Chapter 4
Gabi's POV:
I keep running until I reach the forest, the sun was almost set as I entered the forest alone. I figured I would sleep somewhere in the forest for the night, Lilith is probably with Gajeel and the other exceed I sent back. The others have most likely already forgotten about by now, which is for the best. I just hope Gray can forget me. "GABRIELLA!" I turn to see a familiar figure in the distance getting closer. My eyes widen from shock turning to try and run I realize my feet are literally frozen to the ground. Panic filling me I struggle to get out of the ice, all of my logical reasoning is gone. I panic even more trying to find away to get out of the ice and away from Gray but I can't think of anything. I don't want to hurt him but as more panic and anxiety sinks in I start to lose control. I crouch down my back facing the way Gray was coming, I cover my ears as the murderous voices fill my head.
With the hood still over my head and my hands over my ears, the voices get louder and louder until I can't hold back. I feel strong arms wrap around me in a strong embrace as a shock wave of dark magic leaves my body. The embrace only tightens as the blast ends, the voices stop and I uncover my ears and open my eyes. I found the tight embrace was Gray, he had his head on my shoulder and face buried in my neck. I was a protective and warm embrace, his shirt was gone but I didn't care at that moment. Hugging him, I asked, "Why did you come after me?" He didn't answer he just held me closer, I tried to read what he was thinking but I couldn't. I open my mouth to ask him again but he answered, "I came after you because I care for you no matter your past, I will always care for and come after you." I was shocked by his words, he pulled away to make eye contact with me. I had my head down hiding my face. I felt his hand lift my chin to face him and make eye contact, my dark crimson eyes meeting his dark sapphire blue eyes.
Third POV:
As they stared into each others eyes, Gabriella couldn't help but smile a heart warming smile that was hardly shown to anyone. Gray picked her up and carried her to a spot beyond the trees and into a little open field on the edge of a cliff. He set the stunned girl down and she walked to the edge looking at the lights from Magnolia in the night, looking at the sparkling night sky. A gentle breeze blew through her hair, gently swaying it in the wind. Gray walks up to her and grabs her hand holding it in his own, both of their faces getting redder by the second. Gabi keeps looking over the town while Gray stares at her with a smile on his face. Gabi looks over at Gray with a smile, "I'm glad I met you Gray but I can't stay. It would be to complicated to leave the way I did then just come right back. Plus what would Gajeel think of me disappearing like that then coming back with you? Not that that would be a bad thing but..." As she was talking she looked away from Gray but looked back at him only for her lips to connect with his.
He kissed her passionately and was a bit surprised when she kissed back. When they broke off Gabriella giggled a little, "I definitely didn't see that coming." Gray chuckled and Gabi giggled again, "Gabi please come back with me, I promise to help you in anyway I can. Just please come back with me to Fairy Tail, to Gajeel, to me." Gabi looked away from Gray and spoken with an unsure tone, "I don't think that would be a good idea," she looked back to Gray making eye contact and speaking with more assurence, "Just give me a few days to calm myself and think then meet me back here at night in 5 days. Gray hesitated for a moment, "Alright and I won't tell anyone about this, I promise." Gabriella smiled at Gray and hugged him once more before jumping off the edge of the cliff, Gray rushed to the edge looking over it. He saw Gabi sliding down the side into the trees below, Gray smiled knowing she would be fine and happy that they would see each other soon.
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