Chapter 14
"If you're here to get back together, you'll have to work for it," Sydney bit her lip seductively, smirking at Evan. The teenage boy was angry as ever, but he knew better than to take it out on Sydney. She probably would exaggerate and lie about Evan harassing her.
Evan remained completely serious, his jaw clenched as he stared at Sydney. "Leave Evanee alone, alright?"
A surprised expression replaced Sydney's seductive facade. "You can't seriously like her? What makes her so special?"
The fact that Evan was standing up for Evanee honestly surprised the stuck up girl. He never did that for her. Evan never stood up for any of his past girlfriends. Why did the simple green eyed girl get special treatment?
"She's different, Sydney. Evanee isn't a fucking slut like you," Evan said matter of factly. "So just do yourself a favor and stay away from her."
He left without waiting for a response, fairly satisfied with what he said. A smile was etched on his face as he walked back to the table, scaring his three original friends. They were all a bit scared of what Evan had done, though Evanee was completely oblivious to what they were thinking. She just sat smiling as she saw Evan with a smile on his face.
"Why are you so smiley?" Evanee asked, letting him sit next to her, which he gladly did.
"Because I talked to Sydney and told her not to mess with my little ducky," Evan whispered in her ear. The raven haired girl began to blush, the pink color lighting up her pale skin. "Its almost eight. I'll see you guys at lunch."
Tyler nodded slowly, watching Evan walk away. He got up and walked to his next class with Evanee, while Delirious and David walked to their first period.
Classes went by smoothly for Evanee like always, but she was still ecstatic when lunch came by since sitting in a classroom was painfully boring.
By the time she got to the table, all of her four friends were already sat down with company. Sydney and two other girls were standing next to the table, flirting with all the guys.
Evanee didn't want to talk to or even look at the dirty blonde she devil unless she absolutely had to. So before anyone saw her, she quickly walked to the school library. The straight-A student greeted the librarian. Before hanging out with Evan, Evanee loved sitting in the library to read or write. As sad as it sounds, the librarian was someone who knew all about and someone who she talked to regularly.
"I haven't seen you in here for a while. Is something wrong because i heard about what had happened with that Evan kid last Friday?" Mrs.Morillo asked as Evanee took a seat down on one of the bean bag chairs in the corner.
"Nothing's wrong. We kind of worked it out and I hang out with him and his friends during school now."
Mrs.Morillo clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, signifying that she disapproved. "Those kids are plain trouble and if you are hanging out with them, why aren't you there now?" The married, thirty-eight year old librarian asked.
"You caught me there. Sydney Weathers hangs around them as well and she and I don't get along well," Evanee sighed.
The middle aged librarian looked at the young girl in sadness, knowing that most things didn't bring Evanee down so this must have been a slightly bigger deal than she thought. She began sorting books, leaving Evanee to think.
She liked Evan, that was the main problem. If she didn't, she wouldn't be threatened by Sydney and she wouldn't find herself thinking of him so much.
The green eyed girl was never fond of the idea of getting a boyfriend in high school and Evan, especially, was no exception. He was know for dating then ditching, something Evanee didn't want to experience. From now on, she'd keep a relatively safe distance from Evan.
Getting up from her seat, Evanee said her farewell to Mrs.Morillo and headed to the tables. The three other girls were still there, but she didn't care much now. As she walked towards the table, a pair of eyes caught hers and before she knew it, she was enveloped in a hug.
"Little ninja thought she could get away from us, did she?" A laugh left her lips as David spun her around. "You're stuck with us."
David sat down, pulling Evanee next to him. She would've politely declined and sat next to Evan, but she knew that it was bad idea seeing that Sydney was here.
She could feel the judgemental stares of the three girls on her as they began talking.
"Where were you?" Evan asked. He had an idea why she was gone. He knew how Sydney felt about Evanee, but he didn't know that Evanee would actually avoid them in order to avoid Sydney.
"I had to check out a book from the library," Evanee muttered, a bit cold heartedly. She didn't mean for her words to sound mean, but maybe it was for the best if she wanted Evan to leave her alone for a bit. The raven haired girl instantly turned her attention to David, knowing that she she wasn't prepared for Evan's cold stare.
David recognized the odd tension. The tall Irishman would've known if something had happened with Evan, since the two were close which meant that this was all Evanee. David pondered for a moment, trying to figure out a reason to why Evanee would act this way to Evan.
After a few minutes of contributing a few words to his conversation with Evanee, something in his brain clicked. He knew Evanee liked the Canadian boy and he also knew that Evanee was precautious.
Probably knowing that Evan is a player and that Sydney wanted her to back off, Evanee was doing her best to keep Evan away.
The teenage boy's eyes lit up, hearing that Evanee was finally talking to him. He nodded towards her quickly, annoying Sydney since they were in the middle of a conversation.
"I don't need a ride home. I might just take the bus today or get a ride from David," a frown replaced Evan's smile and he bitterly said okay.
"I can drop you off," David said out of the kindness of his heart, though he had a few questions to ask her privately. "Just meet me at the parking lot after school."
The bell rang as his sentence ended, resulting in the five friends and the three girls going to their classes.
I am so sorry for not updating for like a week or so. School started last Monday and I've been busy the entire week with homework and family. Hopefully, you guys appreciate ths update and like the chapter. Vote and comment your opinion or what you want in the chapters. Thank you^-^
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