Chapter 20: Thor
Present day
The palace of Asgard is quiet . Since Odin stopper going after nine realms , there is a boredom in palace. Try imagining yourself to be an immortal god of thunder and lightning and then bound to move only in one realm for eternity.
He had talked to his father a long time ago about Midgard but he was refused to go there.
" I don't understand what is the use of Bifrost if I can't go wherever I want." Little Thor shouted.
"It is for safety of nine realms and not to be used as a play toy for imprudent little boy." He looked at him while a raven was sitting on his shoulder.
"I can't go to Jotunheim because there are ice giants , Alfheim because elves are there and nothing else. Why can't I go to Midgard? There is always something to see there?" He whined.
"Because that is where the deceptive God Loki engineered your brother's death." He told him firmly and then went away while Thor made s disappointed face.
"Hi! Heimdall, have you seen your sister?" Thor asked cheerfully.
"I see everything." He solemnly replied.
"Okay ! So where is she?" He asked.
"In the Asgardian Watchtower." He replied.
"Thanks Heimdall." He thrust his hammer upward and flied by its force to Watchtower where his wife Lady Sif was sitting looking at scenery.
"You look gorgeous." He told her coming through the window.
"Doesn't it get old after thousand years?" She asked him smiling.
"Never." He chuckled kissing her.
"You don't have any idea , do you?" She asked pulling away.
"What idea? If it is about last night, then..." He began to which she quickly shook her head.
"Today is the day your father took leave from other realms." She reminded him.
"Oh! I completely forgot about that ." He sighed recalling.
" You are kidding, right?" She reiterated.
"No! That is the problem." He told her.
"Well! After so many years , it is natural to not remember such things but..." She began but there was a loud whistle in the realm echoing through everywhere.
"What was that?" She asked puzzled looking everywhere.
"Not good. I gotta go." He quickly threw his hammer out and caught it to fly away. He moved around but couldn't see anything so he came down tearing through roof of palace which was only excitement for eager crowd of people collected there.
Odin who was sitting on throne along with Frigg looked at him warily. Thor nervously chuckled seeing the roof.
"Looks like we need some repair." He joked.
"Your constant irresponsibility continue to persuade me to implore how to teach you different lessons." Odin grunted.
"I understand but there was a termor back in Asgard and I know it wasn't me." He told him.
"Well! I think that strange creature coming with wings found entering our realm could answer that question." Heimdall approached the king with a feathered angel and Thor turned to looked at it and was surprised as much as Odin, Frigg and all.
"Thor, did you find who..." Sif trailed off seeing angel as she was running inside throne room.
"Who are you?" Odin asked standing up with his spear.
" I can tell better if this guy stops grabbing me." He groaned to which Odin gestured Heimdall to leave him.
"That is better. My name is Uriel . I am an angel of God of heaven and sent by Queen of Heaven Azrael as messenger to you." He announced.
"We have never heard of any angels or gods." Odin disclosed his ignorance about them.
"Because we are gods too just like there are many other realms and gods whom you can't see. No one can. " He stated.
"That is not possible. Heimdall can see everything, can't you?" Thor looked at him.
"I can't see all . I can't see what is going in mortal realm and gods and all realm. I can just see some realms and Asgard." He told them.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Sif asked.
"I didn't want people to think that I am not capable of guarding anymore." He sighed.
"You are not capable. Huh! No one can catch me easily and you did it like it was nothing." Uriel chimed to which he chuckled.
"So what do you want?" Odin asked.
"Your help. Thousands of years ago , Lucifer , one of the angels of heaven was cursed to earth for he rebelled against God who is ruler and now he has most powerful weapon of our world and he wants to capture heaven and engulf the world into Chaos." He told them.
"That is your matter . How does it affect us?" He grunted.
"Father.." Thor began..
"No ! It is alright. Because they are not just gonna stop at heaven. They want to conquer every throne. Right now he is backed by Egyptian gods who are also pretty powerful. If he conquers heaven too , then he would have already two realms , most powerful weapon in our realm and power to advance his armies to your realm and others." He warned.
"That may be true or not but I won't risk any Asgardian again for battles and especially one that is far fetching to affect us." He remained firm.
"I will go." Thor proclaimed.
" What are you saying? Have you lost your mind?" Odin glared.
"No! For first time in so long , I have very clear thoughts. I am sick of just living here doing nothing but eating , riding and not able to go anywhere. My blood boils for war. And this is not something I can ignore. So I will go whether you support them or not." He stated bluntly.
"All right! You can go. And if we see it to he true by your eyes for you will tell me soon , Thor, then I will think about sending my army ." He sighed.
Thor smiled .
Both Uriel and Thor were now walking out of palace.
"Don't get killed , Thor." Sif shouted behind him.
"I will always return to you." Thor smiled and with a bright light of Bifrost, both entered the realm of Midgard or as we know it : Terra.
Amicis vale! Keep thy self posted for next chapter.
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