"In the beginning of this world, this universe, this whole multiverse existing in space and time , there was nothing. There was a single being. A single entity. Chaos. Chaos was whirlpool of mist composed of darkness and spinning and spinning till the end of eternity. And it will never stop .It can't. It is from beingning and will be even after the end of everything. And one day . One fateful day ,my lord, a single universe weaved out from it and enclosed all that was there which was nothing. Then came another universe, then another . Till there was a multitude of universe called multiverse Chaos was the almighty. Didn't want anyone to worship it or built a bloody temple or mosque or church to it . And different universe so began the difference manifestations of creation. In one universe , God (the firstborn from Chaos) created hid universe and then came angels and Lucifer and all witches and warlocks and humanity. And in another, Ra and Aphophis continued to fight and universe ran siphoning their energy and replenishing it back in night . In another, Chaos himself have birth to Earth and sky from which came Titans and gods and humanity. And thus every universe has it own story of creation and gods but all were descendants of Chaos in alternate realities. Chaos was out of space and time. So when one universe died , then Chaos merged it's essence with another and those essence told people about gods of their universes and after a point , there was so much merging of universes that Chaos rested to itself and people chose to believe in gods they thought were true and powerful. And every god responded to all of them because every story was actually true but just a little bit messy."
Year -Early 21st century
"You are kidding me. " Marcus laughed .
"What? It has truth and imagine if it is really true . It can solve all conflicts. Because it essentially implied that all religion are true and were followed by all people of earth in different universes. So if all people of Earth 1 died following Christianity then it's essence transferred to Earth 2 people who follow Greek gods . So they start to believe in Christianity too . So it divided society into two parts. Thus there is a pattern and by merges over year , different gods and mythologies of different universes came together and all followed as they thought most appealing. But actually all were just different realities under the Chaos." Daniel explained excitedly.
"Ugh! Fine! I don't believe in any of them by the way . What happen was a big bang and boom you are sitting here thinking of stupid imagination?" Marcus sighed.
Beware homosapiens. The hell is opening and heaven is falling.. But you are the one to be sandwitched- Archangel
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