Chapter Seven
Ember's POV-
"Well, are you just going to stand there?" I say. "Get the girl out and question her."
Annie, Ari, and Damien look at me. "Question her?" Damien asks. "She's currently unconscious."
"Obviously when she wakes up," Ari says, coming to my rescue. "Let's get the girl out of there and in a bed. We'll keep a guard outside her door and he could alert us when she wakes up."
"Good idea," Annie says. Mom waves at a guard and he takes the girl to a room. "What are we going to do to the casket?"
"Inspect it of course," Scarlet says. She gets on her hands and knees and looks at the casket closely. "Just what I thought."
"What is it?" I ask her.
"It's from our precious Aralynn," Scarlet says. "What does the note say, Aria?"
"All it says is that there is a little surprise in the casket," she says frowning. "And that her and Kade aren't together anymore."
"I wonder what happened," Damien says.
"If he hurt her, I'm going to hurt him," Ari says and I agree.
"We should bring this inside," Aria says. "I don't want anyone else to see it."
"You want me and Rafi to help, my Queen?" Aaron asks and Aria nods. Rafi, appearing out of no where, picks up one side and Aaron picks up the other, carrying it into the castle. My gaze lingers on Rafi and Annie bumps into me, grinning. I shove her slightly making her stumble into Damien.
"Sorry," I tell her quietly, smiling. She smiles back and we turn back toward Aria.
"What are we going to do now?" Ari asks. I notice she keeps looking over at the doors Aaron and Rafi disappeared into. Ah, she has a little crush on Aaron.
"We should split into groups," I suddenly say. They all turn to look at me. That's what it seems like they are doing every time I talk.
"What do you mean?" Damien asks.
"I mean that we split up into groups doing different things. Like, I go and try to find Light and Kade, Annie and Damien go and find Nailea, and Ari stays here," I explain.
"That works, but you're grounded," Aria says. "So, you're not doing anything. Rafi can find Light and Kade and bring them back here while you stay with Ari."
"Why can't I go after my best friend?" I ask, almost pleadingly.
"Because you're grounded," she says, crossing her arms across her chest and raising an eyebrow.
I groan. "You know what? I don't even care that I'm grounded," I tell her. "I'll still go after Light."
"No, you won't, and I'll make sure you can't get out," Aria says. "Guards, take Ember to her room and stay outside it. Make sure she can't get out."
"You can't do this to your own daughter!" I yell and look at Jade and Dad. "Please tell her that she can't do this."
"I wish I could, but I'm obviously not in charge of you two anymore," Dad says, glancing at Aria.
"She's done this to me too," Jade says. "Telling me I couldn't do certain things."
"Take her away guards," Aria says. Guards start walking toward me and I back away.
"Guys, help me," I plead to my friends.
"Its your moms orders," Damien says and shrugs.
"Sorry Em," Annie says and Ari nods.
"Its Aria, not Mom," I say as the guards grab me.
"Ember-" Aria starts to say.
"Stop right there," I tell her. "I don't need to hear it."
The guards take me away to the room I stayed in last time we were here. I plop down on the bed, searching the room for anything I can use to escape. The guards close and lock the door. I look out the windows and see the rolling hills of Didian. Why did Aria do this to me? Probably wants to protect me, but this isn't the way.
I groan as I fall down on the bed. "What am I going to do?" I mumble to myself. I suddenly get an idea. I jump up and try to open the windows. They open and I jump with joy. I can get out! Since Aria probably won't put the other girls in here with me because they would help me escape, I can get out without anyone knowing. Now, I just gotta wait until sundown.
There is a sharp knock on the door and I go to it. It opens and a guard is standing in front of it, holding a tray. Its probably dinnertime so I grab the tray and go back to my bed. The guard shuts the door, leaving me in my room. I quickly stuff the food in a bag and I stuff some clothes in the bag too. As I was putting the clothes in the bag, I notice a piece of paper stuck to one of the foods. I grab it and read what it says.
Ember, we know you're going to escape. That's why Ari stopped time for me to get in there to unlock the windows. Anyway, the girl woke up. Ari, Damien, and I got to question her. She told us her name is Zarika and that she loves Kade. She also told us something good and it will help you find Kade and Light. She said that Kade now resides in Scarlet's old castle in Cordania and Aralynn was heading there to finish him off. Maybe you could head there and make sure that they are there and if they are, bring them back. We'll stall Aria but if she finds out, don't be surprised to find guards everywhere looking for you. Be careful and stay safe, bestie. Rafi will be on the Zodiac, waiting for you.
-Annie, Damien, and Ari
PS. Attached to this note is a neat little device where we can talk. Each of us got it. You just press the button and say who you want to talk to. Then a little hologram will appear with our faces on it. OK, I think that's it.
PPS. Aria is just trying to be a good mother.
I grin at the note. "Thanks guys," I whisper. I grab the little device and put it in my pocket. I grab the bag, pull the strings, and put it on my back. My sword is in the closet, so I grab it and hold it in my hands as I open the windows. I jump out, floating gracefully to the ground. I run to the Zodiac and climb up the ladder, jumping aboard. I go to the main room and see Rafi sitting in one of the chairs, sharpening his sword.
"Why'd it take you so long?" he asks, grinning at me.
"So sorry," I say. "I had to grab a couple things."
"You didn't have to," he says and pats a huge bag next to him. "I have a whole lot of food in here that could last us months."
"Good," I say, smiling. "Are you ready to find Light?"
"As ready as I'll ever be," he says. We walk to the main deck and press the button to go. "And if I get in trouble with Aria, its all your fault, got it?"
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