Chapter 11
"I don't think koalas are rare delicacies in China, David." Evanee stared at the taller boy and shook her head. "I'm pretty sure people don't eat koalas, period."
David rolled his eyes and didn't bother replying, now knowing that he was wrong. The five teenagers were at Jonathan's house and currently bored out of their mind.
As they continued chatting and arguing on about random topics, Tyler abruptly stood up from the single couch in Jonathan's living room. Four pairs of eyes turned to him in curiosity.
"Mondays suck ass but we are going to make the most out of this shit," Tyler started. "I know that you two have to be home around nine, Evan has to be home by eleven, and I don't know about Evanee."
Tyler nodded and clapped his hands together. "Well its already four so we have five hours to go anywhere. Suggestions?"
There was a small pause as each of them tried to think of where to hang out.
"Skate park?" Jonathan asked. The other guys turned him down seeing that he was the only one who enjoyed skating.
Another short pause of silence fell upon them.
"There's a laser tag place near here that I used to go with my aunt. Its pretty big and a lot of people don't know about it, so we probably we could have our own private game," Evanee suggested.
"Sounds good," David said, headong towards the door. "I guess we'll be going in Evan's car."
After Jonathan said goodbye to his mother upstairs, the five of them walked back to the school parking lot and crowded inside Evan's car. Evanee had to sit in the passenger seat so she could give Evan directions to the laser tag place.
"I thought you were exaggerating when you said its big," Jonathan said in awe. The building was in fact huge and they weren't even in the actual arena.
As they entered the doors, the four boys could see where they'd actually be playing. Through a small window, the dark arena could be seen. It was basically a gigantic room filled with UV lights to light up the place and different obstacles to hide behind or under. Evan could even see a second floor they could climb up to, so they'd be able to shoot from atop.
While the four boys crowded around the tiny window, Evanee went up to the round table in the corner of the room. A young woman stood there staring at the teenagers in confusion and amusement.
The young, blonde woman smiled as she saw Evanee walk up to her. "First time?"
"Theirs, not mine. Five people, two rounds," Evanee told her, pulling out her wallet. "Make the first round free for all and second one teams."
"You got it. That'll $50."
The total seemed a bit large, but that was because each thirty minute round was $5 each. David had headed towards them just in time to hear the final price and called the rest of his friends over. Like the good friends they were, they each contributed their $10.
"Great. Well I'm Kelly. I'll basically be supervising your game today to make sure there's no funny business going on." She was right to since the four boys could get a bit rowdy. "First off, we'll need some codenames."
One by one, the boys gave her their codenames and entered it onto a card. They all went by their Youtube Channel names, while Evanee had chosen LyteNyx.
Kelly eyes went wide for a second as she heard the name. "Wait, LyteNyx as in the top of leader board."
The boys watched the exchange in confusion, wondering what Kelly was going on about. The blonde girl grabbed a remote and pointed it to a TV screen hanging over the doors leading to the arena.
"I guess you guys don't know, but we have a professional in our midst. I wasn't employed here when this was a big thing, but your friend here was Laser Tag Champion for five years straight a few years ago," Kelly told them, pointing to the list of codenames on the screen.
Evan smiled at her. That was another fun thing added to Evanee's amazing personality in his eyes.
"Damn," Jonathan said laughing. "I'll make sure to avoid you when we're in there."
Kelly cleared her throat to catch their attention again. She explained the many rules of the game like no hitting or shoving. "Now once we get inside, there will be laser guns lined up against the wall, which will be attached to a vest. Pick any one of them and scan your card in the little circle at the top of the gun. You'll know if you've done it right once your codename appears. This will track who you shoot and who shot you and your points. If youre shot on any of the targets on your vest, it will vibrate and you'll have two seconds to get out of the line of fire."
After hearing Kelly's long explanation, the five friends walked inside the small room filled with lader guns. They did as they were told and each of their names appeared on their guns.
"Okay, we get fifteen seconds before the game starts so find a place to hide. Its every man for himself," Evanee slyly smiled and took off running into the arena.
A loud voice counted down through the speakers and the rest of them scrambled in different directions. The arena was highly confusing since it was a bit dark and there were mirrors in many places, but that didn't stop David as he shot Jonathan in the back.
"What the fuck," the blue eyed boy shouted out feeling the vest vibrate. He turned around to see David running away. "Come back here bitch!"
While those two ran around, Evan was absolutely lost. He was on the far end of the arena walking around and looking for someone to shoot, but he couldn't find anyone. The dark haired boy then realized he could climb to the top level and get a good view of everyone. As he reached the top, he could see Jonathan and David on the other side running in circles and shooting each. Then his eyes landed on Evanee slowly creeling up behind Tyler, who looked equally as lost as he did a while ago.
A scream filled the room as Tyler turned around to see Evanee just in time as she shot him in the chest. Before he could shoot her back, she was running away, climbing up to the second floor.
Making sure Tyler didn't follow her, she turned around to check. Once she was sure no one was behind her, her feet began moving again but her entire body dropped to the floor just as she started moving.
A groan came from under her and she opened her eyes to see Evan looking back at her. "Evan?"
He didn't say anything as Evanee looked at him. The only thing he could focus on was her body pressing against his and her hands on either side of him.
A vibrating feeling snapped him out of his daze and he stared at Evanee in shock. The raven haired girl had shot him and ran away, laughing.
He quickly recomposed himself and ran after her. Evan knew that she was aware he was behind her since she didn't stop running. It was difficult to shoot her while running, but when he finally did, Evanee stopped.
"Took you a while," her green eyes reflected her happiness. Before Evan could respond, he was shot by Jonathan, who in turn was shot by David.
In a second, the five of them stood in the middle of the arena, guns aimed.
"Say hell to my little friend," the guys couldn't hold in their laughter at Evanee's horrible scarface impersonation, but the laughter abruptly ended as each of them was shot by the shorter girl. "Later bitches!"
None of them could shoot her in time, which left the four of them aiming their guns at each other once again. Tyler tried to shoot David, but the tall Irish boy ran away. At the exact same time, Evan and Joanthan shot each other but before they had a chance to shoot again, a bell rang, signaling the end of the game.
"Holy shit that was awesome," Tyler shouted as they walked out of the arena. "And Evanee's fucking scarface voice was amazing."
All of them shared a good laugh as they stood staring at the TV, waiting for their scores. Kelly appeared smiling as the scores showed up on the TV. In last place was Tyler, fourth was David, third was Evan, second was Jonathan, and first was Evanee.
"And LyteNyx wins again," Kelly announced. "Are you guys teamed up for the next round?"
Evan quickly grabbed Evanee and carried her over her shoulder, running through the door and grabbing a gun.
"I guess this means we're a team?" Evanee laughed as Evan set her down.
"You know it, Ducky."
I finally updated^-^ This chapter is kind of crappy but I got it done thanks to PinkNeonGurl. I'd really appreciate if you guys would comment and vote because it really makes my day and inspires me to write chapters more often. ♡
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