Chapter 17
Virgil nodded grimly. Roman blew a breath up through his fringe.
"I got a bad feeling about this." He said. Virgil nodded again, swiping the hologram away.
"Yeah, I get ya." He muttered before setting off through the field towards a small jumble of houses.
"Virge, where are you going?!" Roman asked, running after him. "The Kaboom Raa 16's the other way!"
"Call The Osiris'that again and I'll use ya as a shield for these killer droids." Virgil threatened. "Anyway, I'm goin' to check it out."
"You literally agreed with me on the bad feeling!" Roman protested. "Usually that's a sign to high-tale it all the way to Light Speed."
Virgil shook his head. "We don't got that kinda power." He said. "Neither the shields. We gotta get spare parts somehow and this is the only planet with an oxygen-based atmosphere we can get to in one flight."
"That still doesn't mean we should be walking right into killer droid territory!"
"Look," Virgil said, glancing back at Roman, "everyone loves to think I'm a cyborg for whatever reason." He shrugged. "Maybe we can use'that to our advantage."
"Are you insane?!" Roman asked. "No way! Organics don't have sensors, scanners, anything like that. Droids will check you on sight and then they'll kill you!"
"Well, good thing I came prepared." Virgil said. He grabbed a net of wires from his bag and threw it to Roman. "Useless but it should come up as a main drive or somethin' on the droid's sensors."
Roman stared as Virgil grabbed another net of wires out of his bag and shoved it up his sleeve. He shrugged. "Easy, see?"
"Virgil, you might just be the most insane person I've ever come across in my life." Roman said. Virgil rolled his eyes.
"Wow, thanks." He said sarcastically. "Come on, put ya wires on and we'll go explorin'."
Virgil set off through the high grass of the field once again. This time, he was making his way to the forest. The very dark, creepy, foreboding forest Roman really didn't like at all. The trees seemed like they were breathing. Not good.
Roman sighed, then realised how far away Virgil was. He broke into a sprint to catch up with him. No way was he going to be left alone in a field on a planet full of killer droids.
"Virge, I still got a bad feeling about this." He hissed. Virgil waved a hand at him.
"Whatever." He said. "Ya're a Resistance fighter. Ya get bad feelin's about everythin'."
"But I think this one's pretty founded seeing as we're on a killer droid planet!" Roman hissed earnestly.
"Bam!" Virgil wasn't paying attention. He ran, the over-grown grass hitting his arms and chest, to the edge of the forest.
"Bam, on the damn gold!" He skidded to a stop and dropped to his knees. "Princey, come check this out!"
Roman ran over to his side. "What is it?"
"Ain't she beautiful?" Virgil asked. He was talking about a rusted old droid that looked like it hadn't moved in a couple Light years. He grabbed a screwdriver out of his bag and fit it under the rusted hatch in the front of the droid. With one sharp hit, the hatch fell away with a clatter.
"Virgil-" Roman warned.
"Damn, she is beautiful." Virgil breathed. His eyes were wide and he was smiling. Really, properly smiling. "Check out this wirin'. And we could use this shell for some of the shields." He laughed. "Bam, gotta be my lucky day."
"No, no, not at all!" Roman said. "Do I need to remind you about the murderous droids that inhabit this planet?"
"Oh, who gives one about murderous droids?!" Virgil asked. "That came out wrong..." He shrugged. "Whatever, go see if ya can find me some more good metal lyin' around. Then we can get off this bleedin' planet."
"I don't want to go in there on my own." Roman said. The forest seemed to yawn out before him, dark and unruly.
"It's eithe'that or we waste more time here." Virgil said, already working on easing the wires out of the dead droid.
"You know what, maybe I will check it out." Roman said quickly. The less time spent on this planet the better. "I am a Resistance fighter after all." He took an unsteady breath. "I've dealt with... things like this before."
Killer droids, killer droids, killer droids, killer droids, killer droids.
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