Chapter 2: Lucifer's Rebellion (2)
A blade shines strikingly in midst of barren land of earth to whom Adam and Eve are walking kicked out from Garden of Eden. Azrael just stood there waiting for them. The time has come to take those souls and she wasn't going to hesitate now.
Meanwhile in Heaven
Lucifer knew that once he started discussing the proposal to overthrow God from throne, someone will tell him. And just as God heard, he wasn't willing to accept his favourite son would turn against him but as a precaution ordered his son Michael to go to Garden of Eden and bring the flaming sword which Lucifer could use against him. He split it into three parts and hid where no one could ever find. Lucifer was convinced that flaming sword is gone and if he cannot use it , then he can certainly be assured of a fair fight for God has no weapon now. And Lucifer with all his angels would defeat him.
Angels who supported Lucifer were less. 1/3 rd. But Lucifer was sure that they were enough. And then with his two commanders Beelzebub and Leviathan.
There was a fight so fierce that no one had ever seen and Lucifer was castrated out by God and Michael to earth and his followers lay scattered among different parts of earth .
As Azrael saw Lucifer falling , she says "How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! ... You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon."
And then went away .
He lays bleeding on the earth. His wings shredded. As he looks around, he sees nothing but ruins. There is no garden here or his angelic realm. He lays on same land he smirked above. It is always ironic and strikes hard when the thing we fought for is far from our grasp and repellent things are only thing surrounding us.
Lucifer was exactly faced with conundrum. He was misled. Filled with pride, he had committed something which had left him worse off than he wanted. He knew that for thousand of years , even these mortals would hear his story and sneer at it. Laugh at him..make his example.
But there was a comfort in those words. It also meant that whenever God will be talked about, all will also talk about him. He will never be forgotten like other countless angels. He would feed on it and rise one day. One day with whole plan and he has thousands years to plan it .
But right now he had to find shelther here . For even when we grasp the inevitability of future waiting for us and see succcess in it , all is a moment's satisfaction for the present is still bleak as it could ever be.
He walks for quite a long. He doesn't get tired unlike mortals but does today for the fall from heaven to earth was hard not just emotionally but physically. It challenged his strength. He bends on his knee breathing heavily when he spots a mortal looking at him longingly.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"I am Lilith." She replied.
"Oh! Great. Another bloody mortal." He spat.
"I am not just a mortal. I am Lilith, the mother of demons. The one from whom God took away 100 of her children in spite." She glared.
"Hmm! I like you. Let's go and seek a place to rest." He smiled standing up .
"You haven't told me who you are?" She asked after a while.
"I am Lucifer. I was an angel of God." He stated.
"Was?" She questioned.
"Yeah! I led a rebellion against him.. didn't succeced and was cast down to earth" He told her.
" I got a part of flaming sword though. He doesn't know that ." Lucifer whispered to her. She looked at him surprised and intimidated.
"I wanted equal rights and then I was made a monster." She replied.
"You don't look like monster." He chimed.
"Of course I don't. Wait for the night." She shrugged.
"I am gonna turn too. I know I will. So we both have very good reason to not obey him and defeat him." He stated.
"I guess so. Except you didn't defeat him and I certainly can't." She pointed at him
"Don't be so sure. There is whole lot of time ahead and whole lot of purpose.. A day will come, when we will rise in our ranks and defeat him." He told her.
"We? Sounds like an alliance." She looked at him.
" It is. Together till the throne." He said.
"Together always." She offered. Lucifer chuckled ..Few days later , Gabriel came down and announced that there will be a hell to whom Lucifer must go with all his fallen angels and he would maintain a responsibility of punishing all the wicked who come there.
Lucifer had no choice for now so he followed and took his angels along with Lilith to hell where he ruled thousands of years doing what he did best and came to known as King of Hell. Lilith wanted to be queen but Lucifer couldn't give her that for he had to maintain peace in Hell and she was mother of demons but born as human and angels though fallen won't accept her as by Lucifer's side.
Slowly and slowly they stayed focus on what they were waiting for but grew apart . And all hell broke loose in year 2017.
Amicis vale! Keep thy self posted for next chapter.
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