Something remembered from the past; a recollection.
"Today looks mostly sunny but there is a seventy percent chance of rain so fokes I suggest bringing an umbrella if you wanna be safe and dry! In other news a woman was shot dead outside her home this morning at two am! Her family says she was just coming home from-"
Bryce shut the TV off in annoyance and turned his attention to his bowl that was full of cereal. Nothing more passed through his mind as he ran his fingertips around the rim of the bowl until he came to where he first started. He gave a light click to his tongue before standing from his chair and laying the bowl into the sink. He took a deep breath as he stared out the window, his reflection eyed him back but the bright light made it nearly impossible to make out yet he knew damned well what he looked like.
Golden locks that were pushed over to one side, deep deadly sea blue eyes, and pale creamy white skin to add to his charming complexion. He had on a black dress up suit with a dark purple tie that was knotted ever so neatly.
So who exactly was Bryce McQuaid? Well, for many he was the well known boy who nearly died at a young age or he was simply known as the man who helped the mentally insane people down on Berks Lane. He was simply a man who was trying to make a living but stay away from people themselves.
Bryce looked over to his white coat and gave a sigh as he grasped it and threw it over his shoulders. He walked outside and was greeted by a man walking a large dog. "Morning mister McQuaid!" The man flashed a smile and gave a light wave in the blondes direction before being yanked by the animal. "Morning Mark. I didn't think I would see you up this early. Big event or something?" Mark gave a snicker as he held onto the leash which gave Bryce the idea it had something to do with his friend being crazy or something. They said their goodbyes and Bryce got into his car before driving off to work.
The sound of his horn caused Bryce to shove the keys into his pocket as he entered the hospital, the sound of cries and laughs echoed the halls making the scene seem like a horror movie from back in the day. He flashed his pearly white teeth to the woman at the front desk who only smirked back in response. "Well good morning mister McQuaid. How's life treating you today?" He took the clipboard she had held out and began to sign it while figuring out a way to respond to her question. "Hm, well Stacy I'm not dead so there's something." He handed her the clipboard before walking to his office. Bryce took a deep breath as his fingers wrapped around the cold metal knob, his eyes narrowing ever so lightly. Once the door was open he was greeted with stacks of newspapers on his desk causing him to quickly get inside and close the door.
He grabbed the first paper and looked over it to see the name he had been looking for. Ryan Wrecker. His blue eyes widen as he walked around and plopped down in his brown chair. "Ryan Wrecker..undercover Detective for the KPD found dead after saving a boy's life. The boy himself stated he was in some sort of trance until he was yanked back by the stranger..." Bryce sighed as he dropped the paper down, his hand rubbing his forehead as the memories of what happened came back to him. The image of the man sent a chill up his spine. Bryce felt a cold breeze shift through his room so he turned and looked at the window behind him that was open; he stood up quickly.
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