7. Taking Things Slowly... Or Not?
There was a litany of reasons why
We could've played for keeps this time
My Boy Only Breaks HIs Favorite Toys (Taylor Swift)
I made my way outside and easily spotted Percy's car on the school grounds. However, James and Cyril were leaning against it, deep in a conversation.
James was actually the first one to notice my presence once he looked up and when Cyril spotted me as well, he quickly patted him on the shoulder and turned around to leave.
"Your dress!" I called out for him as I held up the bloody clothing.
"Keep it," he replied without turning around to face me and soon enough disappeared out of my sight.
"You okay?" James suddenly asked me. "Cyril told me what happened."
"I'm fine. The other guy is probably worse," I commented, remembering the punches he received from Cyril.
"From what I've heard, he made a beginner's mistake. He should've caught his teammate's attention before throwing the ball at the public."
"It was just an accident," I said, wanting to leave this topic behind. "Can we go home now? Please."
To my satisfaction he nodded and opened the back door for me. My first reaction was to stare at him in shock.
"Lyd's at home already," he explained shortly.
Was he really telling me to take the backseat which I had never taken before? Yes, he was.
"Thank you," I said at last and got in the car.
James took his spot beside me and the car finally moved. To be sure, I kept the T-shirt in my hands so that it wouldn't make the expensive seats bloody.
"How's Paul treating you?" James broke the silence.
"He's great," I answered.
"And? What else would you like to hear?" I asked in confusion.
"I don't know. But definitely something more because right now you're describing him as if he was a meal you're tasting and not your boyfriend."
"I'm not!" I protested.
"You are."
"But what else would you like to hear? He pays attention to me, he escorts me to my classes, he's gentle and understanding..."
The memory of the scene during chemistry flashed before my eyes against my will. He wanted more from me than I could give him so far. Kisses were okay but I wasn't ready to feel his hands all over my body yet. This was why I enjoyed chatting with him. I got to know him through his own words without any physical contact I should worry about.
But dating Paul with everything a relationship offered was something on a different level.
At home, I finally found at least a bit of time to look into my chemistry notes and memorize some of the topics.
My nose was still pulsing from the pain but it was thankfully better now.
However, my studying session was interrupted when I received a text message from Paul. He informed me about yet another party held at Cyril's tonight in celebrations of the lacrosse team victory. My response was unsure but then he replied with another encouraging message, telling me how it had been him that had earned our team the winning goal and that they needed to fully celebrate it.
I sighed. I still hadn't finished studying chemistry and the test was dangerously nearing too.
But Paul was my boyfriend. I knew that a stable relationship needed some sacrifices in order to work.
I ended up agreeing.
I approached the mirror to check the state of my nose and once I pulled the bandage off, a forming bruise instantly stood out. It didn't need the bandage anymore but it certainly wasn't a beautiful sight for the eyes, even though the ice pack the nurse had put on it previously definitely helped.. I reached for my tube of makeup and very carefully started applying it. I couldn't even count how many times I winced from the pain the bare touch caused but I also reminded myself that I couldn't simply show up at the party with a huge bruise in the middle of my face. Cyril would surely be the first one to comment.
But I knew I had to do this. This was Paul's day.
I looked into my wardrobe. My bruised nose couldn't be perfectly hidden even with makeup which meant my dress couldn't be a regular one. It had to be special. Something that would be a flame to the moth. A dress that people would automatically look at instead of my nose. And when I spotted a tight shimmering silver dress that reached just above my knee, I knew I had come upon the perfect fit for this occasion.
When I was ready to leave, dress and makeup on, I left the room and met James and Lydia outside. They both were visibly surprised to see me – including me.
"Betty?" James questioned.
"Yes?" I asked nonchalantly and approached Percy's car.
"Are you sure you want to go?" Lydia said.
"In that dress? This is just one of Cyril's parties, nothing special," James added.
"Yes and yes. After all, our lacrosse team won today. We gotta celebrate it."
I couldn't miss the look the twins exchanged. "Look, when you take a look at me, what do you see first? My nose or..." I pointed at my body. "My stunning dress?"
"Definitely the dress," they replied in unison.
I nodded. "Thought so."
I didn't give them any more time to object and I took my seat in the front. Even though I was sitting in the back today, this time it was both the siblings there so my place was automatically next to Percy.
When we arrived, together we searched for our group of friends. Lydia disappeared along the way and joined some girls I barely knew while James and I approached the boys by the pool. However, I couldn't miss the glances I kept receiving from everyone present. I expected my dress to draw attention but I was also aware that if I hadn't showed up in this, they would have already been talking about the lacrosse accident. This time, it was my outfit they were so wildly gossiping about.
"I'm glad you're here," Paul greeted me with a kiss on my lips.
"I couldn't let you celebrate on your own."
Cyril, James and Wren appeared beside us. "Weren't you supposed to be on bed rest?"
"Aren't you glad to see me?" I mocked my half brother's friend.
He grinned. "Always."
"I love this dress on you," Paul whispered in my ear as we ignored Cyril's sarcastic response. "You always know how to make me happy."
I smiled. "And you'll make me happy if you get me something to drink."
I craved something strong. My nose was still sore and the more I smiled, the more I felt it. Hopefully some of the alcohol would help numb the pain.
"Anything for you."
"I'll drink something too," James announced.
"Me too," Wren agreed.
"I'm fine," he answered but I couldn't help but feel his gaze all over me – or more likely on my face. Suddenly, I felt like I was wearing no makeup to cover my bruise.
The three boys left which meant only Cyril and I remained.
Fucking great.
"Do you know your nose is the size of an apple?" he suddenly asked.
I shook my head in disbelief. "But you do know how to give a compliment to a girl."
He shrugged. "I'm just telling the truth. But seriously, what has gotten into your mind coming here?"
"I'm just here to celebrate my boyfriend's success. I don't know if you are aware but there is something like a supportive relationship that exists."
"Oh, yes, a one-sided support. Did he even ask you how you felt?" he inquired.
"What's your deal, Cyril? Sticking your nose in other people's business?"
"My deal is that you shouldn't be parading here in that sexy dress of yours at a party like this."
I opened my mouth in amusement. "So you think I'm sexy. What? Are you afraid you're going to start to like me? Am I that irresistible?"
He scoffed. "Just keep dreaming. But these people here, they're used to getting whatever they want. Just a reminder."
I stepped closer to him, my heels clicking on the ground. "I am in no need for your stupid reminders. Because now I'm one of them, if you remember."
That was the last word we exchanged because after that Wren and Paul rejoined us. Cyril and his friend instantly parted their ways from us and Paul and I finally had some time for ourselves. However, our quiet moment didn't last long because soon he dragged me inside to dance. I tried to object but after I finished my drink, I let him take me.
We moved to the beat of the song. For a few seconds, I was able to forget about everything that happened today. Paul's hands were resting on my back as we were jumping happily. Eventually, from the corner of my eye I spotted Cyril and his friends letting their inner animals out too. I tried to search for James but he was nowhere to be seen.
"Just keep your eyes on me, baby," Paul whispered into my ear and my attention returned to him.
Before the song could end, Paul got another idea and he took my hand, taking me away from the dance floor to a quiet room much to my confusion.
"What are we doing here?" I asked, looking around.
It must have been one of the guest rooms because the bed was tidy and there were no personal objects suggesting someone was residing in here.
"I'm sorry."
I swiftly glanced at him as this moment took a rapid turn. "What for?"
"For what happened during chemistry today. I admit, I was wrong to make a scene in front of the others. And I promise I will respect that now," he said, taking a seat on the edge of the mattress.
I could have sworn that a part of my heart melted at his words.
This was the Paul I knew. He was thoughtful and admitted his mistake. He cared about my wellbeing. James and Cyril could go to hell with their meaningless warnings.
"I appreciate that," I replied, slowly making my way over to him. "Thank you."
He touched my hand. "Thank you for being so understanding. And now..."
I raised my eyebrows in anticipation as his other hand got swallowed by his jeans pocket. A small smile creeped up on my face but when he revealed what he was hiding, it instantly dropped.
"What are we doing here, Paul?" I asked, my throat tightening as I watched the condom in his palm.
"I understand that you don't want any audience and that you want your privacy," he said calmly like he was doing me a favor.
"No, Paul, you don't," I protested, shaking my head and creating a distance between us.
He didn't understand anything. He just made himself believe that he did.
"Cyril doesn't mind when people fuck in the guest rooms from time to time as long as we don't make a big mess and leave before sunrise," he continued.
I scoffed, ignoring the piercing pain of betrayal. "Oh, and you're aware of that because you've done it?"
The look on his face said it all.
"Great. Fucking great," I murmured. "I'm leaving. I shouldn't have come here in the first place."
I spun on my heels and went for the door but Paul's hand stopped me.
"Don't go, Betty."
"Let go of me, Paul," I warned him. "I'm tired of this. If you were so understanding as you like to claim, you would understand that I want to take things slow."
"But how slow, Betty? I thought you had forgiven me!"
I was in disbelief. The Paul I used to continuously chat with on Instagram was the mirror reflection of the person standing before me.
The truth of differences between social media and reality was a bullet fired from a gun Paul pulled the trigger of.
"Me too."
The silence that followed my words lasted a couple of seconds if not more.
"I'm leaving," I repeated my earlier words at last and this time Paul didn't try to stop me.
The party was still ongoing but the need for some fresh air led me to the door that opened to the backyard with the pool. Outside, the music was dulled and my ears could rest at least a bit even though people were still loud and chatty. I felt the pain in my nose returning which had an even worse impact on my mood. As if my fight with Paul wasn't enough.
But then I realized that the happy mood from earlier wasn't present anymore. I followed the guests' wandering gazes and my eyes landed on Cyril and Wren by the pool.
"What happened?"
"Cyril threw that Bell girl in the pool. James pulled out his hero cape to save her," Wren explained.
"Shut up, Sassy Betty."
"But why would you do that?" I exclaimed, my pulse quickening even more. "You're really irredeemable."
"No one has been hurt so don't cause another scene you too."
"Shut up, Vega! But why would I be even surprised, yeah? You rich, spoiled guys just think it's okay to take and take, don't you? You don't care about others' feelings or lives. As long as you're satisfied, it's all right! Isn't it? Isn't it?!"
Cyril's eyes were wide. He didn't even say anything anymore. But my anger wasn't even aimed at him. My words weren't aimed at him as much as I would have liked to think. I needed to release the anger inside me and Cyril happened to be the one suffering the consequences.
I noticed that we had grown an audience too. I caught some flashlights from phones and I fought the urge to hide away.
Suddenly, I felt a warm touch on my bare shoulder.
I instantly recognized that voice and I turned around in the blink of an eye to swat him away.
"Don't you dare touch me!" I yelled at Paul.
"Calm down, Betty, people are watching," he seethed out, looking around worriedly.
"Let them! Let them know the man you are! Oh, I'm sorry. Everyone but me has been aware who you were all along," I snapped back.
That was the last thing I told him before I left him standing there on his own with his mouth wide open. My speed was too fast though and I almost sprained my ankle as I was trying to rediscover my lost balance.
"I'll take you home," Paul offered again.
"You will not," I objected and reached down to take off my shoes. "God, I hate these heels so much!"
I ignored the coldness of the pavement as I kept walking to the front. My purse was dangling from one finger and my heels from the other hand. My makeup was probably a mess at this point too.
When I reached the front yard I realized that Percy and the car were gone. James must have taken Ruby home after Cyril's careless actions. But that meant I was stuck here.
I wanted to scream. Scream at Paul. Scream at Cyril. Scream at James.
I wanted to scream at the sky for making my life as miserable as it possibly could. Why did it have to be me? Why did my mom have to die and leave me with my new so-called family? I didn't choose to be apart of this spoiled community.
I didn't choose any of this. And yet, I was stuck here.
"Leave me alone, Vega," I told him.
"I'll take you home."
"I don't want you to."
"James told me to make sure you got home safely."
"Well, it's a good thing he isn't here, then, isn't it?"
"Just leave me alone. You're drunk anyway. There's no way you can drive."
I set my heels on the ground and pulled out my phone. I blinked away the tears that were threatening to spill out as I searched for an Uber. With only a few clicks one car was already on its way here.
"Miss Beaufort?"
I glanced up and saw a middle-aged man in a suit.
"Mister Smithers sent me to give you a ride home."
Of course Paul did that. He was doing everything to keep playing the perfect boyfriend but I wasn't going to let him fool me anymore. "I'm not interested."
"Miss Beaufort," he insisted.
"She said she wasn't interested," Cyril reminded him strictly, taking a spot beside me.
"Of course," the man gave in at last and walked away.
Cyril's shoulders relaxed. "Wait a minute, I'll let the chauffeur know–"
"There's no need. My ride's here," I interrupted him when I saw the flashlights of the Uber I had ordered.
"Bye, Vega," I told him and picked up my shoes again.
Cyril didn't try to follow me this time and I got into the car. Thankfully, the driver wasn't talkative and he remained silent during the whole ride back home. When the car stopped, I thanked him politely and stepped out, the tiny pebbles piercing my feet in the process.
The car left and then I noticed James standing by the stairs, waiting.
"That wasn't Cyril or Paul," he uttered when I reached him.
I looked him over. He was still wet and it was obvious that he wasn't in his brightest mood either. It seemed like this night wasn't generous to either of us.
I decided not to answer him as I headed inside, lost in my own thoughts.
It's been a long time coming!
Thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you like the banter between Cyril and Betty. I have some very exciting plans for the next few chapters so stay tuned! I'll do my best to update as soon as I can ;)
Take care of yourself.
Sincerely, writingmagic 🖤
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