First date
- He had asked you to wear a formal dress so Allura let you have one of her's
- When he came to pick you up he gave you some kind of flower and you put it in a vase
- He ended up taking you to a fancy restaurant on a nearby planet
- He had to tell you what all the food was since you didn't know what it was
- As it turned out that your favorite food was concidered a delicacy
- You both had a good time and he was able to relax a little
- He took you out for a flight in his ship
- He told you all about the different planets he had been to
- You told him about all the places you had been to on Earth
- He ended up taking you to a nearby planet that resembled Earth
- You both walked for a while before you found a cliff to sit on
- You both ended up watching the sunset together
- He was taking you to a surprise location
- He ended up taking you out dancing
- He taught you some of the dances he knew
- You taught him some of the dances you knew
- You both laughed as you both danced a modern dance
- You both blushed when the DJ played a slow song so you both danced together
- When he picked you up he gave you a box of chocolates
- You were surprised when you saw that he had gotten you your favorite kind of chocolate
- He then took you to watch a movie
- He took you to see a romantic movie
- It turns out that he loves cheesy romance movies
- He cried a few times during the movie
- He was a little nervous when he picked you up for your date since it was his first
- He took you to the space mall and you both went window shopping
- He ended up buying you something at the Earth store and you both ended up getting a free cow
- He then took you to the food court to get dinner and dessert
- After you both were done eating you found an arcade
- You both had a ton of fun playing arcade games together
- He took you to on a walk around the ship
- He also took you to the mess hall for dinner
- After dinner he brought you to a window to watch a meteor shower
- You watched in awe as the meteors flew by
- You told him about the meteor shower you had seen while on Earth
- After your date was done he gave you a locket
- He took you to a nightclub on a nearby planet
- You were surprised that it wasn't all that busy
- He told you that's why he liked it so much
- You found out that they served milkshakes so he ordered you one
- You both also danced to the music
- You were surprised at how good of a dancer he was
- He took you to a petting zoo on a nearby planet
- You found out that he had a soft spot for cute, fluffy animals
- All of the cat like animals crowded around him
- You secretly took a few pictures of him with your phone
- You of course had a ton of fun petting an animal that looked kind of like a dog
- Afterwards though you both were covered in fur
- When he picked you up he gave you a few flowers
- He then took you to a spa that was hard to get into
- You both got pedicures and facemasks
- You were surprised that he liked going to the spa
- You both even got massages
- Afterwards you both were relaxed
- He took you to an action movie
- He even got snacks for both of you
- You had to look away at all the scary scenes
- He smirked as he he wrapped an arm around your shoulders
- You knew that his main plan was to wrap an arm around you during the scary scenes
- During one particular scene however he almost screamed like a little girl
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