10 - Tell Me
Where the hell is he?
I looked over at the clock mounted upon my wall. 1:27am. Corbin was supposed to have been at my window at 1am, and he was hardly ever late. Never by this extent. Had he forgotten that we had plans? No. Ever since we had started sleeping together, he would sneak up to my room every other day.
Abandoning the open window, I flopped backwards onto my bed, groaning loudly. I was frustrated, and I had been so looking forward to taking out said frustration by having sex. Sure, it was risky, having the Vinsmokes staying in the palace, but we hadn't ever been caught before. Maybe that was why Corbin hadn't shown up? Fear of getting busted?
"Ugh, why couldn't we have had that dumb connection instead? It would've made things a whole lot easier..." I muttered to myself, limply smacking at my bedspread in a poorly executed rhythm. I could still smell Ichiji, stronger than I usually could. It was like he filled the whole damn palace. There was no escaping it.
I had tried to research ways to terminate the fated connection, but none of the books I had access to were helpful. They all said the same things. It was meant to be. It's the deepest linkage of souls and hearts. Rejecting fated mates can be fatal, etcetera etcetera. That last one was only a rumour, because apparent nobody else in history had ever been in a similar situation to mine. Figures.
How the hell did Judge raise those rotten bastards, anyway? I knew they were considered warriors, but had they ever had any semblance of humanity? Were Judge's genes so messed up that they just came out of the womb as vile little monsters? Reiju seemed like a decent person, so was it just a male trait in their bloodline?
"Stupid dumb ugly stinking basta-" A knock at my bedroom door cut through my string of insults, and I sat up, narrowing my eyes. It definitely wasn't Corbin. He exclusively came and went through my window. Sniffing at the air, I didn't have to ask. Ichiji's scent was abhorrently strong, and it made my heart race.
I should pretend I'm asleep...
But when he knocked again, I couldn't stop myself. Standing up, I slowly approached my bedroom door and cracked it open, peeking into the dark halloway. Ichiji stood there, in a casual shirt and slacks, and I gripped the doorknob tighter.
"What the hell do you want..? You woke me up, asshole."
Hands in his pockets, Ichiji didn't seem at all phased by my insult.
"No I didn't. You were calling someone a stupid dumb ugly stinking bastard. Likely me, unless you were talking in your sleep, in which case, again, it was likely about me." He replied, sounding rather bored.
Narrowing my eyes further, I kept the door only slightly cracked, not wanting to give him the chance to wedge a foot in.
"Shut up. What do you want?" I repeated the question he had skirted. "Also, you look like an idiot wearing sunglasses in the middle of the night."
I was positive that if his eyes were visible, I would have seen them roll. He edged a little closer to the door.
"I'd like to talk. Are you going to let me in?" He sounded expectant, and I shut the door a little more, so now I could only see a sliver of him.
"Why the hell would I let you into my room? We have nothing to talk about, unless it's you telling me the wedding is off and you're moving into a Sea King's digestive tract." I snapped, keeping my voice low. I wasn't sure why I was trying to be quiet. If somebody heard that he was trying to get into my room at this hour, I would possibly have more leverage in my argument about cancelling our marriage arrangement.
Sighing, Ichiji leant against the outer door frame, leaning closer to the crack.
"If you despise me so much, then why did you answer the door? You knew it was me. Do you really think I'd try to hurt you? In your territory, and with what's at stake? Give me at least some credit, (Y/N)."
A strange shudder ran through my body when he said my name, and I hated that it wasn't unpleasant. He was right. He wouldn't be stupid enough to hurt me in my own room, in the same palace my parents currently slept.
"Why can't you just talk to me through the door..?"
It was obvious he was starting to get a little exasperated, but he was doing a decent job at keeping his cool.
"Because it's a personal matter, and I know for a fact Yonji will be roaming around sometime soon to look for a snack." He responded in a lower voice, as though whatever he wanted to discuss was a real secret.
This has to be some kind of trick. I don't smell his brothers, so I don't think they're trying to jump me, at least, but...
Against all better judgement, I stepped back and opened my door, allowing him to enter. There was something slightly hesitant about how he walked in, just standing in the middle of my room as I shut the door behind him.
"Okay," I said as I turned, keeping my distance from him. "what did you want to talk to me about? Make it quick. I'm tired and I'd like to sleep." I really wasn't, but I wanted him out as quick as possible. I shouldn't have even let him in in the first place. Hands still in his pockets, Ichiji peered around for a moment before he turned to me.
"This fated mate thing. Is it so bad?"
One blink, two blinks, I finally choked out a dry laugh.
"Uh, yes? Very much so? We hate each other?" I scoffed, hoping that I would see him crack a smirk. My hopes were quickly dashed.
"At what point since I arrived have I told you I hated you? Discounting our childhood." I opened my mouth to prove him wrong, but thinking back, he was right. He hadn't said he hated me since we were thirteen years old.
"Th..That doesn't change anything..!" I snapped whilst still trying to keep my volume low. Ichiji kind of rocked back and forth on his feet as though he was contemplating taking a step forward.
"Doesn't it? Look, I haven't treated you like I should have, and I'm deeply sorry for it, but we're meant to be together. Would it be so difficult to just try and see if this could work?"
Oh, I knew what was going on. I had fallen asleep waiting for Corbin and was having some insane dream brought upon by his stench wafting about the palace. That had to be it. Not even bothering to be subtle, I brought my forefinger and thumb to my arm to give it a sharp pinch. When everything remained as it was, I took a step back.
"Th..There is no way in hell whatever this is could work..! You're...you! Don't you start with the meant to be bullshit! You better tell me you hate me right now, Vinsmoke!" I began to raise my voice a little too much, and when Ichiji began to advance, I tried to scramble away, managing to back myself into a corner.
"I won't, because I don't. Are you really going to stand there and tell me that you feel nothing when you look at me? Nothing aside from hatred?" He was so freaking close to me. Not touching, but close enough to stop me from being able to flee to the safety of literally anywhere else. I forced myself to keep breathing through my mouth so I wouldn't get blitzed by his scent.
"What does it matter..? Anything else I feel towards you is just faked by that mate crap...I..It isn't real..."
Shit. Why does it feel real..?
Ichiji edged closer, so much so that I could feel his breath against my skin. It was hot and sent a thoroughly confusing shiver throughout my entire body.
"It's biological. Of course it's real." He dropped his voice to a murmur. It wasn't exactly soft, but just low. "I used to despise the thought of marrying you, but now? I wasn't lying when I said I was counting down the days..."
Help help help help help help help-
"You insist you still hate me, that you don't trust me, but you let me in here, in the middle of the night, and you haven't pushed me away, have you?" Slowly, Ichiji lifted a hand and brushed his fingers against my cheek. I jolted at the contact despite knowing it was coming. He was warm and gentle, albeit stiff, so much so that I nearly leaned into the touch. Almost.
"I..I do hate y..you...I do..." Crap, my voice came out in a pathetic stammer. What the hell was wrong with me? Why was I letting him say these things, and get so close? Every feeling I was having was contradicting another, and it was making my head spin.
Leaning in close, too close, Ichiji took a deep inhale, his stiffness relenting for a short moment as I felt a slight shudder run through his body from where his hand rested against my cheek.
"Then tell me to stop. Tell me to get the hell out of your room. Tell me to leave and never lay eyes on you again..."
I couldn't.
"Ichiji...I..." I physically couldn't say it. Any of it. It was as though my body was begging me to just let him stay close, and even more, for as long as possible. Completely unlike his usual self, Ichiji seemed just as conflicted as I was, at least physically. He was so wooden, not at all fluid in his slight movements, or even in his stillness.
"Go on, Princess...Say it..." He gave me one beat, two, three, then closed that horrifically close distance. The moment his lips touched mine, the world seemed to tilt on its axis. I should’ve shoved him away. I wanted to. But instead, my traitorous body melted into him, the heat of his mouth igniting something primal, something I couldn’t control. His kiss wasn’t gentle; it was demanding, like he was staking a claim, and every nerve in my body betrayed me by responding to it.
I hated him. I hated how good he tasted, how his other hand slid up to cup my face as though I were something precious, something he wanted. My mind screamed at me to stop, to remember who he was, but my heart, or maybe something deeper, was already lost in the fire he ignited.
When Ichiji pulled back, his breath mingling with mine, I couldn't tell what he was thinking or feeling. He was rigid, but his cheeks were flushed a faint cherry hue, and I could see the rapid beat of his pulse in his temple, above the arm of his sunglasses.
Our mouths clashed together once again, and I wasn't able to comprehend who initiated it this time. It was like some higher power was magnetising us together, and we were helpless against it.
With a swift move, which belied how his entire self seemed to tense, Ichiji had lifted me up against the wall, hips slotting between my thighs, which had parted against my will like welcoming doors. What was wrong with me? Why was I submitting to him without any thought? Did I even have any thoughts anymore?
The carnal need I felt for him was greater than my dependence on oxygen, and with how he was kissing me; so needy and desperately, it was no question as to whether he was under the same spell. I was wrapped in that rich, spicy scent, every cell of my body on fire as he encased me in his arms, holding me close, grinding his-
What the fuck is HAPPENING?!
In a sudden disturbing moment of clarity, I realised what was happening, and all it took was a harsh shove to knock him several paces back. I stumbled as I landed back on the floor, looking up to meet...shock? I couldn't see his eyes, but Ichiji appeared to be just as rattled and confused as I was. No, no, this was just an act...
"Wh..What the fuck?! What the actual fuck, Vinsmoke?!" I hissed, my voice trembling as I began to try to scramble further away from him, along the wall. My legs were jellied, completely uncooperative. "Y..You...What is wrong with you?! Trying to g..get me all confused and use this...this...whatever the hell it is to have your way with me?!"
Ichiji simply stared at me for a few long moments before he managed to get ahold of himself, head shaking slightly as he fixed his posture and repositioned his shades.
"Calm down, Princess. That i..isn't what happened here, and you know it. I gave you plenty of time to-"
"Nuh-uh! Absolutely not!" I cut him off, reaching the open window, blindly reaching to grasp the sill with one hand because I wasn't about to take my eyes off of him. "You c..came into my room, in the dead of night, pretending you wanted to just talk...then you pumped out those freaky pheromones of yours to mess with my head so you could..! What, did you think I'd suddenly fall head over heels for you?! Let you have sex with me?! Maybe knock me up so there's no chance of getting out of this?!"
I need to get out of here. I know what he's capable of.
Rather inelegantly, I spun and hoisted myself up onto the window sill, sliding down to the latticing that Corbin always used to scale the wall. I was reckless with my descent, almost losing my grip several times before I reached the ground, three stories below, and set off into a sprint towards my safe space. The forest.
I felt disgusting. Completely and utterly violated. Ichiji's tongue had been in my mouth, his hands on my body, and his erection grinding dangerously close to my clothed sex. I spat out as much saliva as I could as I ran, barefoot and shaking, trying to rid myself of his taste. It wouldn't go away.
The worst part about it wasn't that I had stupidly fallen for this trick. No, I was only human, and I had been stupid. That was on me. It hadn't been because he had touched me, tasted me, been so close to getting exactly what he wanted...
...it was because some disturbed little part of me had loved it...
That was...odd.
I knew I needed to go after (Y/N), but there was something stopping me from moving. An overpowering force that kept my feet rooted to the floor of the Princess' bedroom.
Why had my pulse spiked? Why was my chest tight? Why did every single fibre of my being feel like it was on fire? This made absolutely no sense. It had to be that ridiculous physical bond between us, that was all. Whilst I was genetically immune to most ailments, this one must have been just a little more potent.
That had gotten rather out of hand, though. Whatever had come over me had made me lose myself in that stupid girl, even if it had only been for a few moments. My head had been spinning, and it threatened to do so again as I thought back on it.
"You just got aroused, you idiot. Nothing more..." I muttered to myself, shaking my head before I started towards the open window to finally pursue (Y/N). My father had ordered for me to keep her away from a certain part of the forest, and I had to see it through. It wouldn't take me long to catch up to her, but I still hesitated.
Why, though? I shouldn't have even let her get out in the first place. It would have been so easy to make her shut up and fuck her into submission, but my body and brain had refused to cooperate. It just didn't make a lick of sense.
With another shake of my head, I jumped out of the window, landing with ease upon the grass below before starting off into the forest to hunt down the runaway princess.
Forget it. You have a direct order, Ichiji. By any means necessary.
***Next Time: Cut***
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