Level 1: Weapons
"Hey! Stop petting me!" Yells the flustered Konohamaru.
"Aww, do you like me? Sorry buddy, I'm too old for ya." You chuckle as you continue to pet Konohamaru.
"Come on (y/n), you're here to help me teach the students, not pester Konohamaru." Says Iruka chuckling.
"I can't help it." You say walking over to Iruka.
"Well anyways, thanks for helping me out with these trouble makers." Laughs Iruka.
"HEY!" Yells the whole class.
Knock Knock
"Uh.. come in!" Yells Iruka. Then the door opens and Gaara come walking in closing the door behind him.
"Uh...I'm here to help out with the class..." Says Gaara. Whispers pervade the room.
"Thank you, please stand next to (y/n)." Says Iruka. Gaara nods and walks next to you.
"Alrighty, since Iruka told me what we're doing today, let me explain!" You yell smiling while sending positive vibes around the room. "Today, you're going to pick your teacher of the week and we'll train and test your skills.....and maybe show off a little."
"(y/n)." Says Iruka sternly.
"Come on Iruka Sensei, you were a kid once, kids need to have some fun a little." You say poking Iruka's nose.
"Yeah, whatever, anyways, please file out the door and go outside and you'll get to pick your teacher of the week." Says Iruka motioning everyone out the door.
"Alright, now that we're outside, please pick your teacher of the week." Says Iruka. 2/3 of the class goes to you, 1/3 of the class goes to Iruka Sensei, and Gaara is left alone standing. You walk over to Gaara and stand next to him.
"Change of plans! Since this is like 2/3 of the class, you're going to have Gaara has your second teacher." You say smiling while side hugging Gaara. You heard whispers. "Fine, if you don't like this kids, then go over to Iruka Sensei and he'll be you teacher. "Everyone but Konohamaru and his little buddies leave."
"I'm sorry." Says Gaara.
"Don't be sorry, I'm actually glad we only have to deal with these brats." You say giggling.
"Hey! We'll show you! We're ready for a battle!" Yells Konohamaru.
"Ugh, you and Naruto act the same you know." You say patting Konohamaru's head.
"Come on fight us!" Yells Konohamaru.
"I'll only fight you if Gaara can be my partner in crime." You say.
"Yeah sure." Says Konohamaru.
"Okay, instead of a battle, lets play a game." You say as you dig for something in your bag.
"What kind of game?" Asks Moegi.
"One that contains bad guys, good guys, levels and fighting, along with the ninja skills Iruka Sensei has taught you." You say as you fish out a a Kunai and golden paint that dries fast, along with a paintbrush. "Man, I'm so glad I only have to help you guys." You oaint the Kunai and set it on a log. "Okay, Gaara and I are robbers trying to steal the golden Kunai. For your first level, you have to defend the golden Kunai using only weapons. Level 1: Weapons, begin!" You and Gaara disappear hiding in one of the many trees.
"(y/n).....I'm sorry about your father and my attitude towards you." Says Gaara.
"That's okay, I forgive you." You whisper smiling.
"Thank you for forgiving me and what's are game plan." Says Gaara.
"We make them wait and let them lose their guard. A ninja should never lose their guard on a mission." You say watching Konohamaru and his team guarding the golden Kunai with Kunais.
*15 mins later*
"Gaara, lets go." You whisper as you and Gaara jump out of the tree and run to the golden Kunai.
"It's them!" Says Konohamaru. Konohamaru and his team were protecting only one side of the Kunai. You run towards Konohamaru who had his kunai out and stood in his fighting stance. When you got close enough, Konohamaru tried to block you but you used his strength against him. You used his kunai as your extra mmph, and did a front flip in the air and landed in the log. You picked up the kunai and smirk.
"Game Over! You lose!" You smirk. " A ninja must protect all sides of the important item or person."
"Aw man, we barely even touched you." Says Moegi.
"Nah that's okay, you get one more chance. If you fail this level, you lose your last life." You say.
"But it's just a game." Says Udon.
"Yes, but if this was real life, you could be dead right now." You say sternly as you get down and place the golden kunai on the log once again. "This time I want to see better protection." You and Gaara go back ten feet from Konohamaru, Udon, and Moegi. You and Gaara stand and wait making Konohamaru impatient.
*5 mins. later*
You start to sprint, surprising Konohamaru, Udon, Moegi, and maybe even Gaara. You take out your Kunai and try to slice Konohamaru. Konohamaru blocks your attack with his own Kunai. He tries to kick to kick you but you catch his leg.
"Heh." Smirks Konohamaru. You were wondering why Konohamaru was smirking, then you realized something. Moegi and Udon had free hands.
"HIYA!" Yells Moegi as she goes in for a punch. Gaara blocks the punch with his sand. Then Konohamaru took the opportunity to use his other leg to kick you. You stumble backwards. Konohamaru then jumps on your back and puts a kunai to your throat.
"Wow, I'm impressed Konohamaru, you just made this a life or death situation." You giggle.
"Make any movement and she gets it." Says Konohamaru. Gaara stands still.
"Level 1 complete, you win." You say smiling. Then your smile turns into a smirk as you flip Konohamaru into the ground. "Man, you're lucky I'm not a real robber."
"Ow, whatever." Groans Konohamaru as he gets up a little annoyed.
"Now it's level 2!" You say smiling. "And you only get one chance, if you lose then you have to start all over again."
"NO!!!" Yells Konohamaru, Udon, and Moegi as they fall over.
"Alright class! It's time to go home." Yells Iruka.
"Haha, you squirts got lucky." You say laughing.
"Yeah whatever." Mumbles Konohamaru as he and his friends get up. Then everyone begins to walk home.
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