Chapter 2
"He is absolutely vicious!" Grandpa exclaims as he returns from upstairs, his hands swaying by his side furiously as he retreats. I grin from my seat on the couch, arms crossing as I study his shocked and wounded expression.
"I tried to warn you." I chuckle, leaning back my head as I stare up at the ceiling. "He doesn't like being woken up."
"Yami tried and almost succeeded to punch me in the his sleep!" He exclaims as he flops down beside me, my words falling on deaf ears. "What kind of beast is he?"
"He's Yami." I giggle. "He's in a species all his own, but we already knew that."
"You couldn't have said anything more true, my boy." Grandpa chuckles, reaching over to tiredly ruffle my hair. "I'm not too eager to give that another go, he may just hit his target next time."
"He wasn't really aiming for you," I nudge him gently. "he just lashes out in his sleep, so don't take it personally."
"Asleep or not, I'm not going back up there." He huffs good-naturedly."I suppose we'll just have to wait for him to wake up naturally before I can tell you my news."
"What is this all-important news?" I ask curiously. Grandpa looks over at me with an excited gleam in his eyes. "You can tell me and then catch Yami up later." I persist, my interest outweighing my sense of manners. Grandpa laughs as he turns to face me, resting his arm on the back of the couch as he meets my gaze head-on.
"I'm opening a second game America!"
"Grandpa!" I exclaim in excitement. "That's amazing, congratulations!"
"Thank you, my boy." He replies with a smile, his pride practically radiating from beneath his skin. Ever since I was little he had told me stories of America, promising me that one day he would open a store in the states, introducing duel monsters to American players. It seems that he's finally realizing his dream, his happiness is obvious, but I know my Grandpa. If he really manages to successfully open a second game shop in the states I don't imagine he would ever want to come back here permanently.
"When is the opening?"
"In a week."
"Are we going with you?"
Grandpa frowns and drops his gaze, his happiness dimming like a dying flame. "I'm afraid you can't come with'd miss far too much school." I'd like to say I was heartbroken by the news, but I also can't honestly say I didn't see this coming. His sadness is distressing, but I know once he gets to the states all of this stress will be forgotten. The selfish part of my brain wants to argue with him, demanding that he take me with him but I'm no longer the little boy Grandpa had been forced to raise for the past fourteen years. He deserves to go wherever his happiness takes him and I won't allow myself to impede his happiness any longer than my welfare already has. "I hope that you can forgive me."
"It's not a problem," I smile halfheartedly. "I would have loved to have been there with you, but I understand. You have to do this Grandpa, you've wanted this for years, you deserve to go and be happy."
"Thank you, Yugi." He sighs in relief, his smile returning as he leans in closer. "I feel my absence will be good for you and Yami as well."
"What do you mean?" I ask with what I hope is a convincing impassive expression. My heart pounds in panic as he continues to stare at me with a smile. He can't possibly know about my feelings for Yami or their maddening depth. I've done everything within my power to keep him at an arms-length, doing everything I can think of to keep him from getting involved, but it seems my efforts were in vain, Grandpa's knowing expression makes my stomach churn anxiously as I try to maintain my look of impartiality.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about."
I feel my face visibly flush as he calls me out.
"I-i...I'm so sorry." I stammer quietly.
"Why are you apologizing my boy?" He asks confusedly. "You have done nothing wrong."
"I have though," I protest. "I've been shutting you out and keeping secrets! I should have told you, you've done so much for me and I've only repaid you by avoiding telling you anything, I'm so sorry." Grandpa grabs my shoulders and forces me to meet his eyes.
"Yugi, take a breath" He smiles. "I'm not upset that you didn't tell me."
"You're not?"
"No," He soothes. "You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to. I was only suggesting that while I'm away you two may come to discover just how much you rely on one another, the change may be beneficial for the two of you." The double meaning of his words brings a wave of heat coursing through my bloodstream as he grips my shoulders.
"How long have you known?"
"Yugi I raised you." He chuckles. "I always knew." I blush in embarrassment. "The question is, have you told Yami?"
"I haven't told him, in so many words, but you know how insightful he is." I frown. "He probably already knows."
Grandpa hums in agreement, the noise doing nothing to ease the growing tension in my chest. There is a greater probability that Yami knows and doesn't feel the same way about me, yet there still remains a small percentile of hope that he remains blissfully unaware and I still have a chance. I think I'd rather hold onto my hope rather than my rationality.
"But you also know how reserved he is." Grandpa muses, scratching his beard absentmindedly. "Even if he were to suspect I doubt he would say anything about it until he was certain."
A small smile plays on my lips. Perhaps there is still hope after all.
"When do you have to leave for America grandpa?" He glances down at his wristwatch.
"In three hours."
"So soon." I smile sadly. "Then you better get going if you don't want to miss your flight."
"You're probably right my boy." He sighs, rising to his feet slowly. "Will you explain to Yami where I have gone off to?"
"Of course." Grandpa ruffles my hair in silent gratitude before walking off to grab his luggage.
The cold winter air bites into my skin as I wave Grandpa goodbye as he pulls out of the driveway, his car seamlessly pulling out onto the main road. He sends me one final knowing wink before disappearing around the corner. It is slightly relieving to know that grandpa understands and accepts my feelings, but I wish I could have enjoyed the feeling for longer than a few minutes. I smile faintly as I linger on the front step for a moment longer, staring down the street at the corner his car rounded just moments ago. I have the best grandpa on the planet.
The cold wind blows straight through my pajamas chilling my skin. I shiver as I turn back towards the house, my hands roughly rubbing warmth back into the numb skin of my arms. I pause in surprise as I find the front door open, Yami filling the space with a sleepy smile and curious look. I struggle to remain composed as I take in his glowing face freshly rejuvenated by sleep and his hair slightly tousled. Even just after waking up, he is absolutely breathtaking.
"Good morning Yugi." He smiles broadly as I walk up to him calmly.
"Morning," I mumble, walking past him into the warmth of the house. I sigh in contentment as my skin returns to its original temperature. "Sleep well?" I ask with a slight laugh.
"Yes." He replies as he closes the door with a click. "And in future reference, please tell your grandfather to never wake me up again."
"Oh, he tried to wake you?" I ask innocently. Yami levels with me a stare, reducing me to a quiet fit of laughter. "Did you really have to almost punch him?"
"I was having a good dream which he rudely interrupted." He says with an indignant frown. "And also you know how to wake me up without angering me, so I suggest that you do it instead of sending your grandfather into the demon's lair." He holds his fingers up in the shape of claws as he leers at me playfully, closing the distance between us with long, lazy strides.
"Yes, your highness," I mumble. Yami grabs my cheek and pinches it while tugging it towards him.
"I heard that."
"Yami!" I whine as he tugs on my cheek lightly. "Let go."
"Not until you apologize." He chuckles.
"I'm sorry," I say hastily.
"Now mean it." He says, pinching my cheek tightly. "It doesn't have any weight unless you mean it."
"I'm sorry," I say again, meeting his eyes. He smiles softly before releasing my cheek. I stare at him in surprise at the tender expression, but it quickly vanishes as he taps against my forehead with his knuckles lightly, snapping me out of my daze.
"Is something the matter?"
"No...nothing at all," I murmur walking into the kitchen hastily. I struggle to ignore the blush that is threatening to glow on my face, burning beneath my skin. Opening the fridge I allow the cool air to extinguish the flames roaring beneath my skin, temporarily extinguishing the flames until I feel his presence hovering behind me. He says nothing as I grab eggs, milk, and butter from the cool recesses of the fridge. I can feel his eyes following me around the room intently. The weight of his gaze feeling like a second force of gravity pushing down on me. I grab two mixing bowls and begin to crack and beat the eggs into a froth.
"Hmm?" I hum in response as I pour the eggs into a warm pan. The eggs sizzling as they meet the heat.
"Where has Solomon gone?"
"Oh, Grandpa," I murmur with a brief backward glance. "He has a store opening in America that he has to attend. He wanted to tell you in person, but you were violently sleeping so he couldn't." Yami glares at me half-heartedly as my tease finds its mark. "Must have been quite the dream if you were so adamant to stay there."
"It was a very good dream." He mumbles. Smiling faintly at the childish sound of his voice. He doesn't even realize just how endearing he sounds right now. "How long will he be gone?"
"You know, that's an excellent question." I muse, keeping my eyes trained on the golden yolks as I struggle not to break them. "I imagine he'll be there for a few months at least."
"Why didn't he take us with him?!" Yami demands, his hands colliding with the tabletop like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
"Grandpa didn't want us to miss any school," I explain consolingly as I dish up the scrambled eggs. "Education is important, you know."
"Yugi," Yami sighs. "Our last day of school before the break was Friday. We could have gone with him."
"What?" I turn around with a pout. "Don't want to be alone with me?" Yami stares at me in shock for a moment, crimson eyes wide as saucers, before quickly regaining his composure.
"That's not what I meant." He mumbles without meeting my eyes. Yami blankly stares into the living room, seeming to look anywhere but at me. I frown as I place his plate in front of him and take a seat across from him.
"No milk?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Are your legs broken?" He frowns indignantly as he rises to go and get his milk. "Please get me some."
"I should give you spoiled milk for that last remark." He mumbles as he walks past.
"That's just heartless."
He chuckles as he fills a glass with milk and gently sets it by my hand. The contents of the glass sloshing slightly from the movement. I take a nibble of my toast as I watch him sink into his seat across from me. His eyes meet mine and I find myself drowning in the brilliant hues of his iris, helpless and entirely unwilling to look away.
"Yugi, I have a question."
"I have one for you as well," I say with sweating palms. He looks at me curiously before resting his chin in his palm.
"You do?"
"Let's hear it."
"You brought it up first, so go ahead," I say with a smile, silently praying I sound more confident than I'm feeling.
"Why weren't you there?"
"Wasn't where?" I ask confusedly, taking a drink from my glass as he stares at me seriously.
"I woke up in the middle of the night and you weren't there. Where were you?"
My face flushes as I look down at my lap for a moment.
"I slept down here last night," I mumble.
"So many questions." I tease. Yami stares at me seriously.
"Answer the question."
"I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to wake you."
That was partially the truth, so he can't be too angry with me. I hadn't wanted to wake him or have to suffer in silence listening to his peaceful breathing while I was undergoing persistent emotional turmoil.
"Yugi, I could have helped you back to sleep."
"I'm fine Yami." I take a long drink from my milk, signaling my unwillingness to continue this conversation. From the look in Yami's eyes, I know there is still more he wants to say, but he won't out of respect for my boundaries. I can't help but clench my fingers into a fist underneath the table.
"So then, what is your question?" Yami asks cautiously.
"It's kind of strange," I admit with a dropped gaze. "maybe even a bit embarrassing."
"Sounds intriguing," Yami says with an amused smile. "Spill it."
I swallow the lump that has formed in the back of my throat. My heart pounds in my chest and I take a silent deep breath as I let the words slip past my lips.
"How do you seduce someone?"
Yami's face goes slack as a light shade of pink rushes to his cheeks. I watch in wonder as Yami sits speechless before me, his lips struggling to form any syllable other than the gently rounded shape of an o.
" do you ask?"
"I was just curious," I mumble. "I told you it was strange."
"So you have your eye on someone then." He mumbles to himself. I watch in confusion as his eyes harden, emotions flickering like flames in his irises. They pass so quickly that they are almost indiscernible. "It really depends on the person." He says finally after he regains his sense of self.
"Can you give me an example?"
"Well, if they are into literature I'd suggest reading one of their favorite novels and discussing it with them. Find one of their interests and share it with them. That's one of the sure-fire ways of...seduction." He answers awkwardly.
"Ok," I nod. "What else?"
"There's the physical aspect obviously." I look at him in confusion. He smiles at me fondly before continuing. "Such as, if you know what kind of appearance they are attracted to, you could try to model it." Nodding my head, I struggle to internalize all of this information. I really should have asked Grandpa this question before he left, but I suppose this works too. "So who's the girl?"
"The girl you're seducing...who is she?"
"I never said it was a girl."
"So it's a man." Yami's voice sounds choked as he says the last word. "Who?"
"Why the curiosity?"
"Do I know him?" He asks bluntly, ignoring my teasing. I smile secretively as I nod briefly before returning my attention to my breakfast.
He sits there in brooding silence, his eyes staring intently at his plate as he struggles to puzzle out the identity of my man of interest. I bite back a chuckle as I slowly consume my eyes. Let him think it over for a while. We both have a few things to think about, such as deploying any of these strategies Yami just shared without seeming too obvious.
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