Chapter 8: Decision
What is to debate? I mean it is all he wanted to do all life right ? Researching how gods work and their powers and all. But how can he just leave everything? Daniel pondered his brain . By now more than 12 hours had gone and was supposed to get ready for school. And how could he just leave Marcus. He sighed thinking about all of this. How did his life got so complicated in just 15 hours. Aw! Bloody hell ! It is all gonna wreck his mind . Choices are like really impossible but is also practical. He understood that gods couldn't stay here for him and his parents can't certainly move if he told about this.
With a troubled mind , he started off to school. When he came to school, girls were surprised that he didn't flirt with them. Daniel had got literally godly problems than to think about how to get a kiss from some girls.
He was not very attentive to classes going on since he knew that he had to make a choice which seemed impossible to make.
"Hey dude! You got some wrinkles there. Looks like thinking a really great idea." Marcus chuckled seeing him.
" Yeah! I guess you can say that . You know Marcus , I wanna ask you something. Would that be cool?" Daniel looked at him.
"Of course! Why wouldn't it be?" Marcus looked weirdly.
"Well! Do you ever face an impossible choice. I mean what if someone offers you a chance to do what you always dream about but you can only do if by abandoning all of your life and social circle. Like friends and family. I mean what would you do?" He asked him .
" Well! That is pretty deep question. But I think that it depends on dream. Now I want to be an auto-mechanic enginner. I wouldn't leave my family to do that. It helped me stand where I am now capable of making those choices but if your dream is really bigger than some people and on a wide circle, you should probably do it." Marcus advised him.
"That is really good advice. Well! Thank you for telling me . I just want to say umm Marcus.. Thanks for being such a great friend." Daniel stood up and shook his hand which he shook back looking strangely at him wondering what was going on with Daniel.
"See you around." Marcus patted him and then left. Not really. Daniel thought in his mind . He was perturbed by choice he had to made. But he also knew that if he doesn't go on this quest or with Asteria and Pietho, he would find it hard to live everyday after it with regret. He wasn't sure how Marcus would feel when he will discover that he had left. But what he did know that he could never tell him or anyone what he was about to do.
He started hurrying after the dispersal towards home. Today was 4th January and no one would be home on Wednesday.
He quickly packed some supplies and charts in his bag and then proceeded to leave home with his phone. He saw it one last time just to get a glance again for he wasn't sure he would ever come back .
"Hi! Asteria! I am ready." Daniel told her and cut the phone. She met him at the school and then both set off to a journey which was long and would have marvellous adventure along the way.
They both were walking now were quiet a while and no one had said anything to each other.
"I guess it must have been hard for you to leave home. I know how that feels." Asteria looked at him sympathetically
"How can you know?" Daniel looked at her questioningly.
"Maybe some other time." She smiled
"Hey umm listen. You were saying something about Lucifer back there. I don't quite recall." He asked her.
"Yeah! Well not really me . My sister was . My cousin sister actually. The reason I came in this mortal form was because I saw in my vision something that has never happened before." She began.
"Oh! What was it?" Daniel asked excitedly.
"I am getting to that . So you know Lucifer was exiled to earth since he started a rebellion against God so he actually got one piece of flaming sword , the weapon guarding Eden and he kinda played a plan to be short and now there is mutiny in Heaven and in Hell and Lucifer had flaming sword while Angel Michael is dead or killed by Lucifer." She told him.
"Wow! That is quite a lot. So how do you guys exist?" He enquired.
"What do you mean?" She retorted back puzzled.
"I mean if Lucifer and angels exist , then how can Greek gods and Titans exist too." He began.
"Oh! You have many questions and we have long distance to cover. It is quite a long story. I will catch you up on all in very short time and you can help me understand 'how does this mobile thingy work and well all about human world after 10,000 B.C." She looked at him beaming..
"I most certainly will. You need only 50 years history though and that is also quite a lot . Well! We would have quite a journey." Daniel sighed.
"Yeah! You bet. We should better get going fast. Pietho must be waiting and she is not known for her patience." Asteria told him.
"What is she known for?" Daniel asked catching up as she walked fast.
"Seducing and Persuasion." She chimed.
"Oh well! That is useful I guess." He said unsure.
"You saw what she made that lady do back in cafe . Don't underestimate common traits when used as power of gods." She advised him and he nodded. Suddenly the whole world was enveloped in dark mist and time stopped probably because people were not moving.
"What the..." Daniel yelled.
"This is not good." Asteria blinked her eyes fastly.
"What is not good?" He asked cluelessly.
"Arrival of Lucifer here." Asteria looked at him nervously. Daniel gulped as a figure with horns started appearing in that dark mist.
"Hi Lucifer! What can we do for you ?" Asteria smiled pleasently at him.
Amicus vale! Keep thy self posted for next chapter.
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