Morning sickness
- When you first got morning sickness and ran to the bathroom he followed you
- He was extremely worried about you but didn't show it too much
- After you told him that you were pregnant though he relaxed
- Every morning he would hold your hair out of the way as he sat behind you on the bathroom floor
- After you're done getting sick he'll carry you back to bed
- You only get nauseous in the morning
- When you first started getting morning sickness he thought that you had gotten the stomach flu
- But after you told him that you were pregnant he was thankful that you didn't have the stomach flu
- Every morning he would sit down behind you in the bathroom and hold your hair out of the way
- He was a little grossed out when you got sick every morning, but chose not to show it
- After you're done getting sick he'll give you a glass of water so you can rinse your mouth out
- Before you told him that you were pregnant he thought that you had food poisoning
- But after you told him that you were pregnant he relaxed since he knew that morning sickness was completely normal
- Every morning he would get up with you so that he could hold your hair out of the way and gently rub your back
- After you're done getting sick he has you brush your teeth before he carrys you back to bed
- When you starting getting morning sickness he thought that you were dying
- But after you told him that you were pregnant and that morning sickness was normal he relaxed a little
- He will hesitantly get up with you every morning so that he can hold your hair out of your face
- But he always has to look away because he's grossed out
- After you're done getting sick he insists that you brush your teeth
- When you first started getting morning sickness he let you take care of it on your own
- But after you told him that you were pregnant he started getting up with you every morning
- He thankfully wasn't grossed out from your morning sickness
- After you were done getting sick he would carry you back to bed
- Oddly enough you didn't get morning sickness
- When you suddenly started getting sick early every morning he started to get worried about you
- After you told him that you were pregnant he relaxed
- He would get up with you every morning to hold your hair out of your face and calmly talk to you
- He doesn't show it, but he gets grossed out when you get sick
- Once you're done getting sick he has you brush your teeth
- When you first started getting morning sickness he thought that you were getting sick because he didn't cook something correctly
- But after you told him that you were pregnant he was thankful that he wasn't the one making you sick
- He would get up with you every morning and hold you hair out of your face while gently rubbing your back
- Afterwards he would have you rinse out your mouth before he carried you back to bed
- When you started getting morning sickness he refused to go into the bathroom with you
- But after you told him that you were pregnant he reluctantly got up with you every morning
- He always tried not to gag as you got sick
- But even though he was grossed out he would hold your hair out of your face
- After you're done getting sick he insists that you rinse out your mouth and brush your teeth
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