Chapter 57: Fall of Egypt
"Today is the day Egypt will fall. "Daniel waved to army of gangsters and criminals looking at him.
2 hours earlier
Daniel was walking up the stairs. The whole ambience was filled with noxious gas. It was good thing , he had surrounded himself with magical aura. If he hasn't, he would have been knocked out soon. He gotta give it to those guys. They sure know how to set up an intelligence agency with good security. Just not enough security to keep him away. He chuckled at the thought to himself.
Meanwhile somewhere else
"Hey! I am getting a call from that kid." One said.
"That is strange. All guards are knocked out here and visual data is cut. Wonder what he is doing?" He picked up the call.
"Hey! It is me , Daniel. Remember." A familiar voice banged his ears.
"There is no other twerp in group." The man grumbled.
"Yeah! Hey don't call me that. So you remember that after cutting of visual data, I was supposed to come up and access prison room." He sighed.
"Yeah if course! That is plan" He replied.
"Yeah! Well Guess What. The main door after stairs is locked. And I can't break it ." He told him.
"Oh for god's sake. Didn't you say you have magic? Use téléportation or something." He gritted and ended the call. That kid.
Back to Daniel
Daniel was stupefied. Ugh! Why didn't he think of that. It was so plain clear . Soon Daniel teleported other side of gate and was excited.
He quickly opened the prision bars freeing worst threats to Egypt.
"Gentlemen! You are free. Cause as much as chaos you want." Daniel announced as they started escaping through window gates.
Two guards stationed outside were quickly unconscious by sudden chaos.
Daniel wasn't planning to stand there. He quickly went to security room where all Baltagyia members were present. They had already cut telephone and any radio contact. All the guards were dead or knocked out.
"Hey Daniel! You told me that you seek to bring peace . That you fight for justice, didn't you." Gerald looked at him.
"That is right!" Daniel agreed.
"But we both know it isn't true, is it?" He chuckled.
"Of course! It is true. What do you mean?" Daniel was surprised.
"Oh come on! Danny boy. You can't decieve me. You may think that justice and all are your dibs. But the way you freed those criminals, those savages on those people and assisted us. That is not desperation. You could have used other means . I know. But you chose this way. Because no matter what! You love chaos as much as anybody in this world. The world of mortals and gods are alike you know. Both think that hey I wanna do good things and yet can't help being seduced by that darkness. Coz what is order without Chaos." He finished.
Daniel was taking deep breaths.
"We had a deal. I just hope you remember that." Daniel bit his lips.
"Of course! A deal is a deal." He smirked as stack of tranquilizer guns were given to him in box .
All of sudden, there was an explosion outside.
"Let's go. After all, this place is just all ours now. And we can't exactly take Egypt by staying here, can we now?" Gerald shouted to all his comrades.
There was a bloodbath going in the mall. Heads smashed , joints severed lying like careless pencil dust.
They opened the door to see the unforgettable sight.
More than 7 police cars and 37 police personnels were pointing guns at them.
"Game over." A brutenne girl in her early twenties came in sight and looked at him sharply.
Daniel smiled.
"Oh! Are you impressed by how we are here?" She smirked at his smile. Gerald and all were looking at them not sure what to do..
"Oh no! We knew that the security guard would have any personal contact with some police headquarters. But the thing is that I wasn't expecting the commissioner to be that hot." He winked at her.
"You got some spunk. But nothing is gonna help you now. It is compete check." She began but stopped hearing a strange noise.
"Hasta la vista baby" Daniel chuckled as all of sudden , Set came out wearing a suite from ground and they were all lying dead.
"Sure beats the grenade attack." Daniel chuckled.
"Still don't understand why I have to wear this. I could just wear my original armour." Set groaned.
"Na! Na! That costume is so copyrighted by Liz Keogh." Daniel told him.
"Great! We make armours and these mortals sell them under their trademark. Awesome world you got there." Set scoffed.
"Come on! This is no time to whine now, is it?" Daniel shrugged. A large crowd was approaching so fast now that anyone in way would get crushed. Time for final piece to set.
Daniel called Stephane who didn't waste any time releasing all files of Egypt on internet breaking down the whole govt.
"Today is the day Egypt will fall. "Daniel waved to army of gangsters and criminals looking at him as he watched the police and army get crushed by the crowd.
"Well! We have got tranquilizer guns. Let them worry about taking over Egypt." Set laughed.
"You can't be more right." Daniel replied as he teleported both of them with stack of guns back to Egyptian palace
Amicis vale! Keep thy self posted for next chapter.
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