SDF Headquarters, Planet Destiny
0600 hours-0700 hours
Current Conditions: Clear
A sudden jolt from behind woke Georgia up with a start. The Heavy Freight locomotive yawned loudly, expecting to see the familiar, cozy old shed she'd called home back on Planet Tabito; she also expected the reason for the jolt to be that some greenhorn had managed to knock over the heavy shelf that sat behind her holding various spare parts. Instead she found herself in the sleek SDF Maintenance Bay on Planet Destiny and the reason for the sudden jolt was her new tender had arrived and was currently being coupled with her.
Akatsuki: "Ah, mornin' Georgia." he greeted, polishing the side of her smokebox, "Sorry for the stir, we're just puttin' the finishing touches."
Georgia: "I felt it." she yawned, "Who shunted it into me?"
Akatsuki: "Some droids pushed it into ya." he replied.
Georgia: "Bugger, I wanted to be mad at someone for waking me up." she complained.
Whitman: "None of that Georgia." he piped up, "If you're gonna be part of the SDF you have to wake up much earlier than now."
Georgia pouted petulantly causing the mechanics to chuckle at the engine. Suddenly a door hissed open revealing Sirius Platoon's new Captain. Bulge walked into the maintenance bay, his nervous and uncomfortable state masked with a stony face of confidence.
Bulge: "Whitman." he greeted.
Whitman: "Ah, Bulge, there you are." he said, "Come to inspect your engine I presume."
Bulge: "Yes, I wanted to get familiar with the engine I'm to command." he said.
Whitman: "By all means then." he said, stepping aside.
Bulge walked in front of Georgia who eyed the man curiously. They had met a few times but they had only been very brief encounters.
Georgia: "Bulge." she greeted.
Bulge: "Georgia." he greeted back, "How are you doing?"
Georgia: "I guess I'm ok." she replied, "Just not used to being up so early."
Bulge: "Is that all on your mind?" he asked.
Georgia: "No, but it is the main thing right now." she replied.
Bulge: "I see, well, how do you like your upgrades?" he asked.
Georgia: "They feel fine." she replied, shifting on her axles, "I wanna give em a proper running in."
Bulge: "Well, knowing how the Railways are, we'll be out on a mission soon enough." he chuckled.
Georgia: "No kidding, I can't remember the amount of times Bill complained about the work." she giggled.
Bulge: "You and me both." he said, "But he always covered that side of him up when he was on duty."
Georgia: "Sounds about right." she chuckled, "He has to keep up that leader persona amongst the other engines."
Bulge: "Captain Yuuki is the same." he chuckles, "Around the other staff and the temporary crews he is so serious but when he was around us, his family, and you he was always so...."
Georgia: "Relaxed? I picked up on that." she chuckles, her smiling face slowly falling, "I'm gonna miss em."
Bulge: "Everyone will Georgia." he said, patting her running board, "But they would want us to move on and do them proud."
Georgia: "I suppose they would." she sighed, "But....those are some massive wheels to wear."
Bulge: "We'll do our best." he said, turning around with a shrug, "We may not be equal to them but we will be as close as we can get to them."
Georgia: "No, that won't be good enough." she said.
Bulge: "Sorry?" he questioned.
Georgia: "We have to at the very least match them." she said, looking up, "Their legacies wouldn't be honored if we did any less."
Bulge stayed quiet for a moment before turning around with a smile.
Bulge: "Good." he grinned, "That's the spirit I want from my engine."
Bulge patted his engine's running board.
Bulge: "Get ready, we're going on deployment in a few minutes." he said.
With that, Bulge walked away to grab his platoon. Georgia just watched him leave.
Whitman: "Well? What are you waiting for? Start building up steam." he ordered.
Georgia: "R-right!" she stammered, firing herself up.
Slowly she felt her boiler pressure rising as her crew thundered out of the tunnel and into the maintenance bay.
Bulge: "Let's move it people!" he yelled, "When a real emergency comes in we can't be caught with such a slow pace. Let's move move move!"
Sirius Platoon piled into her tender and to their stations but one member broke off from the group, he was definitely a rookie about 5 years older than the 13 year old Mamoru.
David Young: "Hello beauty." he greeted, settling into the helm, "Name's David, I'll be your driver."
Georgia: "Um, nice to meet you." she greeted.
David: "Feeling's mutual." he grinned, "You look like a very pretty engine."
Georgia: "Not really." she said, shyly, "I'm very utilitarian compared to the others."
Bulge: "David! Get in here and stop flirting with our engine!" he barked.
David: "Welp, gotta go, stay on your toes Georgia." he said, giving a 2-fingered salute before leaving.
Georgia nodded and began firing up her systems as the elevator began lifting her upwards.
Bulge: "System Check!" he ordered.
SP Member 1: "Standby for System Check." he said.
SP Member 2: "Orbit Network RADAR ready." he reported.
The elevator locked into place at the middle of its journey where Georgia's main rake of coaches was parked. It had 3 hangar coaches, 1 main gun coach, 5 standard passenger coaches, and 5 AA-Passenger Coaches.
Georgia: "Elevator's locked." she reported, "I'm in takeoff position."
SP Member 3: "Magnetic Barrier Generator is ready." he reported.
David: "Cylinder valves are open." he reported, "Atomic Boiler Pressure is good and steadily rising."
Yuki: "Main Circuits are now online." she reported.
Georgia: "All energy levels are ready for takeoff." she reported.
David: "Warp Drive Coupling is now in place." he reported.
SP Member 3: "All systems are green Captain Bulge." she said, "Awaiting your command, sir."
Georgia felt her boiler reach full capacity and her eyes glowed a bright electric blue.
Bulge: "Let's move out!" he ordered, "Ahead full."
Georgia gave a blast of her old whistle and began pulling forward....however because she was so much lighter than a UP 4000 only being about 400,000 lbs compared to the 1,000,000 lbs of an actual Big Boy, she couldn't get the power down as effectively and slipped on the rails as she got the consist underway.
Georgia: "Come on! Come on!" she puffed, "Move damn you!"
Coaches: "We're coming along, we're coming along." they sang, "Don't fuss, don't fuss."
Georgia quickly accelerated to Takeoff Velocity and roared into the air with a roar of her Brother's whistle. She traversed the points and charged out of the atmosphere and down the mainline. As she accelerated down the line other engines waited on the side of the line as she passed, blowing their horns in greeting while the passengers took pictures, took down her number, and cheered her on. Georgia smiled at them and gave them a small toot of her whistle as she rushed past, escaping Planet Destiny's Orbit with ease.
1300 hours
Current Conditions: Clear
Somewhere in space, Georgia was rumbling down the line. She'd never been this far away from Tabito and Planet Destiny before so she let David take control and guide her around the patrol route. It had been very uneventful so far, the most exciting thing that entire patrol being the brief stint testing her performance and power limits.
Georgia: "Is it always this uneventful?" she asked.
David: "Not always but we're always glad if it is uneventful." he replied with a shrug.
Yuki: "Yes, it does mean that the Railways' defenses are working and that no one is in danger." she added, swiveling her chair forward.
Georgia: "I know that." she sighed, "It's just more than a little quiet y'know."
David suddenly slammed on the brakes, pulling her controls backwards and forcing her to stop in the middle of the line.
David: "You did not just say the Q word." he said, horrified.
Georgia: "What? Qui-" she started.
Sirius Platoon: "Abababababap!" they interrupted.
Bulge: "You do not say that word on duty." he explained.
Georgia: "Why?" she asked, "Bill never mentioned this kind of thing."
David: "Simple. Whoever says the Q Word causes a massive workload to descend on us and specifically us." he said, "You'll be run off your wheels by the time we're even halfway through this workload."
Georgia: "It can't be that bad." she said.
Suddenly the comms crackled to life, including the one inside Georgia's Smokebox.
GR Dispatcher 3: "Big 1, there's been an accident in your general vicinity." she reported, "You have to dispatch immediately."
Sirius Platoon collectively groans as Georgia gets diverted towards the accident site.
When she arrived she found that a local train had managed to collide with the 650 Express.
650 Express: "Oh thank Destiny." he said, "It's the Sirius Platoon"
Georgia: "Is anyone hurt?" she asked, pulling alongside.
Local Train: "Our conductors say no, thank the gods." he replied, "A few of the passengers have a few bruises and neither of us are in any shape to move though."
Georgia: "How did this even happen?" she asked.
Local Train: "The signal failed a block back and sent me through and into his path as we were passing through a Barrier Generator." he replied.
650 Express: "The boys in the workshops will have their work cut out repairing us." he quipped.
Local Train: "That's assuming we can get back to the workshops in one piece." he groaned.
Georgia: "Don't worry, I'll get you guys and your passengers out to safety in no time." she said, confidently.
Georgia first pulled alongside the local passenger train and Sirius Platoon began loading all of his passengers into Georgia's coaches. Once all of the Local's Passengers were inside Georgia's consist, she pulled the local backwards down the line before pulling alongside the 650 Express and unloading all of his passengers. She then coupled the pair of engines together and towed them to the closest planet with a Galaxy Railways Station where a pair of backup trains were waiting. The rescue took some time but was overall a success and only caused a minute of delay for the next engine to pass through the block. As Georgia and Sirius Platoon were silently celebrating a job well done another call came in.
GR Dispatcher 1: "Sirius Platoon, a Magnetic Barrier is reporting a malfunction and there is possible damage to the track." she said, "Our engineers are working on the generator but we need you to direct traffic away from this block until they arer finished."
Bulge: "Alright people, you heard her." he sighed.
The platoon collectively groan before taking off to deal with the next incident in the list of many.
Georgia soon arrived at the entrance to the block and parked up while her platoon handled the comms, directing various trains away from the block of track with the damaged Barrier Generator.
Bulge: "Local Number 023, this is Sirius Platoon,there has been a malfunction on the mainline." he reported, "Divert off the mainline and follow the Loop Line to your next destination."
023: "This is the 023, we copy Sirius Platoon." he said.
David: "Express 560, this is Sirius Platoon, divert off the main and into Oz Junction." he ordered, "The track up ahead is currently under repair, please oblige."
560: "560 copies, thank you Sirius Platoon." she nods.
Georgia: "745 Local, this is Sirius Platoon, divert off the mainline and hold in a siding." she ordered, "The path ahead is currently under repair."
745: "Copy Sirius." he sighed, "How long will this delay be?"
Georgia: "Maybe half an hour at the most." she replied.
745: "Roger. Keep us posted." he nodded.
Georgia yawned a little.
Georgia: "This is really monotonous." she said.
Bulge: "Yes, it very much is." he nodded, "But it is very important work so we have to do it."
David: "Yeah, plus, at the very least we're actually doing something with our time." he added.
Georgia: "I know that." she pouted, "I was just expecting more action when you freaked about the Q Word."
Yuki: "According to superstition amongst Emergency Services and by extension the SDF, the Q Word means only that the day will be very busy, not that the day will be very dangerous." she explained, "All you have doomed us to is a day of tedious work without any reprieve."
Georgia: "Fantastic." she grumbled, "Sorry for condemning you guys to this everyone."
Bulge: "It's fine Georgia, everyone's said the word once in their careers." he chuckled.
Suddenly, there was an alarm from the Orbit Network RADAR as something approached at high speed.
SP Member 2: "Unknown contact on RADAR sir." he reported, "30,000 Megameters and closing."
Bulge: "Is it an asteroid?" he asked.
SP Member 1: "No sir, it's moving too fast." he replied.
Yuki: "It can't be an enemy ship either, it's too small." she added.
David: "But it is made of metal." he said, "It has to be a train."
Georgia: "There shouldn't be a train coming through here for the next hour." she said.
Bulge: "Quickly, contact them and tell them to divert to the junction." he ordered.
Georgia: "Yes sir." she nodded, flipping on her radio, "Unknown Engine on Galaxy Mainline, this is the SDF Sirius Platoon, divert off of the Mainline and into Vega Junction. The mainline is currently impassable. Repeat, this is the SDF Sirius Platoon, divert off the mainline and into Vega Junction now."
The unknown engine didn't reply and continued charging forward.
David: "He's not replying!" he called.
Yuki: "The engine's communication systems are damaged." she called.
SP Member 1: "Sir, permission to open fire." he requested.
Bulge: "Negative." he replied, "There could be passengers onboard that train."
SP Member 2: "What do we do then?" he demanded, "We can't just sit here and hope our messages go through somehow."
Georgia, thinking quickly, began blowing her Brother's Whistle and Flashing her Headlamps. The pattern of her whistle was a Universal Code for all living vehicles that there was danger ahead and her headlamps added to this message by flashing Morse Code with the same purpose. The rapidly approaching train, a train stuffed full of passengers saw this and slammed on his brakes, barely managing to stop right next to Georgia.
The engine was a white, streamlined engine with a red cab rood and a red stripe running along the side of the engine and the coaches right underneath the window panes on his side he wore the number 777, he had silver eyes, and a very anxious look on his face.
777: "S-sorry ma'am, my radio's malfunction, wh-what's wrong?" he asked.
Georgia: "The line is impassable due to repairs, I need you to back up to Oz Junction until the repairs are complete." she ordered.
777: "S-sure ma'am." he replied.
Georgia: "And get your radio and transponder checked while you're there!" she called, "One of these days that faulty transponder is gonna lead to an accident!"
777: "G-got it!" he stuttered.
With that, he turned around and headed back the way he came.
Georgia: "Moron." she scoffed.
David: "Georgia, you just talked to the 777 Express!" he said.
Georgia: "The what?" she asked.
David: "It's a train with no destination, nicknamed the train of fate." he explained, "It's usually boarded by people who don't want to be in charge of their own destiny anymore."
SP Member 2: "I've heard about that train." he said, "I thought that it was an urban legend."
SP Member 1: "Most people do because his stops are so random usually no one spots him." he piped up.
SP Member 2: "I hear most of the people who board his train are suicidal or downright depressed." he said.
Yuki: "That's mean." she said, "Some of the could just be tired or something."
Georgia: "Still doesn't excuse his transponder or his radio." she harrumphed.
David: "He's just dedicated to his work is all Georgia." he said, "He probably doesn't make stops for maintenance as much as other trains."
Georgia rolled her eyes as they resumed work.
Galaxy Mainline
1300 hours-1430 hours
Current Conditions: N/A
A little earlier, 8000 is seen roaring down the mainline with his express goods. His motion clanked and groaned, his cylinders leaked steam, his eyes didn't hold a consistent red glow, and his tender wobbled as he went along. His train consisted of 10 livestock wagons, 15 box vans, 3 tankers of milk, 2 coaches, and 2 flatbeds holding tractors, combine harvesters, and a trio of hay bales.
8000's Driver: "Easy George." he said, "You'll shake yourself apart at this rate."
George: "You and I both know that the people on that colony rely on these supplies and these farmers to stay warm and nourished during the harsh winters." he said, "Besides, I've pulled longer."
George's Driver: "Yeah, in better condition." he said, wincing as George's back driving wheels jammed up for a few seconds before resuming their motion, "For all intents and purposes you should be in the middle of an extensive overhaul right about now."
For context, the Minister of Agriculture is a very wealthy and very successful man and commands a very profitable ministry but he was a very stingy man when it came to finances. As a result he put off repairs and maintenance to his equipment as much as possible meaning George was worked off the bone and was only taken out of service when he failed.
George's Driver: "With how stiff your motion is, you'll be going in whether the Minister wants it or not." he commented, eyeing the gauges and the motion wearily.
George: "Relax, we're not getting stranded out here." he reassured, "I can manage until the colony and fail there."
George's Driver: "You sure?" he asked.
George: "Positive." he replied, "I know what's going wrong, it's happened already after all, I'll be able to tank it til we get there."
George's Driver: "I dunno...." he trailed off, "I should at the very least call the SDF and let them know what's happened."
George: "No need for that." he snapped, "We can handle it, and if anything you can call for our shunter to pick us up."
George's Driver: "With this load?" he asked, incredulously, "Not a chance."
George rolled his eyes and continued puffing onwards, clanking and wheezing as he went. The passengers grew concerned and the livestock were visibly panicking in the cattle trucks, making them rock side to side. The rest of the train followed suit and George found himself battling both the train's weight and the train's side to side motion, putting strain on his moving parts.
George: "Come on. Come on. Move goddamn it!" he growled, his eyes glowing a little brighter, "Stupid animals."
The increase in boiler pressure began to take its toll on George's heavily worn down machinery. Steam leaked from his boiler, his cylinders warped, and his side rods began bending and buckling. His driver noticed all of this and leaned out of the cab.
George's Driver: "George! Ease off! You won't last much longer like this!" he yelled.
George: "Nonsense!" he snapped, "I'll be fine, just keep the hammer down."
George's Driver: "George, I'm serious, can't you feel the damage you're causing yourself?" he demanded, incredulously.
George: "It's fine, I can't be late." he roared, building up more steam pressure.
George's Driver: "George no!" he yelled.
But it was too late, as they passed through one of the magnetic barrier generators and before they could argue any further George's rear pair of cylinders reached their limits, they burst violently, shattering George's side rods and bringing him to a halt in a cloud of steam, the passengers were startled and the various animals panicked thinking it was a gun that went off, the cattle wagons rocked and rolled on their axles before finally tipping over and crashing into the generators, they stayed upright but they triggered the alarm.
George's Driver: "Damn it you great big idiot!" he yelled, "Look what you've done! Now we're stuck out in space, just like I feared!"
George: "Ah.....fuck." he cursed.
George's Driver: "I'll call the SDF." he sighed, "And just to make sure you never forget your limits, I'll specifically ask for your brother."
George: "Happy day." he said, sarcastically.
The animals made their various noises as his driver called HQ to request assistance.
1430 hours
Current Conditions: N/A
After about half an hour of traffic duty the repair work had finished and the trains in Oz Junction were cleared to depart down the mainline once again.
GR Dispatcher 4: "Big 1, emergency for you, the Supply Train bound for the Colony on Planet Ozenov has failed." he said, "We need you to go help him and inspect the Magnetic Barrier ."
Georgia: "Roger that." she groaned.
As Georgia began racing towards the accident site Bulge got her attention.
Bulge: "For an impromptu shakedown cruise, you did pretty good for yourself Georgia." he commented.
Georgia: "I just did my best." she replied, "Though if I wasn't acting like I was an older engine going about my day as normal I would've performed much better."
David: "Ain't that the truth." he groaned.
SP Member 1: "Why do we have to parade Georgia around as Bill anyway?" he asked.
Yuki: "The traveling public must be kept in the dark about Captain Yuuki's sacrifice." she sighed, "We need to keep their confidence in our services and our safety so they mustn't know about the threat that caused their sacrifice."
Georgia: "Tch, assholes." she said, "My brother sacrificed himself for them. The least they could do is let the public know about it."
David: "That's not the way the Galaxy Railways likes to handle information." he scoffed, "With the Secret Intelligence Bureau breathing down their backs they usually keep way too many secrets from the traveling public and only disseminate a heavily altered version of the final events when they are forced to cough up their secrets."
Bulge: "Nothing we can do about it,." he sighed, "It's just the way the world turns."
Georgia sighs disappointed as she continues her race to her next job.
Georgia: "By the way....who am I rescuing?" she asked.
SP Member 2: "Let me check their manifest...." he trailed off, typing a a few things into his station, "Huh....it doesn't say."
Georgia: "Huh....odd." she said, "Oh well, we'll find out when we get there."
With that she entered Warp.
Galaxy Mainline
1500 hours-1530 hours
Current Conditions: N/A
A few hours later George was still sitting alone on the mainline. By now the stench of the animals was getting overwhelming and the farmers were complaining of how some of the produce was going bad.
George: "Ugh, this is ridiculous." he groaned, "Where is that ridiculous brother of mine?"
George's Driver: "Cool it Old Boy." he said, leaning out of his cab, "We're over a day away from Planet Destiny by rail and about an hour away by Warp, they'll be here soon enough."
George: "Not soon enough." he wheeshed, "This entire shipment is already late."
George's Driver: "Nothing we can do about that old boy." he said, "Thankfully none of these goods will perish anytime soon. Let's just hope the Minister wants to repair you sooner rather than later."
George: "He better." he snarled, "The last thing I want is to be stuck in my shed waiting for my repairs."
George's Driver: "You and the cleaning crews both." he joked.
George was just about to snap at his driver when 3 blasts of a whistle interrupted him.
George: "There he is, finally." he said.
The familiar shape of a G8000-Class Steam Locomotive puffed into view, its shiny paint a direct contrast to George's dingy black and gray but surprisingly, the engine next to him was not his brother....it was in fact his sister. He could tell because of the eye color and how feminine the face was.
George: "8002?" he questioned, "What are you doing out here?"
Georgia: "Brother? What are you doing here?" she asked.
George: "I was bought by the Ministry of Agriculture to run supply and relief trains whenever necessary." he replied, "It's good to see my little sister."
Georgia: "Really? Last I checked you were absolutely disgusted by me." she growled.
George: "Oh come on little sister, can't bygones be bygones?" he questioned.
Georgia: "Wha-? No!" she snapped, "How can I possibly forgive and forget about the things you said and did to me back when I was a new build?"
Bulge: "Georgia." he said, "Focus on the job at hand."
Georgia: "Yes sir." she huffed, reluctantly.
Bulge: "David, how bad is the damage?" he asked.
David: "Cylinders have been overclocked, he's off the rails, and his boiler's shot." he replied, "He needs a full overhaul before he can move under his own power again."
Yuki: "Passenger and freight compartments are mostly undamaged." she reported, "One Livestock Truck has collided with the Magnetic Barrier Generator however."
Georgia: "Akatsuki?" she called.
Akatsuki: "Me and the maintenance team are on it." he replied, "Just come back for us when you're done."
SP Mechanic 1: "You should probably also call in another SDF Train to help with the traffic." he added, "Y'know, so we don't have another accident happen in this block."
Yuki: "I have already informed Headquarters, they have dispatched 2 Platoons to take over traffic duty until you are clear." she reported.
Whitman: "Thank you Yuki." he nods, thankfully.
Georgia coupled up to her brother, getting ready to tow him while her maintenance crew left her in a small shuttle craft to inspect the Magnetic Barrier Generator.
George: "Geez, is this how the SDF couples up these days?" he questioned, "It was so rough and improper."
Georgia growls and jolts forward, shutting George up as she began to move.
Coaches: "Not so rough! Not so rough!" they called.
Georgia: "Just come along, just come along." she huffed.
David: "Easy Georgia!" he called, "Don't bang the coaches around like that!"
Georgia just growled, reluctantly easing off the throttle but she didn't make the ride smooth for anyone, making sure George was miserable as he trundled down the line behind her.
Rear Coach: "Hello dear, may I ask what you did to her to get her this angry?" she asked, facing George.
George: "Why? So you can bring me to railgate?" he asked, "Hell no."
Rear Coach: "Rail Gate?" she asked, mortified, "Why would anything you say land you in that wretched place?"
George: "I dunno, do they still charge sentient vehicles with Domestic Crimes?" he asked.
Rear Coach: "Depends, what sorts of Domestic Crimes?" she asked.
George: "Most of them were petty." he replied, "A few insults here, a bump there. But there was one thing in the past that really made her hate me."
Rear Coach: "And that was?" she asked.
George: "It's not my place to say." he replied, catching himself.
Rear Coach: "Worth a try." she sighed, turning to the medical coach right in front of her, "What do you think Matt?"
Matt: "Looks like a case of sibling hate." he said, "I've never seen such a violent case in sentient vehicles however."
Rear Coach: "I agree, usually you see this in humans." she nodded, "What shall we do?"
Matt: "We wait til we're planet side, then we ask Yuki to help us out." he said.
Rory: "Alright." she nodded, "If you say so."
The coaches then grunt as Georgia continues riding roughly.
Rory: "Let's hope this plan works, I really do not want this to become the norm whenever we run into her brother." she groaned.
The 2 engines hurled insults and glared at each other the whole way with Georgia giving the occasional biff and shove backwards.
Georgia soon arrived in orbit of Planet Izenov, a mostly frozen planet where a Small Research Colony had been set up. Why? Because they were testing a new sort of terraformer which would theoretically be able to solve the Population Problems of various worlds in the Galaxy Railways system So far, the terraformer had been performing nominally and was able to form a 1 mile radius of habitable environment on even the most desolate and freezing of planets.
Georgia landed in this habitable patch, stopping suddenly as she stopped next to the platform, the sudden stop further banged George up as she parked alongside him, wheeshing steam in his face.
George: "Cunt." he coughed.
Georgia: "Bastard." she wheeshed.
Bulge: "Enough you 2." he said, getting in between the 2 engines, "You've been going at it since you arrived on the scene Georgia."
Georgia: "So? I thought this was normal." she replied, glaring daggers into George's soul, "Like the way he thought convincing me I was a boy was completely normal."
George: "Yes, it was." he said.
Georgia: "Oh sure it was." she said, rolling her eyes.
Bulge: "Silence!" he shouted.
The 2 engines immediately stopped arguing.
Bulge: "Now, I usually find that matters such as these are best handled in private but since you one of you is civilian I can't have Georgia refusing to respond to a rescue just because you are one of the trains involved." he barked, making George and Georgia wince backwards, "So instead of hoping things smooth out overtime I shall have Yuki deal with this manner in a professional, therapeutic way."
George: "Oh great, therapy." he groaned.
The Sexaroid is unperturbed by this comment and stands in between the 2 engines while Bulge and Sirius Platoon help unload George's train and explain what happened to the leader of the Science Station.
Yuki: "I see this conflict has been going on for some time." she said, cautiously.
Georgia: "You bet." she scoffed.
Yuki: "Well, where did it all start?"
George: "Well....I remember the day like it was yesterday." he replied, wistfully.
Georgia: "It was the day I became sentient." she deadpanned, "He was disappointed that I identified as female."
Yuki: "Ok, and why was this?" she asked.
George: "Because the people that made me and my old driver always told me to look down on female engines." he replied, "They said female engines are weaker, inferior to us males."
Georgia: "Oh, right, blame it on the crew." she scoffed, "I was just born, I was your little sister and the first thing you did when you found out I was a girl was scoff at me. Do you know how that felt!? To see an engine who looked just like me just....reject me just like that?!"
George: "I know, I knew what I was doing." he said, "I thought I could force you to take advantage of our gender fluidity and identify as a male."
Georgia: "Oh, like that's legal." she scoffed.
George: "I just wanted another brother." he growled, "I watched as class after class of freight locomotive turned out male so when you came along I thought I had to change you for our class to be respected."
Yuki: "Where did this idea come from?" she asked, "The gender superiority?"
George: "All of the men that worked in the builder's yard were male and they always went on and on about how females were inferior to males." he recounted, "They also said passenger engines were Prissy Premadonas and never worked a day in their life."
Georgia: "And how well is that translating for ya?" she demanded.
George takes in the information and looks down, thinking about all his experiences over the last year before looking up.
George: "Very poorly." he replied, sadly, "I was humbled once or twice by a few female engines and rescued a bunch by Flame Swallow."
Yuki: "Ok, at least you are able to admit when you are wrong." she smiled, "Now, let's work on mending your relationship with Georgia....if you are both willing."
Both engines look at each other and stare for a few minutes before Georgia scoffs and looks away.
Georgia: "Fine." she scoffed, "I'll try, but I make no promises."
George: "I'm willing." he nodded.
Yuki: "Very well, now-" she started.
Only to be cut off when a crackle went over the radio.
GR Dispatcher 5: "Sirius Platoon, there's a runaway train about 100 Megameters away from you." she reported, "I need you to intercept that before going back to your Maintenance Staff."
Georgia: "Ugh, bother that stupid curse." she groaned, "Sorry George, duty's calling."
George: "I understand." he chuckled, "See you around Georgia."
Georgia: "See ya." she said.
With a blast of her whistle, Georgia soon took off, leaving her brother behind to be repaired.
Planet Destiny
2300 hours
Current Conditions: Cloudy
It was late when Georgia finally arrived back at Planet Destiny. The Q Word curse had lived up to its name and she had been run off her wheels all day with petty, stupid calls with the rare really important call keeping her on her toes.....er.....wheel flanges. She was thankful that her shift had ended and that another engine was taking over her patrol routes the next day.
Georgia was uncoupled from her consist and Sirius Platoon made for home before being brought down into the maintenance bay for the night.
Georgia: "Ugh.....what a day...." she groaned.
Whitman: "Best get used to it, knowing the SDF there's always one bumbling rookie or some loudmouthed veteran saying the Q-Word every other day." he said.
Bert: "You can say that again." he groaned next to her, "My motion feels so stiff."
Freya: "You think you have it bad, I have a splitting headache because of my scanners." she groaned, "Thank God we have tomorrow off."
Georgia: "I'm sorry." she said, looking down at her cowcatcher, "I didn't know about the curse."
Freya: "It's alright, it was your first day on the job." she sighed, "Just mind your words from now on."
Georgia nodded with a yawn.
Georgia: "I'll be off to sleep...night..." she said.
Bert: "Night." he said.
Freya: "Sweet dreams Georgia." she smiled.
With that, Georgia's eyes went from a soft blue to a black and she went to sleep.
Andy: Thank you all for reading this chapter.
Georgia: You better come back to me sooner or later author.
Tydfil: Back of the line sister.
Prez: Yeah, you ain't the only one with a neglected story.
Andy: Yeah....sorry about that......dieHero, DrFrostwire0 I hope ya liked it. See ya next time on the Railways.
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