6. Full of Surprises
Now I'm gettin' in the car, wreckin' all my plans
I know I should stop, but I can't
bad idea right? (Olivia Rodrigo)
Sometimes I wondered, years ago, when social media and phones weren't a thing, how did gossip spread? And how quickly?
At this moment, I wish I were back in those ancient days because the moment I stepped on the school grounds, every pair of eyes was focused on me, taking notes of my every move. Some of them held judgment, the others even envy. It was no secret that Paul was a handsome lacrosse player and he also belonged to James's friend group which helped him climb the rank of fame very easily.
That morning I woke up to news that had the same effect as cold water splashed all over me. It turned out, somebody had taken a picture of me and Paul kissing at that party and anonymously posted it on the school's official Instagram account. It was up there only for a couple of hours because once the administrators discovered that someone had hacked into their account and posted such an inappropriate picture, they deleted it immediately. My only luck was the fact that our faces weren't recognisable in the dimmed lights at the party so none of the teachers discovered that it was me posing in the picture. The last thing I truly needed was my father getting a word about this.
However, even those hours were enough for plenty of students to take their own screenshots and share them on their stories, not forgetting to tag me and Paul, of course. Someone even edited it to look like the front page of a newspaper writing about how a new star couple had been born. At the sight of it, I had wanted to smash my phone against something in fury.
This whole blow up resulted in one thing: every person with Instagram at Maxton Hall was now aware of my rekindling with Paul.
However, I was ready to ignore every stare I received throughout the day. Paul seemed to be determined to do the same because every break he spent with me. He even escorted me to my classes – the ones we didn't share too.
In simple words, he was acting like a perfect boyfriend.
On lunch break we parted from my half brother and the others and searched for a more peaceful place where he told me about everything that had happened to him recently. Everything I missed out. Whenever a group of girls would pass us, staring at us not so subtly, Paul would wrap his arm around me and kiss me in front of them proudly which made them leave us alone.
This was the first time ever since my mom's death that I felt happy and at ease. Paul was a part of my old life and I was happy to have him back when my mom couldn't be with me anymore.
After school, I was planning on visiting the library because we had a chemistry test this week and there still were some topics I hadn't gone through. But Paul ended up changing my mind when he suggested that we should make out there which I instantly declined because flashes of Cyril bringing his girls there popped up in my mind. I had no desire to remake his activities. We ended up making out outside but after a while I went home and we said goodbye to each other with a kiss.
When I entered my bedroom, my legs immediately led me to my bed which I landed on headfirst. I pulled out my phone and at the sight of the old Stories where I was starring along with Paul, I logged into my secret account that hadn't been plagued by the school gossip. I had received a couple of new comments complimenting my work and I replied to each one of them. Until I came across one that caught my attention.
kingoftheworld04: wow! do max verstappen next
I rolled my eyes at the audacity.
drawingprincess74: A "please" would be a nice gesture, you know. Just saying.
The user must have been online because after a few seconds, I got a notification about a new response to my comment.
kingoftheworld04: pleaseeeee!
drawingprincess74: My answer is no. I don't take requests. Have a nice day.
I closed the app but something was still bothering me and taking my thoughts back to the comment section. I decided to reopen it and I checked out the user. It wasn't set to private but he didn't have any posts either. However, his profile picture was a laughing emoji with a crown and sunglasses and it screamed what a spoiled person this was. Even his bio consisted only of a crown.
Suddenly, my message icon lit up with a red one, signaling I had a new message. I clicked on it and to my surprise, it was from the same user that commented on my post.
When I opened it I found a picture of Max Verstappen there.
kingoftheworld04: imagine him standing in front of his car, holding a trophy over his head
drawingprincess74: I have already said NO. Can you read?
kingoftheworld04: yes, princess, i can read. just it would be a shame if you turned down such a cool idea (no need to thank me)
drawingprincess74: Why would I even thank you? I told you, I do NOT take requests.
kingoftheworld04: come on, princess! pleaseee. it would be a gift and i know that people would love ittt
drawingprincess74: A gift for who? Yourself?
kingoftheworld04: you'd like to know that, wouldn't you...?
I turned off my phone. This conversation was getting out of hand too quickly. But still, it simply couldn't leave my mind to rest. Someone had to show this guy that he would not get everything he wanted in a snap of his fingers.
I opened my sketchbook and grabbed a pencil which instantly got into work. The lines appeared before me and the silhouette of a racer formed on the paper. But instead of happy Max, a frowning man with tears wetting his cheeks was standing there with a crashed car behind him.
I smiled in satisfaction. This was what this so-called king got for his attitude.
I quickly took a picture of my work and sent it to him. However, I didn't wait for his reaction as I logged out of my account.
On the next day, Paul and I weren't the main topic among the students of Maxton Hall anymore which I was grateful for. Instead, everyone seemed to be talking only about Ruby who was the face of the poster designed for the Fundraising Gala by James. I was one hundred percent sure that he was behind it because his face was starring right next to Ruby's on that said poster.
As a result of today's events, Ruby was late to the class that prepared us for the Oxford interviews. I didn't blame the poor girl though. She was obviously not part of the spoiled children of everyone that mattered in the world and now being the most famous person at Maxton Hall... It couldn't be easy and that was coming from a person who had been there too.
When Cyril started making fun of her all I wanted was to snap at him to shut up but Paul stopped me just in time when he laid his hand on mine and shook his head. I gave in but that didn't stop me from sending eyes full of daggers to Cyril who replied with a playful smirk.
Next we had chemistry which belonged to my most hated subjects and that was showing in my current mood too as I traced the path to the laboratory wearing my white lab coat.
Inside, the teacher wasn't present yet but it took me only a second to realize that Cyril and Wren had already bravely started the assignment.
"Hey, beautiful," Paul greeted me, giving me a peck on the lips.
"Ms. Thompson isn't here yet," he informed me. "Maybe we should use this tempting opportunity for some better activities..."
"Better activities?" I questioned playfully.
"Yes," he nodded with a smirk and kissed me once again.
I happily returned the kiss but when I suddenly felt fingers unbuttoning my lab coat, I froze.
"What are you doing?" I asked, stepping away.
"What's your problem?"
"We're in the middle of a class," I reminded him and glanced around but thankfully everyone seemed to be buried in their own conversations.
"Come on, Betty," he urged me but when he reached for me, I took a step back again.
My lips formed a thin line. "You know I hate being touched like that."
Finally he seemed to remember what I was referring to. Not to mention he was the only person I had ever told about it. "You can't possibly mean that. That happened a long time ago."
"It's easy for you to say that," I lowered my voice. "I'm not ready yet."
Paul sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Just then, another student walked past us and suddenly I felt something wet spilling on my lab coat.
"What the-?" I looked up, meeting a pair of very familiar brown eyes. "Cyril!"
"What was that, bro?" Paul asked angrily and slightly pushed Cyril which caused the latter to stumble.
"It was just an accident, chill. I guess this is why we're wearing these ridiculous lab coats even if they're way out of the trend."
"You're a dick, you know that?" Paul told him.
"Well, this dick is going to win the lacrosse match today."
I inspected the damage that had been done to my lab coat. I needed to change it as soon as possible.
"Should I go with you?" my boyfriend asked me when I informed him I was going to the restroom.
"No. I got this."
I left the two boys standing there and headed for the exit when Lin unexpectedly stepped into my way.
"Hey, Betty– what happened to you?"
I shook my head. "Just an accident."
"Uh-huh. Listen, something came up and I can't take the photos at today's match. Can you do it for me please?"
"Yeah, sure. But I really need to get to the restroom now."
So another day that I intended to dedicate to studying chemistry in the library I spent doing something completely different. And that was taking pictures of the sweating teenage boys as they chased each other on the field.
One could be doing much more entertaining activities after school.
I raised my camera to take yet another picture. The opposing team was currently losing 1 to 2 and even those two goals were possible thanks to Alistair and Cyril. Without James, it was obvious that things were harder than they used to be. Not to mention he didn't even grace us with his presence.
The crowd went wild when the enemy started heading for our net. People were yelling at our team to do something as they tried to maneuver their way in theirs. Even I lowered my camera in anticipation. By every second, he got closer with the ball but thankfully Cyril managed to slip in front of him, blocking his path. That caused the player to throw the ball to his teammate who was not far away. However, he wasn't expecting it and he failed to catch it.
And the ball kept flying.
And flying.
Straight into the middle of my face.
I instantly let go of my camera and my only luck was that it was hanging around my neck which meant it didn't follow the ball to the ground. But sharp pain erupted in my nose and when I touched it it painted my fingers red.
"Fuck," I cursed and brought my hand back to my nose.
I glanced back at the field and noticed that a fight had broken off there. Right now, Cyril was jumping at the guy that threw the ball and before he could have been pulled away from him, he had managed to land at least two punches.
I had no interest in seeing this fight go on so I turned around, deciding to visit the nurse's office because the pain made me unsure about whether my nose was still in one piece.
"Beaufort, wait!"
I stopped when I realized his words were aimed at me. I was a Beaufort now too.
"Since Vega here has so much energy in himself he can accompany you to the nurse's office," the couch said, glaring at Cyril who was now panting next to him with his helmet in his right hand.
"But the match–"
"You're done for today."
Cyril was furious. That one thing was certain. But he didn't want to risk worse punishments so he ended up smashing his helmet against the field and he strode over to me. He didn't even check to see if I was following, he was lost in his own world of fury.
Finally we stepped out of the reach of the students' curious eyes and I slowly pulled my hand away but my nose still hadn't stopped bleeding. I quickly tilted my head back, hoping it would help because now I was covering it with both my hands to avoid any leaking because I couldn't forget the camera that was still lying on my chest.
Cyril's long and quick steps stopped when he discovered that I wasn't right behind him.
"For fuck's sake, Beatrice," he said and stomped over to me. "Lean forward, come on."
"What?" I let out, ignoring the fact that he used my full name because that was the least of my concerns.
"Lean. Forward. I've had nosebleeds like this more times than I can count. I don't need you choking on me here," he explained.
Reluctantly, I did as he said but I felt the blood pouring out even quicker into my palms. I was ready to glare at him for his master plan but to my greatest shock, he was taking off his T-shirt. Thankfully, underneath his dress he was wearing another layer so my eyes didn't end up as victims.
"Here," he said, holding it out for me.
I didn't reply, instead stared at him.
Cyril sighed. "Much like I don't want a corpse here, I also don't want to leave blood marks behind us as if this was a crime scene straight out of a horror film."
Finally I pulled away my hands and he hurried to put the T-shirt in their place. Then he reached for something else – my camera.
"What are you doing?" I asked, my voice muffled by the huge clothing.
"Is your wish for it to be bloody?"
I didn't answer that question and let him carefully pull it over my head.
"Head forward," he reminded me when he was safely holding the device.
I didn't want to imagine what a comical couple we must have looked like from a distance. A girl with her face buried in a lacrosse player's dress while leaning forward and the mentioned lacrosse player walking beside her with a camera dangling from his hand.
Yep, better not to picture it.
Despite his warning – which was late, may I say – my foot got caught and my nose almost got another hit, this time from the ground. Thankfully, Cyril had his reflexes sharpened and his arm wrapped around my torso, saving me from the fall.
"Are you always this clumsy?" he murmured and let go of me when I regained my balance.
"It wouldn't hurt to mention the stair a little sooner, you know," I noted.
"Right," he said but there was nothing regretful in his tone of voice.
After what felt like the longest journey in my life we arrived at the nurse's office.
"Oh my! What happened, dear?"
Our nurse was an elderly woman and many students speculated why she wasn't enjoying her retirement yet. And she looked like she was just about to leave the office but she stopped at the sight of us.
"A lacrosse accident," Cyril replied.
"I always say you're like wild animals when it comes to that sport," she shook her head. "Come, dear, come in."
I followed the nurse inside, leaving Cyril outside the door. The nurse then inspected my nose. Thankfully, the nosebleed had stopped and it turned out it wasn't broken either.
"It might leave a bruise for a couple of days but nothing makeup cannot fix," she reassured me. "Now, excuse me, I was just going to the toilet when you showed up."
"That's alright."
While the nurse left, I remained on the simple chair. Just to be sure, she had put a bandage over my nose but according to her words, I didn't need to wear it for long.
When she returned, she was wearing a bright smile on her face.
"Your taste in men is splendid, my dear," she said cheerfully.
I furrowed my eyebrows. Paul was here? Had the match already ended?
"My boyfriend?"
"Why, yes! The boy that brought you here?" she waited for my reaction which she didn't get. "He was just standing behind the door, patiently waiting. He even asked about you."
I stared at her in shock.
"He... isn't my boyfriend," I corrected her. "In fact, he'd probably rather hear that my nose is broken."
When I exited the nurse's room, I wasn't surprised to see that Cyril had disappeared, leaving my camera on one of the sofas nearby.
It's out!!
I had honestly so much fun writing this chapter. I always love scenes where the love interest takes care of the hurt MC and this one was so cute so I hope you liked it too!
Also, what do you think about the Instagram conversation?
Thank you so much for your patience! Every vote and comment is greatly appreciated.
And good news, I finally own the Maxton Hall books and I can't wait to read them (hopefully it will give some inspiration for Betty and Cyril too...) I just need to get out of my reading slump first ugh.
Have a good day/night!
Sincerely, writingmagic 🩵
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