Chapter 55: Life of Crime
Set and Daniel were sitting for quite a while. Daniel wasn't really sure that what was the matter with Set . There was a silence and he didn't like it.
"So when you said that we were gonna figure out how to get tranquilizer guns , I thought that we would..I don't know at least go out of palace." He sighed.
"Listen! I don't like thinking. Not really." Set told him.
"I can see that." Daniel nervously chuckled.
"Yeah!I bet you can and I have been thinking for quite a while and still can't figure out that how are we gonna get it?" He sighed.
"May I suggest?" Daniel hesitantly asked.
"This is not one of your classroom. Speak." Set growled.
"Where are most guns , weaponry in a country beside army?" Daniel questioned.
"Answer yourself." He scoffed.
"Look! I have heard of Egyptian intelligence agency. It is famously known as General Intelligence Directorate or Mukhabarat known in Egypt and they have quite a good amount of guns locked there." He sighed.
"What are you hinting at, kid?" Set groaned.
"I am saying that we need to break into Mukhabarat." He smiled as Set raised his eyes.
Time skip
Outside a warehouse
"Ok! So what are we doing here, kid ?" Set asked puzzled.
"Isn't it obvious?" Daniel chuckled and he continued staring.
"Fine ! Have you ever heard of Baltagyia?" He looked at Set who was stamping his feet impatiently.
"It is a criminal network which started in Egypt in 1980s. Too prevelant around 1990s. I was always very interested in learning about criminal networks. And I studied about it just a while ago and this is one of the warehouse where they have a hideout." Daniel told him.
Set looked at closed reinforced concrete doors and then back at Daniel.
"So what are we doing here?" He grunted.
"Really? I have to explain everything. Fine! We are here to mix up with them because we two alone cannot break in to Egyptian Intelligence and they are best possible people who could help us get in." He sighed.
"Well! I gotta say . You are not as dumb as you look." Set patted Daniel as he groaned. They were waiting for very long time and still no one had come . The doors remained closed and motionless like 5 minutes before.
"How about we go impolitely, kid?" Set laughed and kicked down the door as a tingling sound spread throughout the whole warehouse.
Soon Daniel and Set were surrounded by armed face covered men.
"You just made your last mistake." A guy announced who was lurking in shadows.
"We will be the judge of that . I want to meet your leader. I have got a deal that he cannot resist." Daniel answered back .
"Oh really? Don't wait then . " He came into sight as Daniel stared at him. He was an African American man wearing a waistband around his head and longest hat among all marking him as a leader.
"You guys were started by Egyptian police on payroll. And then after 2011, you broke out and in year 2015, you got even more hindered in executing your ways . You are having trouble finding your ways around big guns. You are sparse, weakened. But I have a way . A risky way. But if you do it , you will get unlot guns and weaponry." Daniel explained to them.
"You mean we can control whole state of Dakahlia?" He raised his eyes.
"No! You will control Entire Egypt." He smiled.
"Consider us in all the way but what is the catch?" He looked at his team mates and then back to Daniel. Set was watching everything impressed. In all of his years , he had never seen a mortal done so clever job before. Perhaps mortal might be worth more than he think about them.
"We have to break into the Egyptian Intelligence or also called Mukhabarat. And that is exactly where we are gonna find guns." Daniel told them . They continued staring for a minute and then started laughing.
"You got some nerve." One smirked.
"Ya! Why don't all criminals break into secret agency of country to take weapons?" Other laughed.
"It is a good one . I gotta give you that ." Other chuckled. Set started to grow angry but Daniel gestured that he will handle it.
"Well! I guess I can't blame you guys . You were better in 1990s. Perhaps that is why police left you . Who wants a weakling group on payroll?" Daniel shrugged.
"We are not weakling. We are mass power . Destroyer of movements. We are Baltagyia." Leader growled.
"Really! How do you even find strength to believe that ?" Daniel mocked. The leader looked at his other gang members and they were all angry .
"We will do it . We will break into that bloody Mukhabarat and then we will show you that we are most powerful criminal gang in the whole World." He stomped his feet.
"Now that is the spirit. My name is Daniel. And this is Set. What do I call you ?" He asked smiling.
"Call me Gerald . Gerald Furher." He stated.
"Good! Now " I pointed at open door and they quickly closed it . There was total Darkness in warehouse now. Gerald switched on the lights and a big room full of all kind of stuff came in sight.
"Now what is the plan?" Set asked Daniel as others looked too.
"If we are gonna break into Egyptian Intelligence. If we are planning to come out safely with guns , we are gonna need best thieve in the world who is ever born . Who knows that art like we know breathing. And that is why Crime lord and gentlemen, I present you ." Daniel smiled as a figure in shadows started to appear .
"Hi! My name is Stephane Brietwieser, robber of art collections from 200 museums and I am going to help you take down Egypt." He announced himself as there was an audible gasp from all.
Amicis vale! Keep thy self posted for next chapter.
Sorry to keep you waiting. I won't say this is a great chapter but of all possible things that I might have done , this was the best I could fit in to make storyline smooth and sail in direction of end I know.
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