Chapter 9: Lucifer
It was very hard job. Try managing to keep demons in their places for more than thousand years. You just can't rest. Every time Lucifer thinks he is finally gonna take a rest , there is some problem. Someone lost a soul or someone forgot his whip today. It is total chaos. And his dad couldn't think of anything other than seemingly endless supply of souls everyday and him standing like assigner of souls. He was tired. Angels do get tired. They are not gods. They can be killed very difficulty , wounded too but then gods can too be wounded since they can't die due to immortality but are not invincible but most of all Lucifer was bored. He had to do same thing everyday . And Lilith! Where could he even start .
Since he was sitting on throne , she was intent on becoming his Queen even after he told her that it was not possible. He was growing angry more and more. And his anger grew, hell was raised. Demons become his puppets and he became their lord. In last 1000 years , his influence among mortals has grown faster than God. Even people who weren't fan of God , became quite obsessed with Lucifer. Many even began to argue in his favour. His power increased thus.
But he knew that he couldn't defeat God and his army alone with Lilith and demons. He needed more support. When he told about his plan to capture Gabriel and kill Michael, then there was overwhelming support. He knew that once he do this , there would be instability in heaven and he would have some advantage. But he still didn't know how to go to heaven. Lilith had one time disguised herself as soul for heaven and brought back rest two pieces of flaming sword by help of one of the angel. But now that angel was fallen and fallen angel can't fly to heaven.
Then there was other problem. Even with flaming sword , he needed some other celestials to support his claim to throne. He hadn't been in contact with Greek gods or pagans or Egyptians in years. No one has. Everyone had decided to set their boundaries. It was decided that Greek gods would be left untouched by issue of them when in Greece. Egyptians had literally slept. Most of them had. So there was no point in their support. They will not come in handy when it is required.
Roman gods...well they were just another form of Greek gods and they don't really take orders. Slavic gods were not seen for quite a while. His best chance was to get some greek friends but no one was his friend or foe even.
Many Greek goddess and gods were travelling around world but most of them were minor goddess or weak one . Lucifer was pretty sure that even he could defeat them without a sweat .
The main reason why Lucifer wanted their support because they were gods and thus their support will be immortal as they are immortal and as long as Lucifer maintains his terms which he always does.
He sent his demon birds to search for any god or goddess who had risen now. He was pretty sure that war in heaven would really stir anyone up. The task to find gods proved to be difficult since they had easily blend in with mortals.
And the ones found were not gonna help him. He already knew that . But when he recieved the news that Asteria herself was walking now, he couldn't be more amazed.
She was the only goddess not seen for millenia. She had never been anywhere in world until now. He quickly followed his birds and then enveloped the surrounding in darkness. Mortals were easy to manipulate since time was a matter of perception and who is best at deception and manipulation than Lucifer himself. Maybe Asteria too. He wasn't sure yet.
""Hi Lucifer! What can we do for you ?" Asteria smiled pleasently at him.
"You could start by telling what brings you up here on earth and who is this your friend? I don't recognise this god's aura." He looked suspiciously at Daniel who was standing stupefied.
"Oh! He is not a god. Just a mortal accompanying me. And when someone start a war in heaven, then it is hard to ignore." Asteria winked.
"Touche! And I thought you weren't aware of how people talk here after spending buried in an Island for millenia." He chuckled.
"Oh! I know more than you at least. Perhaps if you weren't too busy spending your time in fiery pit for so many years." She sighed.
"I would love to prove you wrong. Perhaps if you come down there , you would see that it is not so fiery as known to be." He looked at her .
"Thanks! But I am much better roaming here in calmer terrain." She refused smiling.
"I have a question. Can I ask? I mean how did your face become know that." Daniel interrupted.
"Is he important?" Lucifer glared at Asteria.
"You are not killing him." She told him and Daniel shut up quickly.
"There is a war coming. You know it. Which side are you on? " Lucifer asked her.
"You know! I don't take sides." She told him.
"You do now. Either you are with me or against me." He looked at her gravely.
"Don't you dare try to threaten me, Sammael. I was born even before your God was created." She fumed with anger.
"I guess you are not. We are gonna meet again. I do hope you support me. Otherwise." He trailed off.
"Otherwise what ?" Asteria glared.
"I need to go back to hell. This is not over." Lucifer disappeared in mist as the smoke cleared and time returned to normal.
Amicis vale! Keep thy self posted for next chapter.
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