Chapter Ten
Aralynn's POV-
"Ugh! Why did they split up!?" I say aloud to myself.
I sneak around to another side of the castle. I peer around the corner to see five guards doing their job of guarding the doors.
"Hey guys," I say as I walk towards them. They all look at me with swords drawn.
"You think I'm going to hurt you. Well, I will but all you have to do," I pause, "Is let little me inside this castle." I point to the right.
"We aren't allowed to let you in," A guard says in a deep voice.
"Awe, that's too bad. I didn't plan on killing anyone today but I guess I have to," I say and hit one of them with lightning. "Who's next because I can do this all day but I do have quite a busy schedule today."
"We won't let you through," The same guard says and they all point there swords at me.
"If you were sane, you wouldn't do what you just did," I hit two of the remaining guards with lightning.
I glare at the last two, "It would have been nice not to kill any of you but you had to make it difficult." I aim lightning toward another guard so there is only one standing.
"I'll die before I let you in." Says the guard.
"Well that makes my life easy," I whisper as I take the knife out of my belt and throw it at the guard. He stumbled back then falls to the ground; I then walk of to him, take the knife out of his chest and head toward the doors of the castle.
"I've been wandering these halls for hours," I groan. It's more or less like 5 minutes.
"Aralynn," I hear someone say so I turn to look in the direction of the voice.
"Ari," I say in disgust.
"What are you doing here? How did you get inside the castle?" She asks confused.
"Well I need to talk to you and who ever else is here and you might have to clean up a little bit outside the doors." I innocently say.
"Well Ember and Rafi are looking for her so I can just leave her here." I hear Ari say to herself. "Follow me," Ari says then starts walking down the hall and I follow.
After many turns, we finally make it to the throne room. I spot Aria, Scarlet and someone else.
"Hello Aria, Scarlet and whoever the new guy is," I wave at them.
"What are you doing here, Aralynn?" Aria asks.
I pretend to look offended, "I can't see the woman who tried killing my father and her sister." I look at Scarlet, "You do remember that, don't you?"
"Yes, I do remember that."
"I've always wanted to know why you tried to kill him. I mean you knew him for so long." I try to mask my anger.
"That's enough of that," Ari laughs awkwardly. "Why don't you tell us why you came of here."
"Right!" I say excitedly. "First, we should have some tea. Ari, can you get the guy, that's looking at you like a lovesick puppy, to get us the tea."
After the guy leaves, I excuse myself to the bathroom only to follow the guy, I found out to be Aaron, to the kitchen. I tell Aaron that I can take it from here and make the tea . . . with a little surprise.
"Here, I color coded the cups: Scarlet has red, Ari has blue, Aria has silver, you have purple, and I have yellow. Now, don't tell anyone I made the tea or Ari will get hurt. You will leave five minutes after I walk out the door. Understand?" I walk out the door without waiting for a reply. I quickly make my way back to the throne room.
"Sorry I took so long, but I'm back now," I say as Aaron starts to walk in. He starts to hand out the cups of tea to everyone.
"These are pretty cups," I say as a watch Aria sip the tea. I smile as I see my plan take action.
"I don't feel to well," Aria states and someone takes her to her room.
"Now that she's gone, I can tell you some stuff. I put poison in your Queen's drink, just for some motivation, and I left you a note of the silver tray. It has two poems to get some truth out there and so you understand my point," I say grinning at the scared looks on their faces.
"I'm not the best poet," I pause. "But I do hope you like them. I worked very hard on those poems. Well I guess this is a farewell for now."
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