Chapter 29: Egyptians never Kneel
After the restoration of reality, Lucifer was confined to hell with Lelia and Lilith. He had lost any chance of gaining throne of heaven and soon the news reached Egyptian gods. They felt that they don't need him anymore so Lucifer was left all alone and he knew that he can never win any realm by himself.
As for spear of destiny , it was replaced by a fake copy in museum which didn't have powers. Date was 6th January and everything was just back to normal or let's say looking bad for Lucifer but good for all.
Unaware of what his other self has done in past fake reality after 3 months , Daniel was just about to begin his training with Medea.
But the most important Avenue of time was set on Egyptians and that's why now it was time to see what is going on there.
Chaos! That pretty much summarises situation in Egyptian council. All gods were present there and Ra was sitting on throne as honoury position for being sun god. No one was king now.
"We were relying on Lucifer. Now what do we?" Khonsu asked .
"It seems like we are going back to our realm only. We have Duat and Ra has sky . And only in that we are going to have to live our rest of life forever unlike those Greek and Roman. They have Underworld, Tartarus , Olympus and Terra too." Nepthys sighed.
"Yes! We just arose up to drown ourselves again." Amon flared his nostrils. Thoth looked at the commotion of gods and goddesses.
Each one was intent on making Egypt great again but due to loss of flaming sword by Lucifer , they weren't willing to risk war .
"I hail you all by the holy water of Nile to stop arguing right now and listen to me." Thoth proclaimed as everyone quietened at once.
"I know Lucifer was an important ally to us . He would have helped us a great deal with his flaming sword but just because we don't have that anymore , we will lose. It doesn't mean that we will give up hope . For thousands of years , these humans have been praying to false gods who don't listen to them. When we ruled this world , we listened , we cared . But now even though they have abandoned us to fall in grasp of them , we will show them that Egyptians are still alive and strong as ever. Unlike humans , their pets are still loyal to us. We will not kneel today. Egyptian have never accepted defeat and that is why Egyptians will not kneel today. Egyptian never Kneel before defeat." He finished as each god was brimming with hope and all started to chant Thoth' s name.
From the waters of Nile
We have rose up
Build up a civilisation
Hear us , we still live
See us , we are here
Underworld or sky
Everywhere we lie
No matter where you go
We gonna follow
Just remember
We exist
Just remember
We don't kneel
Just remember
We are oldest
Just remember
We are true
Just remember
We are Egyptians
Thousand of Pharoah came
Mummified like mortal skin shedding off
Ra and Aphophis always screwing each other
Just like mortals are
We are numerous , so vast , so ancient
How can you even forget us
Just remember
We exist
Just remember
We don't kneel
Just remember
We are glorious civilisation
Formed 8k years before Jesus was born
Just remember
We are here
Just remember
We are everywhere
Just remember
We will stay
Just remember
We never Kneel
Coz we are Egyptian gods
We don't need faith
We don't need power
Just remember
We exist
Just remember
We will stay
Just remember
We never Kneel
We never Kneel
"So what should be our next step?" Osiris asked looking at Thoth.
"We need to have a king to lead us and I have just the perfect plan to get one." Thoth smiled.
"Ok! Say the word and we will do it." Isis shrugged.
"All who wish to be king come forward." Thoth hailed the council.
Horus , Set. Right! You must be wondering how they allowed Set. Well! Let's just have a flashback.
After Egyptian allied with Lucifer
"A magica arte magica
General factum esse quod factum est oriuntur ex aqua fluminis harena item quod esset facti
Pone te accerso prodire"
Osiris chanted pouring water of Nile into sand. Soon Set appeared revered back to his state.
"Huh! I didn't expect you to revive me again, brother. You must be really desperate." Set chuckled.
"Don't flatter yourself. We can have internal conflict resolve later . Right now Egyptians need to win realms." Osiris told him and he smiled at thought.
Horus , Set, Khonsu, Anubis came forward.
"Very well! So we have four contestants. The selection of King will be done as it used to be in ancient times." Thoth proclaimed.
"By what?"Khonsu asked not remembering.
"By fight. The last one standing will be King." Thoth told him as everyone started murmuring and all four were looking at each other warily as if to say "You are so screwed now."
Amicis vale! Keep thy self posted for next chapter.
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