Feeding and changing
- He will help you with both, especially at night
~ You carried them inside your body for nine months, so it's the least he can do to help you
- But he usually prefers bottle feeding since it's super easy, mainly after the first two months though
~ He's almost been peed on a few times, but he always dodges it
~ Antok was somewhat clueless how to change your son at first, but after a few days he got the hang of it
- He's the one who feeds and changes your son at night while you feed and change your son during the day
~ He's been peed on once or twice at some point
- Since you both have twins you split the responsibly equally
~ However, for the first two or so months your breast fed your twins so that they would be healthier
- You both try your best to split the responsibly
- But sometimes it's hard since you have quadruplets, but you both soon figure out a schedule
~ At some point Ulaz gave you something to help you produce more breast milk
~ However, it resulted in you leaking through several maternity bras and shirts
~ Changing four babies, especially at night, can be hard (Ulaz usually takes care of it at night, though)
~ When your babies were three months old you both started bottle feeding them
- He loves bottle feeding your daughters when they're old enough. but he hates changing them
~ So you usually get stuck with changing them
- But if it's in the middle of the night and you're asleep he'll feed and change them
- At first he refused to help you with them but after a while he took the responsibility of changing them
- You, however, get the job of feeding your daughters no matter what time of day (or night)
- You usually feed your daughter while he changes her
- But at night he insists that he should take care of your daughter so that you can get plenty of sleep
~ You're thankful that you only have one baby, otherwise you both would be a lot busier
- He hates the idea of changing your sons, so you usually get stuck with that job
- But after a few weeks he'll be the one to change them after you feed them
~ After a month or so you start having him bottle feed them at night so that you can sleep
- You both try to split the responsibly but he's usually the one who changes all four of your sons
- You however get the job of feeding them until they're two months old
~ Once you start bottle feeding them it makes feeding all four easier
- He absolutely refuses to change any of your babies, so you're stuck with changing them
- He likes bottle feeding them when they're old enough, even though they would rather breastfeed from you
~ Sometimes during the day you'll breastfeed them so that you won't have to use the breast pump
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