Chapter 7 Galaxy Goes Missing
Galaxy's family walks to the Alpha den and Winston says "hey how's it going I want you to meet my pups" two pups walk out from behind him and he says "the yellowish one is Kate and the white one is Lilly" he says as smiles
Spirit says "that's great" then sees a grey and black wolf behind Winston and asks "who's that little guy" Winston looks back and says "oh that's Humphrey he doesn't have a den yet so he's staying with us for now"
Sun says "that's wonderful umm if you want we can take him off your hands"
Winston says "oh it's fine don't worry" then Galaxy and Rose walk to him and Galaxy says "hey Humphrey" Humphrey looks at him and says "hey what's your name"
"Well this is Rose as I'm Galaxy" Humphrey looks at them and says "well it's nice to meet you want to play" Galaxy looks at his dad and his dad says "go ahead play make new friends just be back before sunset"
"Ok dad" and the three run out together and Winston's kids chase after them.
Galaxy runs and hides and jumps on Humphrey making them both laugh then they hear a noise
"What's that Galaxy" says Humphrey
"I don't know but I think we should head back" Galaxy says as he gets knocked out by a rock and the other pups run away
Back at the pack it's just after sunset and Galaxy isn't back yet so Sun his mom gets worried
"Why isn't Galaxy back yet Spirit" says Sun
"I don't know baby but I'm sure he'll e back soon"
Just then the pups run back in and says "Galaxy was taken by a Dark Black wolf"
Winston says "let's get that wolf and get Galaxy back"
Spirit gets mad and yells "MOON!!!!"
Winston looks at him and says "Who's Moon"
Sun says "It's his brother and he's been wanting to capture Galaxy so he could become leader"
"Oh well don't worry Spirit well get him back"
Spirit says "I hope so he may be dead by the time we get to him"
What's gonna happen is Galaxy gonna be killed or are they gonna save him? Find out in Chapter 9 next chapter is gonna be about what Moon does to him while he's captured and it's not pretty.
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