Chapter 53: No one wiser than Athena
Aw! That is my sister (Yeah! I like to personify some gods as friends, sister and all) Any way let's rewind to Greeks.
13th January, 2017.
2 weeks before
Athena knew that if they had to turn the tide to their side , they had to do something and it couldn't be just mere planning. It needed to be executed. She knew that Daniel Chase was alive by magic of Medea. She also knew that Egyptians couldn't do anything now . After capturing Poseidon, they were in fix. They wouldn't be able to think where to attack , when or to wait .
She let Medea train Daniel all while for two weeks because she knew sending him before he is ready would be foolish. Egyptian had two biggest weapons as Isis and Ra. If any of them is in their hands , the whole match would be equal unlike now where they seeme to be on losing side.
"Ares! Have you called all the Amazons?" Athena asked.
"Yes! Though I am not sure that when are we gonna attack ?" He sighed.
"Soon! We need to plan each thing carefully. There should be no mistakes. Now." Athena turned to Amazons (which was basically a woman army but unlike huntress of Artemis, they do what they want, and can have relations).
"If Daniel is going to Egyptians, then he must have some incentive to give. Something to tell them that they don't know. We saw Tuvalu getting blown up . We know that it did because of fire or more like hellfire. Which means that Egyptians must have been trying to side with Lilith since Lucifer is in heaven. How do we know? Because Lucifer no matter what would never be that stupid or emotional like Lilith. If I would be an Egyptian king and not done anything for two weeks, then I am pretty sure I would be open to any option. And what is the best option here? Attacking hell to take it so they can have advantage of hellfire with them. Daniel would tell them about another way to hell in a different country and promise to take them there. But they won't reach it because you all will be waiting there , ready to cut them down as they come." Athena told all of them as they looked impressed at her plan and smiled to each other as if to say "would be nice stabbing some Egyptian gods."
"Now there are two priorities of this mission. First of all , we have to capture Isis so that we can make a prisoner exchange for Poseidon since he is one of our best chance at winning war as much as I don't like to admit it. No matter what! No matter what! We can't let any of those Egyptians go to hell and attract attention of Lilith. She is a loose cannon. We have no idea that on whose side she is or what will she do? Therefore one section of Amazon army would be fighting with Ares there and other will be near bushes waiting for anyone who is able to come there to knock him out or something." She finished.
"Wow! Sounds like you have everything planned to full details. So now we have got a wait of what? Two weeks." He asked sighing.
"Yeah! I also need to check on Artemis. Good luck training." She trailed off looking at him and went away.
"Well! It may be true no one is wiser than Athena but her habit of trailing off is still kinda annoying." Ares shrugged to himself.
Artemis was stealthily moving and shooting arrows one after another with such force that some trees had cell down.
"Better calm yourself. There is still time . No need to waste energy." Athena chuckled looking at her.
"What brings you here?" She pointed down her crossbow.
"Your hunters." She stated joining her as they walked through the forests.
"What about it?" She asked.
"Well! I just made a plan to stop Egyptians and weaken them but what I do want to know that are you hunters ready in case of war?" Athena doubted.
"How can you even ask me that? They are the best. They will prove to be even more fiercer than Area's Amazons." She looked at them proudly.
"Uh-huh! I wasn't really doubting that but ok! Look! I am thinking something. What if we side with Lilith? I mean it is not like she won't be ready to get into agreement with anyone nowdays. " She asked Artemis.
"Nope! Don't you remember she took Asteria as...?" Artemis reminded her.
"No! Because Lucifer chained her . Lilith was not even involved." She told her.
"And how do you know this Lilith won't betray us? Artemis scoffed.
"Why would she? She will gain nothing from it . She has much more chance with us of coming out good after war than them or Lucifer." Athena pouted.
"You are wise. You think logically but often people don't react that way or think that when doing actions." Artemis smiled and went away.
27th January, 2017.
"Daniel! Dodge" Medea cried and he easily went other away looking at her grinning.
"Told you! You are losing your touch." He laughed
"Or you are getting better." Athena smirked as both stopped looking at her.
"Um...who are you?" Daniel asked not sure .
"My name is Athena and I am goddess of fashion, weaving , wisdom, warfare etc. Now you better hope you are quite good because we have a mission for you, Daniel that you must do or Olympus will fall." She told him.
Daniel looked at Medea and then asked "What do I have to do?"
"You have to go back to Egypt and lure them into a trap." She explained everything to him as he listened intently and was impressed. After giving a goodbye kiss to Medea,. Daniel went away to Egypt by magic.
"Are you sure this will work, Lady Athena?" Medea asked her.
"I hope so . All depends on Daniel. He is the only factor in equation which is not in our control." She looked at Medea who smiled at the thought.
Amicis vale! Keep thy self posted for next chapter.
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