"(Y/n)!!! Get your butt out here!" Yells a familiar voice. It was Naruto waking you up early in the morning, like real early.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" You yell angrily.
"It's important!" Yells Naruto.
"What a drag." You hear Shikamaru mumble.
"GRRR WHAT THE H*LL DO YOU WANT!?" You yell opening the door.
"Jeez calm down, we need your help to get Sasuke back." Says Naruto.
"What do you mean get him back?" You ask. Naruto and Shikamaru were looking at you with red faces. "What's wrong?"
"Uh.... we'll explain after you uh..... Change...." Mumbles Shikamaru as he looks away realizing what he saw. That's when you realize you were wearing pajama shorts with a little shirt that looked like a bra. (It would kinda look like a sports bra.) You slam the door on them embarrassed.
~5 mins. Later~
You open back the door and lock your flat's door behind you.
"I'm ready to go morons." You mumble. "Sorry that I was a little slow, I was grabbing some stuff." You pat your satchel.
"Yeah whatever." Says Shikamaru as he, you, and Naruto walk over to Choji's house. He then explains what had happened last night and what Sasuke did.
"Sasuke did what!?" You ask with concernment.
"He left us for Orochimaru." Mumbles Naruto.
"That *ss!" You say angrily while clenching your fists.
"Calm down, we're going to get him back, you can beat him up once he's back." Says Shikamaru as we finally make it to Choji's.
"Choji!!! Come out!!!" Yells Naruto.
~2 mins later~
"He won't come out, Shikamaru, are you sure that we even need Choji?" Asks Naruto. You slap Naruto.
"What the crap Naruto! Choji's really strong. .....maybe stronger than you moron....." You say while mumbling at the last part. Naruto didn't hear the last part but Shikamaru did. Shikamaru just chuckles a little and pulls out a bag of chips.
"Shikamaru, now's not the time to eat some chips." Says Naruto sternly.
"You'll see what I'm doing." Says Shikamaru.
"Huh?" Mumbles the confused Naruto.
"I see what you're doing." You say as you take a candy bar out of your satchel and open it. You began breaking off pieces and eat the pieces. Then Shikamaru and you were at yiur last bites.
"Oh look, it's the last bites of this yummy candy bar." You say loudly.
"This last chip will do nicely." Says Shikamaru. Then Choji comes bursting out while stealing the last of your candy bar and Shikamaru's last chip. Then Choji eats then both.
"The last bites is always the best bite." Says Choji feeling victorious.
"Yeah yeah, now go and get ready for a mission we have." You say to Choji. Choji does what he's told and reports back outside as you guys began to walk again. You caught him up with the details and soon Neji and Kiba decide to come along as well.
*Time Skip*
"I'm sorry Sakura, but Lady Tsunade told me that you can not come with us." Says Shikamaru towards Sakura.
"I know, I just wanted to wish you guys luck and Naruto, please...bring Sasuke back." Says Sakura with tears forming in her eyes.
"Sakura, don't worry, I promise I'll bring Sasuke back." Says Naruto smiling.
"Mmhmm, guys, lets go before it's too late." You turn to Sakura. "We'll bring him back. Now lets get in the formation Shikamaru wants us in."
*Time Skip*
"I see four people ahead and something that may contain Sasuke." Says Neji.
"Got it." Says Shikamaru. You grab a hold of Shikamaru. "Hey what are you doing?"
"Look by your feet moron." You say as a string laid as a trap for any unwelcome guests.
"Mmhmm." Mumbles Shikamaru. "Be careful."
"Careful is my middle name." Says Naruto arrogantly as he steps on a string.
"Idiot." You mumble as four ninja's appear.
"I'll take care of this, you guys move on." Says a big muscular fella as he gives what's on his back to someone else.
"Mmhmm. Not so fast." You say as you run towards them.
"Yeah, you're not so fast." Says the big fella as he punches you into the ground.
"(y/n)!" Yells Naruto. Then everyone got stuck inside a rocky dome. You get up from the ground.
"God dammit!" You yell as you punch the side of the dome. The big guy told you all what this rock dome was and what it did.
"So this it?" Asks Kiba.
"No." You mumble. "I'm not dying like this." You look to Shikamaru who was thinking. You paced around the walls hearing everyone mumble stuff to each other. Then you fall to the ground.
"(y/n)!?" Yells Naruto.
"I-I'm okay." You say trying to get up. "I just don't have much chakra stored within me and after being punched into the ground, well looks like I'm going to die first." You smile at the last part. You crawl over to the circle everyone made.
"No, you can't die." Says Naruto.
"Well, my chakra restores fast but when being taken away immediately it's no use." You say thinking about Chūseina. She's looking at you with worried eyes while trying to restore your chakra. "I need you guys to take your shirts off, I need to do something before it's too late."
"WHAT WHY!?" Yells Kiba.
"Relax, I'm helping, not being a perv like you my dear pup." You giggle. Everyone took off their shirts. You went behind Naruto and touched his back.
"(y/n), your hands are cold." Says Naruto.
"I know, now, I'm giving you guys some of my chakra to help you." You say as you begin putting your chakra into Naruto's chakra system.
"WHAT!?" Yells Naruto as he shifts a little. You cough blood.
"Please don't move Naruto, if you move too much then I'll die." You say.
"(y/n), this is stupid, why are you doing this?" Asks Neji.
"Because I can, stupid." You mumble. You finish with Naruto and walked over to Neji and put your cold hands on his back. Everyone is silent as you finish Neji, Kiba, and Choji. You go over to Shikamaru and put your hands on his back. "What's the plan chief."
"Chief?" Mumbles Shikamaru quizzically.
"You've earned my respect, now I'm counting on you to get us out." You mumble.
"Mmhmm, okay Lady (y/n)." Mumbles Shikamaru as you finish giving him some of your chakra.
"(y/n).....why is their a lady by your side?" Asks Kiba.
"Ah, so you can see me if you take in some of Lady (y/n)'s chakra?" Asks Chūseina.
"This is Chūseina, my horse that's actually a horse maiden sent to protect me." You say as you stumble. Chūseina catches you.
"You shouldn't have given them your chakra yet." Says Chūseina.
"But I may die." You say closing your eyes.
"No you won't." Mumbles Shikamaru. Then he starts trying to make deals and sell you guys out with this guy that has trapped you in this dome. Naruto is angry with Shikamaru.
"Grrr, shut up Naruto. You're making my head ache dimwit." You mumble realizing what Shikamaru was doing. Then next thing you know everyone's out.
"Leave me, I'm in no condition." You say.
"No." Says Chūseina as she transforms into a horse.
"Naruto, put her on me." Says Chūseina.
"Y-Yes!" Says the amazed Naruto as he does what he's told.
"Lady (Y/n), you remember what we were practicing?" Asks Chūseina.
"I'm not ready." You mumble.
"If you can put your chakra within others now then you're ready. Besides, I'll help you." Says Chūseina. You take a deep breath and nod.
"I can take this guy, you can go without me and I'll catch up." Says Choji. Everyone nods and Shikamaru tells Choji something that you couldn't quite hear.
"Lady (y/n)?" Questions Chūseina. You nod. Then suddenly you and Chūseina start to glow a blue watery aura.
"Now." You say as Chūseina sprints towards the big guy who calls himself Jirobo.
"You're not getting through me." Says Jirobo as he stands his ground.
"Everyone! Move out!" You yell. You couldn't see if the rest of the team was following you, but you could feel their eyes on your back. "Don't follow my steps! Go around him!"
"Too bad you'll be the only one to not make it pass me." Says Jirobo.
"Cocky much?" You say loud enough for Jirobo to hear as you pass through him in a watery form.
"What the!" Says Jirobo.
"Choji! Now!" You yell as you hear a crash.
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