A quirk of his that you think is cute
~ Kolivan ~
~ When the two of you go out to eat at a restaurant he always eats his side dish before the main course
~ Antok ~
~ Whenever he's agitated at something his tail twitches
~ Thace ~
~ Every time you both go swimming, and he gets out of the water, he shakes the water off of himself kind of like a dog
~ Ulaz ~
~ You think it's cute when he scrunches his nose up when he's thinking
~ Regris ~
~ When he sleeps on his stomach one of his legs is bent at the knee and one of his feet stick up
~ Sendak ~
~ Whenever he's concentrating on something he sticks the tip of his tongue out a little
~ Haxus ~
~ Sometimes while he's asleep he'll say cute/funny things
~ Hepta ~
~ His butt wiggles in the cutest way when he walks
~ Throk ~
~ Sometimes if he's laughing hard enough he snorts a little
~ Sniv ~
~ Each time you both take a bubble bath together he likes putting a bunch of bubbles on the top of his head
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