Chapter 27: My name is Daniel Chase
Previously on Game of Realms
Lucifer becomes lord of nine Realms , spends time happily with Lelia and is sure that no one will find his secret . Daniel introduces himself to a man in Czech republic.
"Look! I really don't speak your language and I have no idea how I got here. You gotta believe me. I was hungry." Daniel sighed looking at him.
"We do speak English. I didn't know you were not one of indigenous tramp here." The man told him.
"Oh! Daniel heaved with relief.
"Come ! I will get you a nice dinner here and you can tell me all about you." He chuckled and both went inside his home.
Time skip
"You live here alone." Daniel asked him slurping noodles he got in a bowl
"Yeah! Since my wife died." He smiled sadly.
"Oh! I am sorry to hear that." Daniel looked at him.
"Thanks. It was my fault. I told her not to rebel against Lucifer but I couldn't stop her from going in front of him one day and she.." He trailed off.
"Hey! Don't blame yourself. You did what you could. Anyway this Lucifer as lord of nine Realms is wrong." He told him casually.
"What do you mean by that?" He asked puzzled.
"Oh right! You see. I come from a magic bloodline. Now Lucifer has been lord here for 3 months and I have been training with Medea for that time. And few days ago , I had a vision that this world isn't supposed to exist. What we are living in is a ...I don't know myth or fake reality ? Like someone has bend reality itself." Daniel explained.
"So you mean to say that a reality where my wife died by Lucifer and he becomes kind by slaughtering thousands and imprisoning our gods doesn't or shouldn't exist." He asked with his eyes gleaming.
"Yes! Exactly. But I still don't know how to do anything with this information. I mean I remember some memories that in other reality , Lucifer was still planning to conquer realms , Asteria and I went our own ways . I was training with Medea for 3 months. That is the only thing constant. Because I trained here too with her and magic is beyond realities and space." He explained.
"I don't know why . But I believe you . There is no way that situation could have gone so beserk so easily and that devil maniac would have sit ruling us. But how did you arrive here ?" He chimed.
"Well! Late night yesterday , Lucifer's guard came and took Medea as prisoner. She knew she was outnumbered. They hadn't seen me and she gestured me to ran and I did. I ran through the magical realm until I drained out and fall here and now I am seriously having best noodles in my life. " He chuckled.
"Trick is right level of water . But if what you say is true , then I think we need to do a research. Because if there is any chance of undoing this ,I will certainly take it. " He rose up looking gravely at Daniel.
"Alright..umm what is your name?" Daniel asked just realising he forgot to ask . Why does that happen with him? First with Asteria and then with him.
"Call me Honza. Honza darkh." He shook Daniel's hand .
"Are you sure about this? Because if we are caught, then you would too get in serious trouble with Lucifer?" Daniel stared at him.
"More than anything in my life. I have failed my life, my wife , my city to him. But I have hope now and this time I will not fail them." He admitted.
Both started thinking quite a long that how can someone create a fake reality. Daniel knew that in order to do that , they would need a powerful weapon or articrafts. And Lucifer couldn't have used flaming sword . He knew that it wasn't capable of that . So only other biblical weapon of mass power was during Jesus era.
Honza looked amazed as Daniel searched weapons related to crucification of Jesus and saw that the Holy Lance or Spear of destiny was known to be capable of rewriting reality.
He also knew that Lucifer wouldn't have destroyed it . He must have hid it . Now it was supposedly in Vienna museum but Lucifer used it so it mustn't be there . But Lucifer wouldn't hide it in palace . He wouldn't take any risk.
In his training, Daniel learned from Medea , never trust what seems logical in this world because this is world where Lucifer lives and he is master of deception.
"So what could he have done to decieve all people so that spear of destiny can never be found?" Honda pondered.
"The best way to hide something powerful is in plain sight. Because if something is right under people's noses , they wouldn't even bother to think that someone could just leave weapon of rewriting reality so openly." Daniel jumped in excitement.
"What do you mean?" Honza asked.
"The spear is in museum and we are going to take it now." Daniel smiled.
Time skip
"This is one of the oldest articrafts in our collection." A guide was announcing until Daniel kicked him in knickers and broke the glass to take out spear of destiny. All people stopped moving in fear .
"Have you taken out security feed? " Daniel asked as Honza came.
"Yeah! Let's go." He grinned and just as he turned , there was a squishy sound and a groan .
Daniel watched in horror as Lucifer killed Honza and glared at him.
"Hi Daniel Chase! Looks like you survived. You are facing me Lucifer, Lord of Nine Realms , first to stand up against false God , Conqueror of Realms , Master of temptation and deception, foremost of angels." He laughed as the crowd shuddered.
"Great! And my name is Daniel Chase of who cares of what from where." He blazed his eyes blue thudding the spear producing a orange wave which spread throught the surroundings pushing Lucifer to wall.
Amicis vale! Keep thy self posted for next chapter.
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