisfaction of a second glance as she walked through the school gates. Hell, if he was 'done' with her then she wouldn't give a single fuck and live her life without any remembrance of him.
"Hey cunt!" Evanee heard behind her. She didn't bother looking back due to the fact that Evan had called her a cunt or just because it was Evan. "Evanee!"
A wicked smile crossed her features as she turned around to see Evan behind her. "That's me. Who are you exactly?"
Evan scowled. "You know who I am."
"I don't believe so, sorry." Her green eyes focused on him steadily before she shrugged and walked to her next class.
Also a filler chapter, but something exciting may happen in the next chapter *wink wonk* The votes and comments I get on each of my chapters is incredible in my opinion so I want to thank everyone who's been doing that. It honestly makes me so happy and by seeing that you like it, I try to update as much as I can. So please vote and comment how you feel about Evan and what you think about Drew^-^
And as always, I hope ye enjoy (:)
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