Game 26
How to play— Here's a favorite game for you called "Finish The Sentence". Finish these sentences with the 1st thing that comes to mind. The sentences can be cool, funny and even a little dirty.
1. Dont go ______________
2. In the evening I usually ________________
3. My best friend doesn't like ________________
4. Please stop staring at my ______________
5. I don't ever regret ______________.
6. It's 100 degrees outside, so I'm going to ______________
7. Dear God look at the size of those _____________
8. Whoot! I love ____________
9. Look out behind you, its a___________
10. She has some awesome ____________
11. Don't drink the water here, it's filled with______________
12. These scrambled eggs taste like _____________
13. This sandwich could really use some _________ ____
14. Water makes me ____________________
15. At the end of the rainbow there is a _________________
16. My friends are really______________
17. I am in love with a(an)______________
18. I wish I had _____________
19. " Racist I wish I had ________________ "
20. I want to suck on that big juicy _______________
21. Today I learned how to _______________
22. The world is going to________________
23. Everytime I look to the sky, I always think ____________________
24. I'm always chosen first when it comes to ____________________
25. I know this is weird, but I really like to __________________
26. I would die without _________________
27. If I could teleport people, I would teleport ___________________
28. I made a complete fool of myself when I __________________
29. The two most beautiful words are ___________________
30. I can never stop smiling when __________________
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