The long night
The battle is about to start. The unsullied, the second sons and the Dothraki are lining up on the fields of Winterfell.
Missandei and Grey worm are shown in the courtyard of Winterfell.
They kiss.
Grey worm walks out to the field and joins the unsullied.
Sansa and Arya are standing on the walls of Winterfell. Looking out over the field.
Jamie and Tormund are also on the walls.
They are preparing the archers.
Jon and Daenerys walk through the courtyard. They stop and look at each other.
Be careful.
Daenerys nods at him.
She starts walking away.
Jon watches her. This might be their last night alive. This might be their last moment together. She was his aunt. But right now that didn't matter. He'd regret it if he died without telling her how he feels.
Daenerys stops. She turns around and looks at him.
He walks up to her and grabs her hand.
His eyes has a soft expression.
I love you.
And I love you.
Their faces are inches apart. They look deeply into each other's eyes.
Daario walks up to them.
Daenerys. The dead are approaching. We need to get you in position.
Way to ruin the moment.
Daenerys walk off.
Jon grabs Daario's arm.
Look after her.
Daario looks at Jon with a slightly annoyed expression.
You're not the only one who loves her.
Jon lets go and Daario walks away.
A woman on a horse is seen walking by the castle of Winterfell. She approaches the Dorthraki. It's Melisandre. The red woman.
She approaches Jorah, who is standing next to the Dorthraki.
Do you speak their tongue?
Jorah is hesitant if he should answer, but then he nods his head.
Tell them to lift their swords.
Jorah does what she says. He turns to them and tells them to lift their swords in dorthraki.
Melisandre walks up to one of the Dothraki riders. She grabs his sword.
She starts mumbling something in high valyrian. Soon, all the blades of the dorthraki light up on fire.
At first, the Dothraki are frightened by the witchcraft. But then Jorah tells them something in dorthraki to calm them down.
Melisandre rides towards the gates on Winterfell. She passes Grey worm and looks at him.
Valar morghulis (all men must die)
Valar dohaeris (all men must serve)
Davos sees Melisandre as she enters the gates.
He is infuriated. She is the one that burned little Shireen alive. He swore that he would execute her for murder the next time he saw her.
He walks up to her.
There's no need to execute me, Ser Davos. I'll be dead before the dawn.
Melisandre walks away.
Davos is confused by her words. But there is no time for a quarrel. The dead are coming. And they need all the help they can get.
Daenerys has flown her dragons onto a cliff beside Winterfell.
She watches the army from above. She is supposed to wait for the signal. She is supposed to wait for the night king.
The dead come closer and closer to Winterfell.
Now they are so close that they can be seen through the darkness of the night. But there is no sign of the night king.
The dead suddenly stop.
None of the armies move. They just look at each other.
Suddenly one of the dead start running towards the dorthraki.
Then one more, and another and another. Soon the whole army is running towards them.
The dorthraki run with their horses towards them, as they scream out a warrior scream (sort of like loolololololo, you get what I mean).
Both armies clash.
It's a hard battle. Some of the Dothraki fall.
Some of the dead run through the army and start attacking the second sons and the unsullied.
The unsullied pull out their spears (that have been embellished with draginglass) and start stabbing the death.
Soon the dead start approaching Brienne and her army.
Stand your ground!
Daenerys watches the battle from above. She knows she is supposed to wait, but she can't just stand by and watch as her army is fighting.
She mounts Drogon and flies off. Rhaegal follows them.
She starts lighting part of the dead on fire.
Arya and Sansa are still watching from the wall.
Arya turns to Sansa.
Go to the great hall.
I'm not abandoning my people.
Take this.
Arya hands her a dragon glass blade.
I don't know how to use it.
Stick them with the pointy end. Go.
Sansa is hesitant at first, but then she walk away to the great hall.
Arya pulls out her spear and prepares for battle.
As Daenerys is flying Drogon and burning the dead, she sees the white walker sitting on their horses, behind the army.
She flies towards them. If she can burn them, most of the army will perish.
She gets closer and closer. But before she can burn them, she is caught in a snow storm.
She can't see anything. She is completely disoriented.
Since Daenerys isn't there to burn the dead, her armies take a lot more damage.
Many of the soldiers fall.
In the courtyard, Sam is fighting. Suddenly he falls over.
Edd walks up behind him.
Sam! Sam get up.
Edd pulls him up. They both face each other.
Suddenly, Edds mouth is filled with blood. A dead has attacked Edd.
Sam is shocked by his death. But he can't stop. There's no time. He keeps on battling the dead.
Brienne and Jamie are seen fighting in the field.
They haven't lost too many men yet. But they want to maintain as many of the men as they can.
They look out at the field and watches as thousands and thousands of dead run towards them
They look at each other, then they nod.
Fall back!
Fall back!
The armies rushes towards the gates of winterfell.
The armies run past the trench.
The gates of winterfell open and the armies run through the gates and into winterfell.
The hound runs through the field with some dead behind him. Suddenly fire arrow shot them.
It's Arya, she's trying to protect him.
The other archers are shooting the dead that make it past the trench.
When all the men have gone through the gates, they close.
Jamie runs to Davos on the gates of winterfell.
Light the trench.
Davos lights the torches and waves them in the air.
That is the signal that Daenerys should light the trench. (a track around winterfell. It is meant to work as a shield)
Davos waves and waves, but nothing happens.
Jon looks up to the sky.
He can't see Daenerys, Drogon or Rhaegal.
She can't see us. Send some men down with torches.
Some soldiers try to light the trench with torches, but they are attacked by wights.
Davos tries to think of a solution. How can they light the trench without the dragons.
Then he gets an idea.
Melisandre walks out of the gates. She has a shield of unsullied around her.
They pierce every dead that comes close with their dragon glass spears.
Melisandre walks up to the trench and puts her hand on it.
She starts speaking something in high valyrian, just like she did with the swords. However, this time it doesn't light up right away.
The dead come closer and closer.
Melisandre grows more and more nervous. She speaks faster and faster. Nothing happens.
The dead are almost there now.
Melisandre says it one more time.
Then the trench lights up.
It creates a barrier of fire around Winterfell.
The first dead who try to cross it are destroyed by the fire.
The rest of the army stops in front of it.
As the trench lights up, Daenerys sees it through the fog.
She flies towards the light and gets past the storm.
She starts attacking the army of the dead again, blowing fire at them.
Jon takes a deep breath when he sees her, Drogon and Rhaegal lighting the dead on fire again.
Tyrion, Sansa, Varys, Gilly and the other women and children are sitting in the great hall.
A woman is sitting with her child. The baby is crying.
The woman tries to calm the baby.
Tyrion is standing in the middle of the room. He is not happy that he is there.
If we were up there, we might see something. Something that makes a difference.
Varys sighs at Tyrion.
What? Remember the Battle of Blackwater? I brought us through the mud gate.
And got your face cut in half.
And it made a difference. If I was out there right now...
You'd die.
Tyrion looks at Sansa
There's nothing you can do.
You might be surprise at the lengths I'd go to avoid joining the army of the dead. I could think of no organisation less suited to my talents.
Witty remarks won't make a difference. That's why we're down here, none of us can do anything. It's the truth. It's the most heroic thing we can do now. Look the truth in the face.
Tyrion looks up in a sort of a "I don't like what you're saying but unfortunately it's true" type of way.
Maybe we should have stayed married.
You were the best of them.
Tyrion laughs and she smiles. They look at each other.
What a terrifying thought.
Suddenly the smiles disappears from Sansa's face.
It wouldn't work between us.
Why not?
The dragon queen. Your divided loyalties would become a problem.
Sansa and Tyrion turn to Missandei.
Without the dragon queen, there'd be no problem at all. We'd all be dead already.
Missandei walks away. Sansa looks at the ground. What is that feeling she is feeling. Does she feel guilt? Should she be thankful towards Daenerys? Jon loved her, and Tyrion supported her. Two people in her life that she trusted. Perhaps, she should trust her too?
Theon, Bran, the Karstarks and the Greyjoys are in the godswoods.
They are ready for battle, waiting for the night king to attack.
They lit the trench.
Bran, I just want you to know. I wish... The things I did...
Everything you did brought you where you are now. Where you belong. Home.
Theon is thankful for Brans words.
I'm going to go now.
Go where?
Brans eyes go completely white.
He wargs into some crows who fly towards the storm that caught Daenerys.
As they go further away from Winterfell, they see a figure in the sky. It's the night king and Viserion. He is waiting.
Once he sees the crows, he mounts the dragon and flies after them.
The white walkers come trough the army of the dead and stand in front of the trench.
They look up at Jamie, Davos and the others.
Then one of them lifts his spear.
He slams it down on the ground again.
One dead runs towards the trench, is "killed" and falls on it.
Then another one does the same thing.
Jamie carefully watches. He doesn't understand what they are doing.
Then another dead does the same, and another, and another.
Soon there are enough dead lying on each other to cover the fire. Almost like a bridge of dead bodies.
Jamie realises what they are doing.
When enough dead are covering the fire, The white walkers step through, and the remaining dead follow them.
The archers fire arrows at them. But it isn't enough to stop them.
Man the walls! Man the walls!
Come on! Man the walls!
Get out here! Get moving! Come on!
They man the walls.
The dead start running towards the walls. They climb onto each other and make a pile of themselves so that they can reach the top.
The dead that get to the top are attacked by Jamie, Brienne, Arya and Tormund, and other soldiers.
The other dead attack the gates.
They successfully breach the gates.
The remaining Dorthraki ride towards them and are able to cut through a lot of them on the horses.
Some of the unsullied also run through the gates and attack the dead in the field.
Jon joins them.
Daenerys is still firing at the dead.
Suddenly she hears a dragon screech, but it isn't Drogon's or Rhaegal's.
She turns to her left and sees the night king firing blue dragon fire at them.
Daenerys successfully dodges the attack.
She flies towards the night king. Drogon's grabs Viserion's neck.
Viserion gets out and flies up towards the clouds.
Daenerys follows him. Rhaegal does too.
She continues flying until she's over the clouds. The moon is full and it's lighting up the sky.
The night king can't be seen anywhere.
Drogon and Rhaegal wait. Daenerys tries to look for him, but she doesn't see him.
Suddenly he flies through the clouds and attacks Drogon.
Rhaegal attacks Viserion with his claws and pulls a bit of his neck off.
Drogon bites Viserion's wing.
Viserion manages to get out.
Rhaegal attacks Viserion, but Viserion grabs Rhaegal's neck and throws him down to the ground.
Rhaegal falls and Jon sees him.
Jon runs towards him.
Before Rhaegal hits the ground, he manages to use his wings to ease the landing.
Jon gets to Rhaegal, he is hurt.
Rhaegal looks at Jon and the looks up at Dany, Drogon, Viserion and The night king.
Jon looks up as well and sees Drogon and Viserion fighting.
Rhaegel looks at Jon and screams at him.
Then he lowers his shoulder, showing that Jon should mount him to help Daenerys and Drogon.
Jon wants to think about it, but he can't think about it. They're in the middle of a bloody war!
So Jon mounts Rhaegal, leans forward and puts his hand on Rhaegal's spikes, just like Dany taught him.
Rhaegal flies towards Drogon and Viserion.
Jon steers him towards Viserion's tail. Rhaegal grabs his tail and pulls him off Drogon.
Daenerys looks down and sees Rhaegal. But he has someone on his back.
It's Jon.
They both start attacking Viserion together.
Back in Winterfell the armies are fighting the dead with all they have.
The unsullied pierce them with their spears, the dorthraki attack them with their flaming sword and the second sons attack them with their swords.
Sam is fighting a wight.
More start approaching him. He turns around and tries to escape, but behind him are even more wights.
Sam tries to fight them off, but there are too many, far too many.
As he manages to kill one or two, the others walk closer and closer to him.
They start crawling on him, killing him.
Arya is seen fighting multiple wights.
She is able to fight multiple at once because of her double sided spear.
Suddenly something pulls her leg.
Arya falls on her back, with multiple dead approaching her.
Arya looks for her spear, but sees that it's behind the dead.
She crawls backwards in an attempt to escape, but the dead are fast.
She hits a wall. The dead comes running towards her.
Suddenly something jumps up and pushes the dead away.
Arya looks to her left surprised and sees a wolf killing it.
The wolf looks at Arya. Arya could recognise her anywhere. It's Nymeria.
Soon they can hear numerous howls as a wolf pack approaches Winterfell.
The wolves start killing the dead.
Arya gets up, grabs her spear and returns to the battle.
Beric and The hound are seen fighting the dead.
There is fire around them.
Suddenly the hound stops fighting and starts to breath heavy.
Beric protects him and fights off the wights around them.
Clegane! Clegane, we need you! You can't give up on us.
Fuck off! We can't beat them. Don't you see that, you stupid whore? We're fighting death! They can't beat death!
Tell her that.
Beric points up. The hound turns around and sees Arya throwing herself down the roof of one of the buildings.
She has multiple wights after her.
Arya jumps off the roof and continues attacking the dead.
She comes across a staircase. It's full of wights.
She throws herself down the stair with her back turned on them.
The hound and Beric goes after her.
Arya sees a door and walks trough it. Entering Winterfell.
The woman and the children are sitting in the great hall. They hear the battle outside of the walls.
Soon they hear screams outside the doors.
Help! Open the door!
Soon more and more people are standing outside, banging the door. Begging them to let them in.
Tyrion and Varys approaches the door.
The screams get louder and louder.
Until they suddenly stop.
Varys walks closer to the door.
He puts his ear towards it. He looks back at Tyrion.
He sakes his head.
Soon something big bangs the door.
It hits the door very hard, multiple times.
The door start barging.
The women and the children scream for their lives.
We need to get them to another room.
Sansa and Tyrion start guiding them towards another room further into the castle.
This way, right this way hurry.
They carry the children. And gives them to the adults to carry to the other room.
They start moving and closes the door behind them.
They rush through the corridors, trying to find a room with a door heavy enough to protect them.
As they enter new rooms, they close every door behind them.
Sansa turns to Tyrion as they walk.
There should be a storage room further down this hall to the right. That door should be big enough to stand against them.
Lead the way, my lady.
They are startle as they hear the wights come closer. They start walking faster.
They enter a new room. Varys closes the door behind him.
He starts walking towards the next room, when he suddenly stops.
Varys turns around and walks towards the door.
Tyrion notices and goes to him
Varys! Come on, we need to reach a safe room before the dead catches us and slaughters us all.
Get the women and children to safety. I'll hold them for as long as I can.
Don't be ridiculous. Come on now...
My loyalty. Lies with the people. If I can protect them, I will.
Tyrion's face drops. He realises that Varys isn't going to come with him. He has made up his mind.
Goodbye, old friend.
Tyrion leaves the room and closes the door. He rushes to get the women and the children to safety.
Varys holds the door. He can hear the dead behind the door. You can clearly see the fear in his eyes.
He tries to hold the door for a bit longer. But unfortunately the dead barge through.
Varys steps back as a giant dead enters the room.
Varys tries to attack him with a piece of dragonglass, but the giant grabs him by the neck and kills him.
Tyrion, Sansa and the others reach the storage room. They bring all the women and children and when everyone is inside they close the big wooden door and locks it.
All they can do now is stand behind and hope that door is enough to protect them.
The battle violently rages on.
The archers are firing at the wights while the soldiers attack with their weapons.
In the air, Dany and Jon are fighting Viserion and the night king.
Rhaegal pulls Viserion's wing as Drogon pulls his neck.
Drogon and Rhaegal pull and pull Viserion, but he doesn't die. What is dead can never die.
Viserion is the underdog and tries to escape.
While he does, Daenerys get a clear shot off Viserion's back, and the night king.
Drogon flies towards Viserion and uses his claws to push the night king of the dragon.
The night king falls to the ground.
Viserion flies away.
Neither Jon, nor Daenerys can see the night king.
The fields don't have any dead on them at the moment. Most of them are inside winterfell. There are bodies lying across the field.
Jon lands on the field and looks around to see here the night king is.
Jon spots him as he stands up from his fall.
The night king starts walking towards winterfell.
Jon runs towards him.
The night king turns around and looks at Jon.
He slowly raises his arms.
Jon knows what he is doing.
Jon runs as fast as he can.
Then the bodies on the field rise.
Inside winterfell, all the dead the armies had killed rise again, as well as the soldiers who fell.
Jamie, Brienne, Tormund, Daario and the unsullied and Dothraki watch in horror as the dead rise again.
In the crypts, the dead bodies of stark ancestors starts rising, leaving their graves. They leave the crypts. Now, there are dead inside winterfell as well.
Soon there are too many wights between Jon and the night king.
The night king starts walking towards winterfell again.
Jon starts fighting off the dead.
There are too many.
They surround Jon.
Then they are all burnt by dragon fire.
Jon turns around and sees Dany and Drogon burning the dead. Soon Rhaegal starts burning the dead as well.
Jon continues fighting the ones who aren't burned.
Dany dismounts Drogon and looks around.
Drogon and Rhaegal are still breathing fire on the dead.
She sees the night king near the walls of Winterfell.
She turns to Jon.
Daenerys points at the night king.
Jon nods at her and runs after the night king.
Dany goes to mount Drogon again when they hear a dragon screech from the sky. It's Viserion.
Rhaegal flies towards him. Drogon also flies towards Viserion before Dany can mount him.
Drogon and Rhaegal starts attacking Viserion in the air.
Daenerys is left on the field.
She looks around as dead start approaching her.
She is frightened and moves backwards to avoid them.
Then ghost attacks the wights in front of her.
In the distance she watches as a man of a horse approaches her.
It's Ser Jorah.
He jumps off his horse and fights off the dead, protecting his queen.
He takes her in his arms and they run towards winterfell.
Arya is inside another part of Winterfell.
It's quiet. She can't see any dead. She approaches the library, slowly.
Suddenly she sees some wights in the library.
She hides. She doesn't know how many there is, she doesn't want to attack, in case there are hundreds of them.
She crouches down and enters the room. There is a wight to her right.
The quickly moves behind a chair next to her.
She leans forward to see where the dead are.
She notices that there are a few more in the room.
She moves to the one of the bookshelves and she hides from the wights by standing on the shelf's narrow side.
She looks to her left, then to her right.
She moves to the next bookshelf. A dead approaches.
The dead get to the corner of the shelf. It gets closer and closer to her.
She grabs a small stone from the ground and throws it to the other side of the room.
The wight is distracted and walks towards the noise.
She gets to the other room. When she turns around, there is a dead right behind her.
She takes a dragon glass blade and quickly cuts it into the wights jaw, so that is doesn't scream.
She catches it and slowly puts it in the ground.
She walks further into the castle.
She spots a wight and gets ready to attack.
The wight has curly hair and looks quite young.
She looks at its face. She knows that face.
No.. No no no.
It's Rickon stark, her little brother.
She takes a step back. Another wight walks up. More and more of her family start gathering in the hall. They all look at her.
She is in shock. She can't move.
Suddenly something grabs her and someone steps in front of her. Beric has stepped in front of her and starts attacking the wights with his flaming sword.
The hound has grabbed her and starts running away.
Beric quickly follows them.
Arya and The hound run as fast as they can through the corridors of Winterfell. Arya's face is bloody and she is frightened. She just saw her dead brother trying to attack her.
They reach a tiny corridor that leads to a room with a big heavy door.
The hound and Arya get past the door and wait for Beric to get through.
Come on you cunt!
Something grabs Beric's foot and he falls. He kneels in the corridor with his arms on each wall, blocking the corridor.
Arya had a sad expression on her face, even the hound seems bothered.
They dead start attacking Beric and The hound closes the door and locks it.
The hound stands with his back to the door, breathing heavily.
The lord brought him back for a purpose.
Arya and the hound turn round and see Melisandre standing there.
Now that purpose has been served.
I know you.
And I know you.
You said we'd meet again.
And here we are. At the end of the world.
You said I'd shut many eyes forever. You were right about that too.
Wights can be heard banging on the door. Arya turns to the door.
What do we say to the god of death?
Arya has a slight smile on her face.
Not today.
The night king enters Winterfell, where the battle is raging on.
Brienne spots him. She hesitates at first, but then she runs towards him.
The night king grabs his sword once her sees her running towards him.
Their swords clash.
Brienne attacks but the night king dodges her attacks.
Something stabs the night king from behind. It's Jamie who plunged his sword into the night king.
The night king pushes him and Jamie falls back.
The night king slowly pulls out Jamies sword and Brienne watches in horror.
The night king attacks her again.
Jamie quickly gets up and aids Brienne. They both fight the night king. Unsuccessfully unfortunately.
The night king pushes Jamie to the ground once more and he cuts Brienne so that she also falls to the ground.
The night king walks towards Brienne. She crawls backwards, with her hand on the wound.
Jamie sees them, stands up and runs towards them.
Just as the night king is about to strike, someone jumps in front of him.
The night king plunges his sword into the man in front of him.
Brienne sees the blade come through his back, and she can see his red hair, shining in the light of the moon.
The man slightly turns his head towards Brienne.
It's Tormund.
Briennes eyes fill with tears.
Run, Ser... Brienne of Tarth.
Brienne is in shock. Jamie gets to her and helps her get up and they run.
Tormund doesn't quit.
He steps back, with the night kings sword still in him, and he attacks him with his sword. Nothing happens.
The night king pulls out his spear and plunges it through Tormund's chest.
Tormund falls to his knees.
Tormund raises his hand to attack the night king again, but the night king grabs his arm, pulls our his sword from Tormund's body and strikes his head so that he falls to the ground.
The night king looks at Tormunds body, then he continues walking towards the godswoods.
The woman and the children are frightened.
The babies are crying.
Sounds can be heard from outside the door.
The dead are getting closer and closer to the door of the room.
Tyrion and Sansa look at each other.
Sansa brings out the dragon glass blade Arya gave her.
She looks at Tyrion and gives it to him.
He takes it.
They look at each other for a moment. He grabs her hand and he kisses the back of it.
Tyrion goes to the door and stands there, ready to attack once the dead barge in.
Jorah and Daenerys are attacked by wights.
Jorah fights off as many as he can and ghost helps him as well.
Daenerys sees a corpse lying on the ground with a dragon glass sword in his hand.
She picks the sword up and start attacking the wights.
Jorah attacks one of the wights and Daenerys pierces her blade through their head.
Jorah gets a few hits by some of the wights, but Daenerys does her best to help him and to protect him.
Ghost also fights off the wights.
In the sky, Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion are fighting viciously.
Drogon and Rhaegal are biting and pulling Viserion, and he does the same to them.
All three dragons are wounded.
They breath fire at each other, but none of them take any damage by the fire.
In Winterfell, Jon can be seen running through the courtyards.
He is devastated by what he sees.
Everyone is fighting for their life.
Davos is seen fighting wights in the corner.
Brienne has a hard time standing with the wound on her side, still she attacks the wights with everything she has.
Jamie isn't too far away from Brienne and he is fighting two wights at the same time.
Daario fights multiple wights, and like Arya he moves around, almost dancelike, when he fights.
The unsullied are piercing the wights with their spears and they protect themselves with big shields.
The dorthraki are riding through the wights with their horses. Some are fighting on the ground as well.
As Jon walks, one of the Dothraki riders falls down in front of him and the horse is attacked by dead.
The wolves are also attacking the Wight. They jump on them and rip them apart by biting and pulling parts of their bodies off.
Even little Lyanna Mormont is seen fighting a wight. She is a good fighter, considering how small and young she is.
He sees numerous soldiers bodies on the ground. He sees some dead dire wolves as well.
Jon sees Edd's, Sam's and Tormund's bodies on the ground.
He wants to cry, but there is no time. He needs to get to Bran before the night king does.
He fights off the wights that get in his way and runs towards the Godswoods.
Theon is standing next to Bran.
Theon and the Greyjoys are attacking the wights.
Theon fires arrows at them.
Crows come down from the sky and attack the wights.
The night king enters the Godswoods.
Theon sees him.
Bran comes out of his warg.
Theon fires arrows at the night king, but it doesn't do anything.
Theon drops his bow and pulls out his sword.
Theon turns to Bran.
You're a good man, Theon Greyjoy.
Theon is touched by his words.
Jon gets to the godswoods.
Theon runs towards The night king and the night king plunges his sword into Theon and he falls to the ground.
Jon is saddened by this. He didn't like Theon very much, but they had grown ups together. In a way, they were family.
Jon pulls out his sword, long claw.
The night king hears him and turns to Jon.
Jon attacks the night king.
Their swords clash.
They battle.
It's a hard battle.
The night king is a skilled fighter. But so is Jon.
The night king swings his sword at him, but he ducks.
Jon successfully cuts the night king with his sword. But it doesn't make a difference. It doesn't hurt the night king.
The night king swings his sword at Jon and cuts his leg. He falls to his knees
The night king raises his sword at him, but Jon blocks with long claw.
The night king raises his leg and kicks Jon towards the Godswood tree.
The night king turns around and walks towards Bran.
Jon stands up.
He picks up a dragonglass blade and starts running (or at least try to) towards the night king.
The night king turns around and grabs Jon by the neck.
Jon raises his arm to stab the night king with the dragonglass but the night king grabs his arm and Jon drops the blade.
The night king throws Jon towards the Godswoods tree.
Jon hits the tree and lies on the ground.
He tries to get up, but it hurts too much. He can't.
Tyrion, Sansa, Gilly, Missandei and the women and children are all in a big room, frightened off what's behind the door.
As the wights starts banging the door. Tyrion prepares to attack them.
The door starts to break. Hands start coming through the door.
Brienne, Jamie and the remaining armies are fighting the wights.
There are too many. Far too many.
Brienne and Jamie look at each other with a hopeless look.
Melisandre is still in a room inside winterfell.
Wights break through the doors and get to the room where Melisandre is sitting.
She tries mumbling something in high valyrian, but nothing happens.
She understands that her purpose has been served.
She doesn't do anything. She isn't even afraid.
She removes her necklace and drops it on the floor.
She becomes an old lady.
The wights attack and kill her.
Jorah, Dany and Ghost are still fighting the wights in the fields.
Jorah is clearly hurt.
One of the wight strike at his back and he almost falls over.
Daenerys holds out her hand towards him to ensure that he's alright.
Then more wights attack Daenerys and Jorah moves between them, takes the strikes and attacks them.
Jon finally manages to stand up. It hurts. His leg is cut and his shoulder is hurting.
Jon is standing by the Godswood tree. He has long claw in his left hand.
The night king walks towards Bran.
Jon sees Arya entering the Godswoods.
She stops when she sees the night king so close to Bran.
She runs towards the night king and pulls out her valyrian steal dagger.
The night king sees her and pulls out his spear. Arya tries to avoid his spear, but he manages to cut her arm. Arya falls and rolls towards some bushes about ten meters away from the tree.
Jon doesn't want his family to die. He doesn't want Daenerys and their child to die. He knows what he has to do.
Night King!
The night king doesn't respond. He keeps walking towards Bran without flinching.
Then Jon remembers what Bran told him.
The Night king stops. He turns around to face Jon.
Leave him alone. Leave them all alone.
He pauses.
Take me instead.
Jon, No!
Take me and I will continue Craster's pact with you. Just. Leave them alone.
The night king slowly walks towards Jon.
At first Jon takes a few steps back, walking closer to the Godswoods tree, then he stops.
The night king steps in front of him and holds out his hand. He wants a hand shake to seal the pact.
Jon looks at his hand for a moment. He looks up at Bran. Then he turns around and looks at Arya.
Arya has a sad look on her face, tears in her eyes and she shakes her head.
Jon takes a deep breath and slowly raises his hand.
His hand then quickly moves towards the night king chest and pushes him towards the tree.
He then plunges long claw through the night king.
Arya runs towards the tree as fast as she can.
Jon quickly takes a step back.
The night king doesn't die of corse. He raises his arm to pull out his sword.
Suddenly a flock of ravens attack the night king to prevent him from grabbing his weapon. It's Bran.
Arya jumps onto the night king and pushes a shard of dragon glass into his heart heart.
The night king looks at Arya, then he shatters into pieces. A huge shock wave is sent through Winterfell as the white walkers and the dead are destroyed.
As all the wights fall, Jamie, Brienne and the armies are shown.
They're confused at first, then they realised that they won.
They are relieved.
Viserion stops fighting and falls to the ground.
Tyrion and Sansa are shown in shock as they see the dead collapse. In front of them is a pile of dead's.
Arya and Jon look at each other.
They are both really tired.
Jon and Arya smile in shock and relief, and then they hug each other.
It's over, Jon thinks. It's all over.
As soon as Jorah sees that the dead are destroyed, he collapses.
He successfully protected his queen. Now he can rest.
Daenerys is devastated when she sees him fall to his knees, then to his back.
She kneels down beside him.
She picks him up in her arms as she starts to cry.
His breath becomes heavier and heavier. He dries the tear falling down Dany's cheek.
You have to be strong khaleesi. Your people need you now, more than ever. You must be their strength again.
As you were mine
I only ever wanted to serve you. It's an honour, to have died protecting you.
She could feel his breath leave his body. His chest stops moving. He's dead.
Jon walks out of winterfell, Daario comes after him.
They see Daenerys crying on Jorah's chest.
Both Jon and Daario look at them with sad expressions on their faces.
Daenerys shakes him in disbelief, trying to wake him up.
Jorah. No...... No, no, no. Please...
She places her head on his chest and cries.
Jorah, she thought.
She always knew he would protect her. She knew he would die for her.
Somehow she felt as if though she always knew this day would come, when she had to say goodbye. But that didn't mean that it hurt any less.
Drogon lands beside them.
He looks down at Dany and Jorah.
He smells Jorah.
He knows that he's dead.
Drogon places his dead next to Jorah and Daenerys and makes squeaking noises.
He is sad that Jorah is gone.
It's a sight that would make even the most coldhearted person cry. Two dragons, mourning the loss of a bear.
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