Ryan sighed deeply as he looked up at the sky. Snow fell into his eye causing him to give a harsh blink and look forward as his vision recovered. He looked down at his phone and scrolled through his music to look for one song.
He smiled as he found it, clicking the icon with the name that seemed to almost flash as if it wanted his full attention. The sound of traffic and chatter was blurred like a memory he had forgot long ago as he made his way home. The music echoed through his brain and he stopped at the light, his hazel eyes staring across the street in a daze.
Ryan was happy. He was a happy man with a normal life like many people in this world and he couldn't ask for anything different. His job supported him well and he didn't have to worry about anything because he had friends by his side, ones that would give their life for his own.
Then it happened.
Ryan watched as a kid with golden blonde hair stepped forward, his blue eyes seemed to be in a trance of some sort. He immediately took action whenever he seen the kid begin to step out into the middle of the road. Cars rode by honking and yelling.
A phone smacked the surface of the concrete ground as ear buds bounced along with the harsh movements it made until only the song could be heard. A hand twitched beside it as blood filled around the item that had been knocked out of his own hand.
The sound of sirens played in the background and the little boy blinked wildly as he stared at the body that now lay on the ground in front of him. His mother quickly pulled his body into her arms as she cried for an ambulance or just help in general. The kids breathing hitched as his eyes locked with Ryan's hazel ones.
That was the last thing Ryan ever saw as human.
His world had crashed and the lovely image he had created was left scarred on his friends memories forever until the end of their days. The words of confidence he would tell his sister as she tried desperately to pull through the games life threw was now missing. His existence was gone.
Ryan Wrecker, lived no more. Not as man anyways.
"Ryan Wrecker," A voice called. "Please step forward."
The male looked up from the chair before pulling himself up and walking to the stool that awaited him. In front of him was a man dressed in a white button up with the prettiest icy blue eyes he had ever seen. But his image didn't fool anyone. He was the judge none the less.
"Ryan Wrecker. You are here today because you chose to save the life of Bryce McQuaid..a child the age of ten who was trying to kill himself. Your exchange was great itself but no match for all the secrets you hold locked within your now past life. So the lord has come to a decision." He paused and eyed the man down. "You must find someone to take your spot in the Dead realm or you must simply live up to what you have done. Dismissed."
And that was it for him. His fate had been chosen right then and there.
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