Scooby Doo: Time Travelers Addition
When Dean opened his eyes the next morning, the sweet smell of Rose's hair and the stink of cigarettes filled his nose. He tried to focus on the aroma of Rose, instead of the stench of lung cancer. Rose was still pressed close to him, head buried in the crook of his neck, sleeping peacefully. He was happy for a moment, before remembering the events of yesterday. They were still stuck in 1950 something.
Dean released Rose, gently moving her head to rest on the pillow so he could get up and wash his face. Rose stirred only a little when he set her down and covered her back up with the blanket. He looked over to Sam, who was still snoring. He went to the small bathroom, washed his face and did his best to fix his bedhead.
"So, how are you liking 1954?" came an all too familiar voice behind him.
Dean turned on him, and tried to grab him by his shirt front but he jumped back out of his reach bumping into Sam, who had just gotten up. Sam got him around the shoulders, Dean yanked his up off the ground. Gabriel only smirked, Rose sat up, disturbed by the noise.
"Dean?" she called out.
"Stay there, baby," he said forcefully. She did as she was told.
"Morning Princess," Gabriel said trying to catch her attention, she pulled the covers up to her chest and pressed them there shielding her body from his gaze.
"Why are we here Gabriel?" Sam demanded.
"I was bored, you wackadoo's plus Rose were between jobs. I figured we could all have some fun,"
"Fun?" Sam asked. "You call this fun?"
"Yeeah! Who doesn't love the 1950's?" Gabriel said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"We don't. We have somewhere to be back in 2014, take us back," Dean stated bluntly.
Gabriel thought for a moment, "Nah, I'm still bored. So you little muffins get to entertain me,"
"Entertain you?" Dean asked in disgust.
"Yes, I like watching Scooby Doo, but I don't get cable in heaven. So. You will be playing detective in as many time periods as I see fit,"
"And if we don't" Rose asked still holding the comforter protectively over herself. Gabriel turned to look at her,
"Then you will be stuck where ever I put you, Princess," he smirked. Rose glared daggers at him, and wished she had one of her real daggers to throw at him.
"Alright, alright" Sam finally said having enough of this "What do we have do to make this stop?"
"Play the game Sammy," he replied.
"Rules?" Dean asked angrily.
"All will be explained, Rosie dear, open those bags," he replied coolly. Dean looked to Rose and saw three bags had appeared at her feet. When he looked back Gabriel was gone. Rose opened one of the bags, and pulled out a hand written letter.
Hey dorks
And Rose,
I've taken the liberty of getting you all new clothes so you can fit in a little better. In this quaint little 50's setting you have a ghost hunt waiting for you, find it, fix it and earn a little money then you will automatically move to the next place I have picked out for you.
You will find that there is a bag for each of you, with clothes from this era and the materials you will require for your hunt. Make sure you take pictures, and get a souvenir from each time period. There is a Polaroid camera for each of you. And please remember I am watching you for entertainment to please, be amusing.
You all suck, except Rose,
Rose read out loud, then passed to Dean who was sitting on the on the edge of the bed.
"Dear god... this is Changing Channels all over again," Sam mumbled, grabbing a leather bag tore off the sticky note, with a Moose cartoon on it. Rose looked back into her bag and scowled at the contents. She pulled out a white vest-dress with little roses embroidered into the fabric.
"You've got to be kidding me," she growled. Dean looked up from the letter, and laughed a little. Rose glared at him, then made a pouty face. Reluctantly, she got up and took the bag with her into the bathroom. Where she washed her face, and put on the dress and undergarments that were in the bag.
She pulled out a card with pictures on it, and looked up to ceiling.
"Screw you, Gabriel," she mumbled. The pictures showed how to do a 50's hair style, that involved a large bun in the back, a bandana or head scarf and curled bangs. She bit her lip, but did the hair style anyways because when else would she be able to look 50's and actually be 50's.
When she came out of the bathroom, she found the boys all dressed up and looking very Outsiders. Dean wore a leather jacket (same as yesterday), new dark jeans and a white T-shirt. Sam looking similar to Dean only with lighter jeans and a plaid shirt over his white Tee. All three took a minute to look each other over and think they look nice but stupid.
Finally Rose huffed rolled her eyes and said, "Come on. Let's end this as soon as we can," she grabbed her bag and headed for the door. The boys followed, Dean took her hand as the three of them walked out of the shady motel and back into the town.
"Why didn't we just kill him last time we ran into him?" Sam asked, taking a sip of coffee, as they all sat a local café. They had bought a local paper and began combing through columns trying to find the said case, Gabriel mentioned.
"Because last time, we didn't have an Angel Blade," Dean replied.
"And last time he was helping us," Rose added.
"Don't defend him, Rose. You'll give him the wrong idea," Dean chuckled.
"I think I've made my point clear to him, Dean. He stands no chance with me, now he's just being a dick about it,"
Dean leaned over and kissed her cheek, "That's my girl,"
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