Chapter 31: Asteria and Hyperion
It is time to turn back to Asteria. We have been focusing on Lucifer, Lelia , new reality, Egyptian gods ,etc for quite a long time , haven't we?
But now is the time to turn back to Asteria. Basically she was a mess. Oh ! You think I am joking . Nah! See for yourself.
Well ! If you are highly deductive guy , you may know the reason and if not, well let's see what we can get .
After leaving Daniel with Medea, she was alone. And not just alone , but kinda lonely. She didn't know where Pietho was or if she even wanted to go back to her .
She went to Delicatessen (a bar in Moscow, Western Russia) and sat sighing. She was just processing all that happened since she was awake.
She couldn't believe that Anubis would betray her so easily without any remorse. It was like he had never any thought about her.
And one thing she had learned that mortals and gods had in common. They all drink to drown their sorrows as she sipped one glass of wine and another
Post farewell of Asteria to Anubis
"Huh! You returned earlier than I expected." Hyperion chuckled.
"Don't even start." Asteria glared and started walking briskly to Olympus.
"Good! You are running away from a spirit. The greatest magic goddess is running from her chained ancestor's spirit to one who did that." Hyperion's spirit chuckled at her .
"You know it is very unnerving that even if you are just a spirit, you can be so convincing to have what you want." Asteria shrugged.
"Well! You can always come and free me. I am just one level away." Hyperion laughed.
"Yeah! That is not gonna happen. Supported wrong King. You gotta pay the price." She refused.
"Well! At least I didn't abandon my family unlike you female Titans. I always knew my sister and all of your titan were weak and coward." Hyperion snarled.
"Coward and weak. We weren't any of that . We understood that Olympians would win and they have rightful king ." Asteria defended.
"Rightful? How? Zeus and his family were son of my brother Kronos. They chained their own father and stole the throne from him." Hyperion asked .
"Yes! Just like Kronos and you all did with your father Oaranus to take the throne." She countered.
[Greek fact.
In beigning nothing called Chaos. Firstborn Nyx then Hemera day goddess from which earth and sky came and had 12 Titans and some monster kids who sky god Oaranus threw to Tartarus.
Gaia the earth got mad , brought Oaranus as human to earth and Kronos , one of his son killed Oaranus making him possible to exist only in sky. He took the throne and his other four brothers took east , west, north and south.
Soon Kronos heard that his children would also dethrone him like he did. Ate all of them except Zeus amd he freed his siblings and took throne of Olympus becoming king . All male Titans except Prometheus were cast to different punishments and female Titans were left since they supported them.
Hyperion was one of the brothers of Kronos, Titan of the east , most powerful sun god]
"What do you want me to do ? Apologize or kneel before that younger god." Hyperion scoffed.
"Would it be so bad?" She asked looking at him .
"Yes! We Titans are proud species. You may have knelt . We will not . " He announced.
"Have your way." She sighed.
"So where did you go?" He asked.
"Why do you care?" She asked crossing her arms.
"Well! Being chained to same place watching dung dead soldiers in underworld is not exactly entertaining or anything new to know." He told her.
"Fine! Wanted to go to land of dead in Egypt." She began.
"Why would you want to go there?" He chimed.
"Well..." She tried to say something but was again cut off.
"What do you think? There is something different there . It is just same crappy sad old place with dead walking." He proclaimed.
"Ok! You are obviously suffering from over spending time in underworld for so many years." She sighed.
"Don't be an idiot." He scoffed.
"Ok! Well anyway I didn't get to . Had quite a spat with one God there." She continued.
"Of course you did. So you wanna go back to continue later?" He asked her.
"Umm yeah ! But I can't." She shrugged.
"Why not?" He asked puzzled.
"Well! I just told him it is Goodbye
Wouldn't it be weird to go back and sat 'hey! Anyway I am back . So let's resolve our conflict.' " She glared.
"Well! Who knows. You are not exactly known to be true to your word or loyal to your king." Hyperion chuckled.
"Just go away." She glared and he disappeared.
Those were pretty good times. No complications. Just usual talk with gods and now a guy born so many years later wants to take all realms , made Anubis betray her or he always wanted to , and she is here sitting millenia later drinking wine like pathetic girl and what is more? She is not even legally old enough yet in eyes of some people looking at her.
Ah! Screw them. She thought as she leaned on table.
"Hey! Are you okay ?" A guy asked her as lazily raised her head to see who it was .
He was a brown haired , pretty good height for a mortal and well... normal.
"Ya! Just hungover." She replied groggily.
"Oh! I can see that . Do you want me to call you a cab?" He asked
"If you are looking to get a number, you better try someone else just saying. I am not one you wanna get tangle with ." She interrupted him.
"Oh! That is very preceptive to assume. But no! I just got out of one. And I really don't wanna get into one and certainly not this way." He chuckled
"Oh ! Me too. Except we had very complicated one." She replied raising her head.
"Hmm! Tell me about it." He asked her eagerly.
"Well! Ok. So what is your name?" She asked .
"Well my mortal name is Jazz Miller. But to be frank , I am more popular as Khonsu." He smiled.
"Hmm! Well I am not that well known among mortals but they call me Asteria." She giggled.
Amicis vale! Keep thy self posted for next chapter.
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