Plots and Plans
Sam didn't know anything about what Rose and Dean did last time they were here, but he remembered being so horribly sick that he couldn't leave the bunker. He remembered, Rose promising to be home soon and giving him a tiny kiss on the forehead.
He remembered, when he woke up that Rose had made him at least three different meals she knew he liked to heat up and eat if he felt like it. He remembered that her and Dean were gone for five days, and when they came back he wasn't nearly as sick anymore.
And that was it. But he knew in this moment, that Rose and Dean shared something special here, and that maybe one of them had a plan. Little did he know that both of them had a plan.
"Well, there aren't any cases here. So what do you guys want to do?" Sam offered hoping one of their plans could blossom from here.
"Well," Rose said looking at her watch. "It's about lunch time, one of us could go get some sandwiches in town, and we could spend the day just taking pictures with the polaroid's and hanging out in the park,"
"That sounds like... could it be?" Dean said mockingly "Like... Fun?" Sam started to smile.
"Do you guys even remember how to have fun?" Rose asked with a giggle.
"Yes," Dean said. "But, I think we need a training day. Today will practice the art of fun!"
Sam and Rose laughed at Dean's goofy, excited grin. The gears in Dean's head began clicking, this was gonna work and he was going to fix today.
"I'll go into town and buy the sandwiches, and things. You two stay here and find us a picnic bench," Dean said as calmly as he could, while a smaller version of him jumped up and down inside his head.
"Okay," Rose said climbing out of the car, ditching her jacket. She shut the door, and waited for Sam. But Sam didn't get out of the car just yet.
"You have a plan don't you?" Sam asked, shedding his jacket.
"Course I do, Sammy. Just play along, and keep everything light hearted and happy today. Absolutely no serious business today," Dean said pointing a finger at his brother.
"Kay, I promise. But I can I know what you're planning?"
"No, and even if I told you it wouldn't make sense, now go. She's waiting for you. Get out of my car," Dean said giving his brother a shove.
Sam laughed and got out of the car, Dean pulled away and Rose waved good bye.
Rose and Sam turned away, and went to find a picnic table, as they walked Sam decided to play detective. "You have plan for today Rosie?" he asked as nonchalant as possible.
"A little one," she admitted.
"A little one?" he asked encouraging her to continue as they walked.
She blushed a little bit and laughed, "Well, yea. It's not an elaborate plan," she replied, "Oh, there's a table," she said walking into the shade of a large tree with a picnic bench underneath it.
"Can help at all?" he offered.
"As a matter of fact Sammy, you can help me," she said, pulling the polaroid camera out of her little drawstring backpack.
"Take a picture of you?" he asked, a little confused.
"Take a lot of pictures today, nice ones if you can," she said pushing the camera towards him.
He eyed her suspiciously, "Rose? What are you doing?" he asked her.
"Well... last time we were here. Well, we didn't have a camera," she said offering a fake excuse.
"Okay then, I'll take lots of nice pictures then," Sam replied, letting the matter go.
Meanwhile, downtown. Dean went into a local sandwich shop and got all their favorites. He bought a six pack of coke, in glass bottles just because. But there was one more thing Dean just had to do, he smirked holding the credit card Gabriel had put in their bag of necessary supplies.
"So, you gonna go get that necklace or what hot shot?" came Gabriel's voice from the passenger seat. Dean didn't even react.
"Was that the whole point of this?" Dean asked, placing the card in his wallet, before looking up to meet Gabriel's eyes.
"No, like I told you. I was bored, and you guys just happened to be my source of entertainment. But, I saw an opportunity to fix something in your lives, and repay you in way for being my entertainment today," he replied.
"You know, you can't be doing this all the time. We do have lives you know,"
"Yeah, I know. But still, you had fun didn't you? You got to spend some time with your brother and your girl, right?"
"Was that the point of this?" Dean tried again.
"No, Dean. I'm not that metaphorical and crap. I just needed something to do. But now I'm turning into something useful so... yes?"
"Now, you are just confusing me,"
"Doesn't matter, go fix your mistake. Make the lady happy," Gabriel said snapping his fingers and disappearing. Dean rolled his eyes, but got out of the car and went into the jewelry store.
He left grinning like the Cheshire cat, so pleased with himself. He took off for the park, so ready to right the wrong he made all those years ago. He called Sam, on his way over and told him, that he was on his way.
"Can I know your plan now," Sam whispered
"No," Dean whispered back
"Dammit," Sam replied and hung up.
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