Chapter 5: Asteria
We all have heard of Hecate and Selene goddess many times no matter be in series or in movies or in books.. Anything related even remotely to occult or gods use Selene or Hecate. But everyone forgets that all these gifts to them . To Hecate, Selene, Circe came from Asteria.
She is not mentioned anywhere for gods just like human gets forgotten. Helios was Titan of sun. Then Apollo came and Helios was barely on lips of people. And now in a world where barely anyone believes in Greek gods , who has time to go to beigning and so wide to search names of different goddess when lots of god and goddess are basically referenced in DC series or Sabrina or Vampire diaries. No one bothers to find more for they believe what they get to know is just enough.
Anyway Asteria was the goddess of justice , innocence, magic and necromancy. Justice and innocence were her main two jams. It was not like she couldn't practice witchcraft and all. She was just not that particularly interested. She was more interested in ensuring justice and she was one hell pissed at Lucifer for what he was doing in hell. She disapproved of his method of taking soul , his punishments and his dealings with his demon counterparts.
She was also not very much keen about God either or called Chaos in her world. Her Supreme god was different. It was chaos. And well The God who exiled Lucifer was just formed from a part of Chaos. For Chaos was the only Supreme god and Greek gods and titan knew that . But since he never interfered in way of world , that he was practically just sleeping since creation of the first goddess Nyx , the goddess of night and creating his multiple forms in name of The God known in Christianity , Ra and Aphophis etc. And people forgot Ra and Aphophis. At least no one was offering any more sacrifices to them anymore so they died and hence only remaining powerful entity in entire multiverse was God from Christianity only and Christianity prospered thus since other religion got submerged or just a mythology.
Either way Asteria was born from Phoebe who was grandaughter of Chaos. And she was pretty powerful too. Even more powerful than some Olympian deities. And she chose to let all slide as long as justice prevailed but slowly and slowly over years , God didn't maintain justice and Lucifer wasn't able to maintain his duty which was not so unexpected but against her beliefs. When she saw in a vision that heaven is breaking in and hell broke loose on third of first month in mortal years, she was shocked.
So she left the island of Delos to which she was rooted for quite a long time just watching the world and took the form of a normal fair dark haired girl with hazel eyes and set to walk the Earth to observe people. She wasn't quite sure what the date was now or day or even year but it would be highly suspicious if she just asks a stranger human walking there what is year .
"Just one day . Oh! How great is this mutiny gonna be." She giggled.
"Miss! Are you okay?" Someone asked her seeing standing on road.
"Of course. Today is not 3rd January." She smiled. With that , she continued walking
She knew why Lucifer decided to choose this date to cause all havoc. The energy of magic was too powerful. The sun is closest to earth around this time , on 3rd January , 250 CE Emperor Decius ordered everyone in the Roman Empire to make sacrifices to the Roman gods (except Jews). Since then, that day is darkest for Gods and angel since most of his followers paved away not willingly but nonetheless towards Roman god therefore Gods and angels are weaker than most days on this date. And this year 2017 (she saw newspaper) was not like other years. It was in perfect alignment with magic and angels don't deal in magic so it can easily hide their actions. For magic is Lucifer's gift . A perfect date and time to release all havoc .
[Gabriel is an angel of God . Known as voice of god .
Michael is most powerful son of God who fought against Lucifer in war when Lucifer lead rebellion.
God is one of the enity of Supreme god Chaos from which all universes came into existence and can only be hurt or killed by Flaming sword.
Lilith is first woman created but when she refused to follow Adam's all orders , she was cursed that her 100 children born every day would be taken away and was turn into demon. Also later known as mother of demons.
Eve was supposedly named first woman since she came from rib of Adam. Also known as the original sinner
Flaming sword is a weapon consisting of three parts which guarded the garden of Eden
Nyx was a Greek goddess of night first born from Chaos from whom Hemera the day goddess was born from whom earth goddess which had twelve Titans girls and boys and then Asteria was the daughter of Titans Coeus and Phoebe]
And just as Gabriel came down on earth on 3rd Jan to pick up someone , Lucifer captured him. God up in heaven was fully unaware of this . Michael not finding his brother came on Earth and Lucifer was waiting for it . He struck him with a piece of flaming sword killing him instantly. When angels die by a piece of flaming sword, they don't go to anywhere . They just die forever.
And the greatest catastrophic event had taken place today for God's favourite son Michael was dead but God refused to do anything yet. Angels residing in heaven were pretty angry but no one disobeyed him. And just as the night fell, Azrael knocked the God with her blade into quite a long slumber for he was after all a form of Chaos. Powerful but nonetheless a strike by two pieces of flaming sword were enough to knock him out for some time which means days.
While heaven was falling, Lucifer put a thought in angel Gabriel to raise arms against him. It was forbidden for angel of God to hurt another angel unless ordered by God but Gabriel was easily influenced for he was now in hell where his powers are weak and Lucifer is powerful and so he did what he was suggested subtly by him.
Angels in Heaven divided into taking sides of Lucifer and some of God again. And Lilith had perfect opportunity to disguise to go as woman destined for heaven and steal those two pieces of flaming sword.
And as Lucifer obtained the flaming sword , it was seemingly impossible to beat him now . Well! Asteria wouldn't be concerned about her safety or any other Greek gods when she will hear at the news. They stayed well out of angels and Lucifer's way . But one thing was certain. There was a war coming. And Lucifer had perfect weapon of Flaming sword to win the war . A weapon so powerful that even God can be killed.
Amicus vale! Keep thy self posted for next chapter.
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