"(y/n)! Naruto!" Yells everyone.
"Heh, hey guys." You flinch from pain. "Lovely weather we're having, right? Oh and... I know I look helpless but don't worry! Also, hurry up Chūseina!"
"This is bad." Says Kankuro.
"Well obviously Kankuro, you stupid- AAAAAAAAAAH" You scream in pain once again as Seimei crushes you harder.
"Sakura, go over to Naruto, Chūseina, Matsuri, and Rokuro, treat Naruto and...." You were starting to pass out. Sakura and Hinata start running towards the group. They couldn't see Chūseina yet, but Chūseina touches both their shoulders and puts chakra within them letting them see her.
"I'll explain about me later, Sakura, help me." Mumbles Chūseina as she begins healing Naruto and Matsuri. Naruto begins to get up but is scolded by Sakura and is forced to be sat down.
"I need to help Gaara and (y/n)!" Yells Naruto.
"Gaara can help her and himself." Mumbles Chūseina.
"Things are going to get really ugly really soon." Mumbles Temari.
"I was afraid of that." Says Shikamaru. Shikamaru then tells Sakura to hurry up.
"I'm not going to give up!" You yell loud enough for everyone to hear. You swing yourself and manage to kick Seimei, he then drops you. Your eyes go wide as you soon realize how far you guys are from the ground. Everyone watches, worried, knowing that they should help, but can't. Your heartbeat grew faster, harder.
You didn't know what else to do but yell.
"GAARA!" You cry out Gaara's name and close your eyes. You were caught by two, normal hands. You open your eyes. "Gaara...."
"If I'm to help my friends, I must do it for myself, ON MY OWN!" Yells Gaara.
"You fool, you're allowing your emotions to guide you. A shinobi must abandon emotion if he's ever to obtain the ultimate power." Begins Seimei. "And power, power, is the only truth in this world. As your about to find out. It's over!" Gaara takes a hold of you and jumps back a few feet, dodging the first attack. He then gets hit by the second and third, trying to cradle you with safety.
"Gaara put me down and save yourself." You mumble.
"Your time is done you freak of the sand village. " Mumbles Seimei.
"He's not a freak." You mumble only loud enough for Gaara to hear. Gaara then grins at Seimei.
"Hmmm, why so cocky? You have no more chakra. In fact, I'm surprised that you have the strength to hold that grin on your face." Mumbles Seimei.
"Yes, my chakra is almost totally depleted, but, all that time I was trapped in that cage, did you think I was just sitting there and doing nothing?" Questions Gaara.
"Meaning?" Questions Seimei. Gaara then lays you on the ground gently and pushes his hands together.
" Sand Tsunami!" Yells Gaara. There was nothing to be seen.
"Ha, it seems that you have run out of chakra." Laughs Seimei.
"I, am Gaara of the Desert, where there is rock, wherever there is earth, I can make more sand." Notifies Gaara. The canyon starts to crack and shake. Soon boulders were falling, creating sand! Gaara hosts you on his back and continues pushing his hands together. The Sand Tsunami had hit Seimei, causing him to give in. When everyone thought it was over, Seimei came out of the ground using a jutsu.
"You have that much chakra left, that's unexpected." Mumbles Seimei. "And that means there's so much more that I can feed on."
"He's draining the last of Gaara's chakra!" Yells Neji. You heard cries. You watch Gaara hold up his hand.
"Shukaku's Pike!" Yells Gaara as he throws the staff in his hand towards the mouth of the dragon armor on Seimei, causing Seimei's armor to break and fall to the ground.
"W-What!? Impossible!" Yells Seimei as he trembles.
"You wouldn't understand, you're just a ninja tool." Smirks Gaara. "You turned your back on being human." Seimei is filled with anger.
"Ridiculous! This can't be!" Mumbles Seimei. "It can't beeee!" Seimei then falls to the ground, helpless.
"Giant Sand Burial!" Yells Gaara as he touches the sand beneath him and crushes Seimei into particles.
"Alright!" Yells Naruto as everyone runs to Gaara and you.
"Gaara..." You mumble as you black out and fall to the ground. Gaara also blacks out and falls next to you.
"Gaara! (y/n)!" Yells everyone as they run to the both of you to analyze you both.
"Gaara's alright." Says Sakura smiling. "He's just exhausted from having to use so much of his chakra."
"To think, he helped to keep the Shukaku within, and doing it on his own." Mumbles Temari.
"Yeah, what about.... (y/n)?" Questions Kankuro. Sakura's face turns the opposite of happy.
"(y/n).... We need to get her to the hospital, asap, she may not.. make it." Mumbles Sakura. Kankuro hoists you on his back while Naruto hoists Gaara on his and make their way to Sunagakure Hospital.
. . .
"Hey, hands off stupid cat! That's for my sister!" Yells a young boy's voice.
"She won't notice that one cookie will be missing." Says another male's voice.
"Shut up! I think she's starting to wake up!" Yells a female voice. Your eyes flutter open.
"Hey! What's up (y/n)?" Smiles Kankuro. It takes you a moment to let things sink in.
"Gaara.. where's Gaara?" You question.
"Right next to you." Says Temari as she points to the hospital bed next to you to reveal a sleeping Gaara.
"Hm... AND YOU!" You yell pointing at Kankuro. "You were about to steal a cookie!"
"W-What!?..." Mumbles Kankuro.
"Told you." Smirks Rokuro.
"But.... you were the one to carry me on my back, right?" You question.
"Yes, how did you know?" Questions Kankuro.
"I had awaken for a short moment before passing out again and saw cat ears in my face." You say.
"Oh okay, then that was me- HEY THESE ARE NOT CAT EARS!" Yells Kankuro.
"Mmhmm, thank you for bringing me here to safety." You say as you give Kankuro a small kiss on his cheek causing him to have a nosebleed and pass out. You chuckle a little.
"Did he really need that? Questions Temari.
"No, but, think about the future, he most likely won't ever get a kiss from a girl in his life. He probably will get one from a guy." You and Temari laugh at your comment.
"What's.... what's going on?" Questions a familiar voice.
"Gaara!" You exclaim happily.
"(y/n)... Thank you," Mumbles Gaara still hazy.
"For what?" You ask.
"For being my frie-best friend." Says Gaara. You slowly get out of your hospital bed and walk towards Gaara's.
"No Gaara, thank you, for being you." You say as you hug Gaara. "And Gaara, thank you for protecting me from Seimei at the end." You then smile and kiss Gaara on the lips for about thirty seconds and let go with a smile. Gaara was in shock and didn't know what to say.
"Oh and, (y/n), Gaara, here are your guy's get well presents." Says Temari as she points to the mountain of gifts.
"WHAT THE!?" You and Gaara yell at the same time.
"Yeah and that's not even all of it, those are just from Naruto and Sakura, the rest are in your individual rooms at your guy's house." Laughs Temari. You and Gaara look at each other and begin to laugh.
"Now, let us celebrate that we're not dead." You say as you take a cookie from Rokuro's container and eat it. "Mmmm, you know Rokuro, these are very good cookies."
"Yeah, I know, granny Chūseina made the-" Before Rokuro could finish, Chūseina bonks him on the head.
"Because I'm a spirit doesn't mean I'm that old!" Yells Chūseina.
"Yeah but you must be ancient." Laughs Rokuro who got another bonk to his head. "Ow!"
"Hmph." Mumbles Chūseina.
"It's okay Chūseina." You begin. "You're only 30 or 40."
"Forty!?" Yells Chūseina.
"I'm only messing with you." You say smiling. Chūseina grunts and eats one of her cookies.
"Well." Mumbles Gaara as he takes a cookie from the container. "To the best of friends and not dying?" Gaara holds out his cookie.
"To the best of friends and not dying." You say smiling as you and Gaara "clink" cookies and eat them while enjoying yourselves.
. . .
"(y/n), Rokuro is tucked in bed." Says Chūseina. "You should be getting some rest too."
"I know Chūseina, thanks for cleaning the house by the way." You say smiling as you continue to look out your window at Gaara's home.
"Well, good night (y/n)." Says Chūseina.
"Wait, Chūseina, you're part of the family now, please use the guest room as your own now." You say.
"Thank you but-"
"No buts, now go."
"Thank you (y/n)"
"It's no problem."
Soon, everyone in your household falls asleep.
"Gaara, you should be asleep by now." Says Temari.
"Yeah-" Kankuro was cut off.
"You guys should be asleep as well." Notifies Gaara. Soon Temari and Kankuro go to sleep in their own rooms defeated.
"(y/n) (l/n)... what would I have done without you." Mumbles Gaara as he drifts off to sleep.
IMPORTANT A/N's: Check out the first IMPORTANT A/N before you throw salt at me, so I can catch it and throw at you.
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