10. Unforeseen Changes
I keep recalling things we never did
Messy top lip kiss
How I long for our trysts
Guilty As Sin? (Taylor Swift)
The next day, James appeared with a cut on his mouth. Thankfully the slap my father gave me didn't leave any mark but what his son received must have been stronger because by Monday it was still visible.
Apparently, James was back on the lacrosse team as well thanks to the success of the Donation Gala. But I didn't miss how his demeanor changed after the night our father yelled at all of us. I had no idea what he had told him but it must have hit him hard.
The car stopped at Maxton Hall and the twins got out while I remained in my seat.
"Miss Beaufort?" Percy said from beside me, waiting for me to follow my half siblings.
"I'm going. Just..." I didn't finish my sentence.
I looked out through the window and saw James meet up with his friends. However, Paul was nowhere to be seen.
I took a deep breath and finally stepped out of the car. People had stopped whispering about my public fight with Paul at last but it still felt like every gaze was on me. I made my way to my class early but for that I had to walk past the boys. Intentionally I avoided any eye contact – especially with Cyril. At the Gala I disappeared without a word and I had no desire to explain what was so important. James could tell him if he wanted.
After all, he was his best friend. Cyril wouldn't even ask about where I went. He was definitely glad to get rid of me.
During the whole day I felt like a zombie. I heard that the boys were already planning another party tonight to celebrate that James was back on the team but I knew very well that I wasn't going to attend. I would rather stay in bed and draw in my own sorrow than force a fake smile on my face.
But another shock came when I discovered that James was acting like Ruby Bell didn't exist. Just a couple of days ago he wanted to throw away his father's wishes to be with her. And now, he looked through her.
But my day wasn't going according to my plans either because at one of the classes, I was just writing notes while the teacher was explaining the current topic when I suddenly noticed something small crawling on my table. It took me half a second to realize that it was a spider and I immediately froze. I couldn't take my eyes off it. Deep breaths helped me not lose my mind but it took all of my energy not to scream out in horror which would result in me seeming like a psycho for sure.
Hesitantly, I raised my hand.
"Yes, Miss Beaufort?"
"Can I go to the restroom?" I asked softly, grateful that I hadn't lost my voice.
"Can't you wait five more minutes?" she questioned, looking at her wristwatch.
I shook my head and thankfully she agreed to let me go.
I swiftly grabbed my satchel, not caring about the curious looks from everyone in the classroom. I closed the door behind me and headed down the hall, taking deep breaths to make the panic race away. Soon enough, I heard the bell ring and students started scurrying out of classrooms. That's when I spotted a familiar person.
Paul noticed me looking at him as well and he started making his way over to me but I didn't stay there. Instead, I hurried away because talking to him was the last thing on my wishlist.
After P.E. I rushed to the girls' dressing room to change as quickly as I could. I was just pulling out my shirt when something fell out of my bag and I instantly screamed.
My terror lasted only a bit because I quickly realized that the spider in my bag was only fake. I waited for my heart to calm down but then I heard the laughter coming from the other girls. I recognized Stephanie and Maria – the two girls that were once mocking me about my mom and in return they got splashed by muddy water. But that wasn't the most surprising part.
Stephanie was holding her phone and something was telling me that she was also using it to record.
"Maria, how many likes do you think this will get?" Stephanie asked, grinning widely.
"A ton of them at least."
I silently returned to changing my clothes, seeing that they had put away the phone.
"Don't you want to see this video of you, Beatrice?" Stephanie asked.
I ignored her, pulling up my skirt. The two girls exchanged confused looks. But I wasn't about to explain to them why I didn't have energy for them too. I remembered that they were in the same class as me when I saw that spider on my table and they must have seen my reaction.
I packed up all of my things and I walked over to the exit but the girls got in the way. "Don't you dare ignore me!"
"Or what?" I challenged Stephanie. "You aren't scary enough."
I passed her and her shocked minion. I had enough of them. Truthfully, they didn't even reach the ankles of the terror my father radiated.
Let them post it online. At least my father would have more trouble covering that up.
When the bell rang at the end of my last lesson, I wanted to sigh in relief. I grabbed my stuff and went to the library to study. However, after a few minutes I noticed that some of the students kept continuously looking at me, hiding their chuckles behind books.
Stephanie must have posted that video of my reaction somewhere just as she promised.
A boy then stopped at my table. "Hey, are you free this Saturday?"
I raised my eyes from my homework and focused on him. "What?"
"You know, I like to have fun..." he smirked knowingly, making me even more confused.
"What are you talking about?"
His face now showed identical emotions to mine. "You haven't seen it?"
"Seen what?"
He hesitated. "Well... Hate to be the bearer of bad news but..."
He pulled out his phone and soon he was showing me an Instagram video. At first, I couldn't recognize what was happening but then I saw myself and my mouth went dry. I was sitting on a chair, a man making me touch his bare chest.
I remembered this.
This was the party that got ruined by Wren's idea of dancers.
And as if that wasn't enough, there was also a caption.
Long lost Beaufort isn't afraid to give men what they desire.
I wanted to throw up.
I looked at who posted it and my eyes widened when I saw it was the school's official Instagram account.
Please, not again. Please.
A humiliating video of me being petrified of a toy spider? Fine. I accepted.
But a video of a situation that brought back my worst memories? I dreaded that.
I blindly put my books back in my satchel, knowing my study session was over. I had a feeling about who did this. The memory of the very first picture that was posted on that account without the teachers' knowledge flashed in my mind. Back then, they didn't know it was me and Paul kissing but others recognized me and news spread about us being a couple. Now that we split, such a scandalous video of me appeared again.
This couldn't be a coincidence.
I also remembered how he once texted me about how he was interested in hacking. It was a long time ago back when my mom was still alive but now it came to the surface.
It was Paul. He wanted revenge.
I hurried out of the library without a goal in my mind. Then I bumped into the lacrosse team that was about to start their practice. James and his friends instantly noticed me, stopping to talk to me.
"Betty, have you seen the video?" my half brother asked.
I nodded with tight lips. By now, the whole school must have seen it. Including the teachers... Oh, God.
Alistair and Cyril were standing next to him while Kesh and Wren were in the middle of their own conversation.
"Are you okay?" Alistair asked with care.
"Do you know who posted it?" James inquired.
I didn't say anything. However, my eyes wandered over to the back of a retreating boy and the others followed my gaze.
"I'm gonna kill him," James seethed and he did start to approach the mentioned boy in fact.
"No, James," I stopped him, putting my palms on his chest. "He isn't worth it. It won't change what's already happened."
"He isn't going to survive today's practice," Cyril threatened, shooting daggers at Paul.
"Come to the practice with us," James suggested, his jaw clenching and unclenching. "No one is going to stare at you there. Not with us present."
I contemplated my options. The library wasn't one of them. Neither was the Beaufort mansion because I never knew who I could stumble upon.
I nodded at last. "Okay."
I pulled out my sketchbook while the boys were practicing. The pencil moved on the paper but my mind was elsewhere. I turned my phone off because I didn't want to see that video again and I was sick of all the notifications about it.
I hoped that being in the fresh air would help clear my mind and take my thoughts away from the recent events but it wasn't working.
Suddenly, I heard the noises of a commotion on the field and I instantly looked up, forgetting about my drawing.
Cyril and Paul were on the ground, fighting. Their bodies were collided, rolling on the harsh ground from one side to another.
I put down my sketchbook and hurried over to the field. Right now, my ex was on top of Cyril, punching him. The coach was screaming at them to stop but it was like neither of them listened. Then Cyril managed to roll over and he got a good hit on Paul.
The others rushed at them, pulling the boys away from each other. James got between them, holding out his arms to create distance.
"Enough!" the coach yelled. "Both of you, off the field!"
Paul spat on the ground and started walking away in anger. He only looked at me once before going ahead. My eyes returned to the boys and only now I noticed the bleeding bruise on Cyril's lips. The area around his eye was also red.
"Oh, my God," I breathed out for myself, coming over to them. "What was this about? Are you okay?"
"It's nothing," he replied indifferently. "Paul got something from me too in return. That dick."
"Vega, off the field. Now!" the coach instructed again, his patience getting thin.
"Of course, boss," he called back and started making his way away.
"Miss Beaufort," the coach turned to me. "Accompany him to the nurse's office please. That boy's too stubborn to find his way there on his own."
"Go," James encouraged me.
At last, I did as I was told and followed Cyril who was stomping away. His steps were twice mine and by the time I reached him, I was almost panting. I wondered how he could find so much energy in himself after the fight he had just gone through.
"What are you doing?" he asked, surprise filling his voice.
"I was told to escort you to the school nurse," I explained shortly.
He scoffed. "This doesn't need to be seen by her."
"But it needs to be cleaned," I reminded him. "It could get infected."
"Now who's the smart one?"
I rolled my eyes.
"I'm sorry about Paul," I started hesitantly.
"You have nothing to apologize for."
"But if I'm the reason he's so irked," I protested. "And now he even starts out fights... It's like I don't even know the true side of him."
Cyril abruptly stopped and unexpectedly we were standing face to face. The area around his eye was still red and there was a drop of blood coming from the gash on his mouth. The moment I realized where my eyes were focused, I brought them up so that they were in the same line as his.
"His behaviour isn't your responsibility. So don't you dare apologize for it," he said sharply.
I knew that I was supposed to say something. Maybe a sassy remark – that would be my usual reaction. But somehow I lacked responses that I could give him.
I couldn't tell exactly when or how the atmosphere between us had changed. Suddenly, I didn't see the typical bad boy I met on day one at Maxton Hall anymore. The boy in front of me was someone else. Someone more.
The Cyril that was now positioned in front of me was the boy that helped me with my nosebleed and also escorted me to the nurse's office.
He was the one that offered to tutor me from chemistry when he saw me struggling.
This Cyril was the one that caught me just in time when I fell from the bench while chasing the birds.
I knew him as the gentleman that stood up for me in front of Paul and then helped my bad thoughts rush away while leading the dance between us because I had no idea what to do with my feet.
Suddenly, Cyril turned his back on me and just like that we continued walking to our destination, the tension between us gone in a blink.
At last we reached the nurse's office. The same older woman who treated my bruised nose opened the door for us.
"Oh, my! What happened, dear?" she asked, inspecting Cyril's face.
"Lacrosse accident."
"If you say so. Come inside," she invited him. "Your girlfriend can wait here."
"Oh, we're not– I'm not–" I tried to correct her but the door was already closed.
I sat down on the nearby sofa. I had a sense of deja vu as I was sitting here. I hoped Paul wouldn't appear because I knew for a fact that he was too stubborn to visit the school nurse.
Suddenly I realized that I forgot my sketchbook by the field. For a second I thought about returning for it but I was afraid that Paul had already gone back there. The atmosphere wouldn't even be the same after the fight.
The door finally opened and Cyril came out with an ice pack on his eye. "You're still here?"
"This was the only place I was sure I wouldn't bump into Paul," I explained. "How's your eye?"
"It's just a scratch. One punch is not strong enough to bring me down."
"From what I saw, that was more than just one punch."
"He got what he deserved too."
The voices of lacrosse players reached my ears, indicating that the practice was over.
"I'll be on my way then," I told him.
I turned around to walk away.
I instantly stopped, his word like a command and I faced him once more. "Yes?"
The way he said my name... it was the same way he did in the library which made me even more curious to know what he wanted to tell me. As if that one name was reaching for something more. For something deep. But I had no idea what it was. Only Cyril could.
I was patiently waiting for him to speak but either he must've hesitated or he didn't even know what he was doing.
He sighed. "Good luck on the chemistry exam tomorrow."
I pushed back the feeling of disappointment that wanted to make itself known. Why would I expect him to share something with me? Why? It didn't make any sense.
"Thank you."
It didn't come as a shock when my father wanted to talk to me right on that day. Once again, I sat through his lecture about keeping the family name clean of any scandal. His main reason to be angry was the fact that the video had appeared on the same page where the picture of James and Ruby was published. Of course, my father took legal actions immediately and by the evening, the video was down.
And by bedtime, I was ready to welcome the sleep. But when it did, my mind took a rapid turn I didn't expect. Not in my wildest dreams.
In my dream, I saw a body. A body of a man that was touching mine. My hand unconsciously reached to caress the naked chest and in return I heard the man whisper some soothing words into my ear. His warm breath tickled my soft skin.
On my back, I felt some comfortable pillows that welcomed us to find heaven among them. My clothes were missing and my body was covered only by a bra and panties. I felt fingers tracing their way along my arm and shivers answered his actions.
I was truly enjoying this.
"You're so fucking beautiful," the man growled.
I smiled. And then my eyes started to make their way up from his chest. I met his Adam's apple, then his chin with subtle stubble. His nose followed until our eyes collided.
And in that moment my eyes widened. I recognized that face. I knew that face all too well.
The man whose fingers were just touching my body as if it was the most delicate thing in the world was Cyril.
At last, I woke up, startled. I was back in my room, tangled up between my sheets. I quickly brushed back my hair, feeling the sweat as the result of the dream I had just experienced.
What the heck was that?
The next day, there was no lack of topics to talk about. The video might have been taken down already but that didn't stop anyone from chattering all the way about it and gossiping behind my back.
I did my best to ignore everyone's comments and stares as I entered the building. My head was high, eyes focused forward.
I could survive today. Such topics lasted only days, weeks at most. Soon enough, they would forget and move on to another scandal. That was how the world worked after all.
"Oxford, baby!"
I looked around at the sound of a loud cheerful voice. Cyril walked through the door in all his grace, holding a piece of paper high in the air. His lips were forming a wide grin and I couldn't help but remember that the same lips against my ear from last night.
No, Betty! That was just a dream. Nothing more.
Cyril was walking around, high-fiving everyone in the process. And then he reached me. His smile never left him as he kept his hand raised for me too. This time, I didn't think deeply about it as I held out my hand and our palms met in the air.
When he walked away, I realized that now everyone was whispering about their invitations to various universities. It might not have been intentional from Cyril's side, but he managed to successfully tune down the conversations about me.
Later that day I barely felt any surprise when Professor Lexington requested to see me in his office. The video of me had already been taken down but the quiet murmurs hadn't stopped.
"Professor Lexington," I greeted him politely.
"Please take a seat, Miss Beaufort," he said, closing a notebook.
I did as he said, waiting for the scolding to come.
"It has reached my ears that a particular video of you was posted on the official Instagram account of Maxton Hall without the administrator's knowledge. I suppose you're aware of that," he began.
"I am, professor," I admitted.
"Do you remember the time it was taken?"
"Yes, professor."
If I could, I'd hide under the table but that was impossible.
"Because I do, too. Which is why I know that the video is not what it looks like. I also became the victim of those... performers, so I can quite feel your situation."
"Thank you," I replied gratefully.
Before entering this office, I was expecting a punishment maybe. And a scolding despite the fact that I knew that the video was just a bit of the whole truth. And now that I had heard Professor Lexington's words, I felt the pressure drop off my shoulders.
"Do you have any guess of who might be the one behind posting it, Miss Beaufort?" he asked me.
I stiffened. I wasn't a fool. If I were to reveal that it was Paul, he would get angrier. And I wasn't a snitch either. This was between the two of us and I honestly hoped that embarrassing me like that was satisfying enough for him.
"I don't, professor," I lied.
"Are you certain?" he questioned, giving me his scrutinizing gaze that made the impression that he knew more than I thought.
I nodded. "Yes, unfortunately."
"Very well," he said at last. "You might leave now."
I bid him goodbye, wishing him a nice day and left the room as quickly as I could.
Outside, a group of girls spotted me and the rumours about the post must have been still fresh because they started chuckling. Cyril's ability to change the topic had its time limits. I ignored them as I went on my way but for that I had to pass them in the hallway.
I was ready to pretend indifference but one of them had different plans.
"We've made up a new nickname for you," she called out. "Slutty Betty."
I stopped. "Maybe you should try to be more creative."
"Even if it's not creative, it describes you perfectly," she retorted and another wave of laughter followed her words.
Finally, I faced her and the rest of her gang. "And what nickname would you give yourself? Because based on the ton of makeup that's covering your face, I'd call you the same."
Her face showed anger. "Don't try to mock me. Everybody at Maxton Hall knows that you're just a fool to think that you really belong here. You aren't a Beaufort and you'll never be one."
I was ready to snap back at her but then I felt a new presence behind me.
"Is there a problem?" James's firm voice sounded.
An instant smile appeared on the girl's lips, charmed by his handsome face. "We were just chatting."
"I wonder what you'd have to chat about with my sister."
Her smile immediately faltered and I felt warmth spread over my chest.
He called me his sister.
I didn't think he had ever done that before in public.
When it was obvious that the girls wouldn't say anything, James and I started walking away.
"Thank you," I said at last when I was sure they couldn't hear us.
James just nodded but something was telling me that he wouldn't hesitate to stand up for me again.
I deeply apologize for the longer wait! My current plan is to finish this act as soon as possible because we are slowly nearing the end! Trust me, big things will be happening at Oxford ;) And then we'll have to wait for season 2 which I am so excited about! I just hope you won't curse me in your sleep for that ending I have prepared...
Anyway, happy holidays if you are celebrating! And also, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thank you for sticking with me and reading my stories. You mean the world to me and I will be forever grateful because thanks to you I get to share a small part of me through my stories. THANK YOU <3
Take care of yourself & stay safe!
Sincerely, writingmagic ❤️🩹
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