When he sees you cry
- He will talk to you in private to see why you're crying
- He'll try to get you to stop crying
- If you don't stop crying he'll let you cry on his shoulder
- When he sees you crying he gets a little nervous
- He takes you somewhere private and asks you why you're crying
- He lets you cry on his shoulder as you tell him why you're crying
- He gives you a tissue when you're crying
- He takes you to his room so that you can tell him why you're crying
- He's a good listener and he'll try to cheer you up after you're done telling him why you're crying
- He takes you to his room so that you can tell him why you're crying
- He'll cuddle with you while you tell him why you're crying
- He tries his best to cheer you up after you're done telling him why you're crying
- He panics a little when he sees you cry (since he doesn't have very much experience with girls)
- He will try his best to cheer you up
- Instead he ends up letting you cry on his shoulder as you tell him why you're sad
- He often sees crying as a form of weakness
- But when he sees you cry he tries to get you to stop
- He ends up letting you cry on his shoulder as you calm down
- When he sees you cry he tries his best to cheer you up
- He'll listen to you as you tell him why you're crying
- He'll also give you tissues (if you need them)
- He actually feels bad when he sees you crying
- He lets you cry on his shoulder as you tell him why you're crying
- He also tries his best to cheer you up
- At first when he sees you crying he doesn't care
- But after a while he feels bad and decides to comfort you
- He ends up cuddling with you while you cry
- He'll cuddle with you while you're crying
- He'll listen to you while you tell him why you're crying
- But you both will end up making out since it's his way of cheering you up
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