Chapter 3: WE TRY TO REMEMBER - Operation Twin Sisters
"Mom, I'm leaving!"
Robert took his bag from the table. He had just finished his mom's breakfast who was having a day off. He quickly went to his room and kissed Belle's picture.
"See you later, Belle."
Outside, the sun was shining, though the ground was still wet from the rain that past night. He went straight to the old mango tree and saw Angela standing underneath its shade. They have been meeting here secretly for about a month now. The bullies seemed to have disappeared after Angela told them to 'leave this place or die' and Robert was glad to stay out of trouble.
"Good morning Angè!" he greeted her cheerfully. "Nice day, eh? Look, the sun is out!"
Angela didn't answer. "Something wrong?" he asked.
"You like cats?" she asked back.
"Huh?" Robert's head tilted to a side. "Well, they're okay, I guess, though I never got to own one... the apartment we used to live in didn't allow any pets."
"You want one?"
"Well, sure, if you'd like to give me one."
Angela started to walk towards school.
"So, um..." said Robert, trying to continue the conversation, "Did your cat have kittens?" he asked, "It was a bit fat when I saw you carrying it last time."
Robert thought back to the first time he saw Angela with a scared cat in her arms.
She was bleeding then, due to the nervous cat's claws that clung to her arm. Her wounds have healed now, though, good thing there were no scars left.
"Wasn't my cat," she mumbled. "I'll give you the kitten later."
"Oh, okay, right after cla-"
"END OF CONVERSATION." said snapped at him.
Robert stopped at his tracks.
He looked at Angela, she was flushed red, not blushing, obviously, she looked furious. He smiled and followed after her.
'I'll make you smile for me, Angè.' he thought to himself as they went on their way to school.
"And then, the guy said; 'I gave it to the dog'"
Lunch break, the class is fooling around, cracking jokes. Robert looked at Angela, smiling at her friends. "Such a pretty smile," thought he, "I wonder when you would smile for me..."
"Hey, Angela, I heard some rumor that you and Obet there were seen going home from school together," said Mia.
Angela spit out the juice she was drinking.
"Who said that?" she asked, trying to fake a smile.
"Secret. But it's a reliable source," Mia replied.
"I heard it too, they were saying that you meet each other in that store across the street and go out together when you think everyone's gone home," said Bern.
"Oh, it's probably because we live in the same neighborhood, it was probably just a coincidence." lied Angela. "I hardly notice him when I go home, though."
"Maybe he's been stalking you!" Mia whispered.
"Yeah, cowards like that usually have weird kinks inside their heads!" said Bern.
"Oh, c'mon, he's really harmless you know," said Angela.
She must get the suspicion off of them. That might mean blowing her cover and her role as a 'guardian'.
"How would you know?!" the two of them said in unison.
"Just a guess," she said, "besides, I've got the two of you to look after me, right?" she smiled.
She heard some of her classmates sigh.
Just then, the bell rang, signifying that classes were about to resume.
"Ahh, I have to get to the bathroom!" said Angela, standing from her sit.
"Silly girl! Hurry up before the second bell rings!" laughed her friends.
She rushed outside the room.
When she came back, she secretly dropped a small note on Robert's lap. Robert noticed it at once and looked around if someone was looking. Slowly he took the note and read it.
"Forget the store. Meet me at the mango tree," said the note.
He folded it once again and placed it inside his chest pocket.
When he reached the mango tree later, Angela was already standing beneath its shade.
"They're getting suspicious," said she. "We can't meet in that store anymore." She paced in front of the mango tree. "Any bullies today?" she asked him.
"Nope, I was lucky today," Robert replied.
"Good. This ends here and now."
"B-but... you promised!"
"I promised you nothing."
"What about your secret?"
"What about it?"
"Well, if someone in school were to know..."
"Are you threatening me?"
"N-no... of course not.." Robert stammered, the look in Angela's eyes was really scary. "Sorry..."
Angela turned around and started pacing again.
"Mornings... guess it would be fine, but you need to disappear when we near the school."
"Okay, leave it to me!" answered Robert, "I'm good at disappearing!" Angela looked at him with annoyance.
"You still want that cat?" she asked.
"Ah, yes, I almost forgot!" he replied beaming, "It would be nice to have a pet!"
Robert followed Angela.
They went past a small bridge, two blocks, a store...
"This is the same way I take when I go home," he thought. "I wonder where we're going..." Robert can't help but smile. "Hey, are we going to your place?" he asked with a beam.
Angela didn't answer. She was frowning along the way.
"Here, let me carry your things for you!"
Robert reached for Angela's bag. She looked at him menacingly.
"Or maybe not..." he said, backing away.
"Don't push your luck, wimp," she said.
They stopped in front of a big white two-story house.
Robert looked at Angela.
"Umm... this is my house," he said, uncertain, "would you like to come in?"
"Over here."
Angela went to the house next door and opened the gate.
"This is where I live."
Robert's jaw dropped, "What? You mean we've been next door neighbors all this time?!" he asked. "How come I never see you round here?"
"I don't come out much," Angela simply replied. "Now stay here. I'll go get the kitten."
With that, Angela went inside and slammed the gate in Robert's face.
Robert gave a deep sigh, "She wouldn't even let me in..." He looked at the house instead.
Their neighborhood was considered a 'plush' subdivision, the houses around them were big and spacey, but this house always intrigued him for it was one of the biggest in their block. The gate itself was so high that you could hardly see the house inside, but he did get a glimpse of the wide lawn when Angela went inside, and the landscaping was marvelous!
From where he stood, he could only see the top-most room, where a single window looked out to the road.
"Must be an attic," thought Robert.
He gave another sigh, leaned on the gate, and waited for Angela to return.
"Sister, did you see that?!" said a voice in the attic.
"Yes, sister, it is unbelievable!" answered the same voice.
"Yes, yes, I know, I can't believe it either!"
"I can't believe our baby sister would bring one!"
"Yes, never in a thousand years!!!"
"We mustn't let such a thing go to past!"
"Yes, yes, we can't just let this past!"
"We need to act!"
"We need to do something right now!"
Robert was still leaning on the gate when it opened.
"Ah," he gasped, trying to regain his balance. "So, how's the–" he stopped.
In front of him was a tall girl in her mid twenties. She wore a lacey off-shoulder blouse and a blue skirt that reached to her knees. Her wavy brown hair was gathered in a half pony, the rest falling gently on her white shoulder and down to her back. She smelled gently of roses, her eyes twinkling, reminding Robert of a fairy in a book he once saw as kid.
"Welcome, welcome, are you a friend of Angela's?" asked the fairy. "Please, do come in!"
"Uh... yes... of course!" replied Robert, dumbfounded.
"Please, pardon our little sister, she is a little shy when it comes to her friends."
"Oh, it's okay, I only came here to get a kitten anyway," said Robert, smiling nervously.
"Ria, why don't you invite him inside the house?" asked a voice from behind.
"Ah, yes," said Ria, "How silly of me Pia, please, do come in."
Robert looked at Pia.
She looked exactly like Ria, from the clothes, to the twinkling eyes, even though the dress she wore was lilac instead of blue.
"Twins..." he whispered.
"This way, if you please," said Ria.
"So, where did you meet our sister?" asked Pia.
"Yes, aren't you the new boy next door?"
"We are classmates," Robert replied. "But to tell you the truth, I didn't know that we were next door neighbors ''til now."
"Ah yes, Angela only leaves the house when she goes to school, she never goes out anymore," said Ria.
"Well anyway, you said something about a kitten?" asked Pia.
"Yes, ma'am, you see, Angela said I could have one of her kittens..."
"Oh, please, just call us ate Ria..." said Ria
"And ate Pia," said Pia.
"So," Pia continued, "you're the one she said would take care of her little babies?"
"Ah yes, it was weeks ago, I think, when she brought the cat home, poor thing was dying..." said Ria.
"Oh, but don't bother about the gory details..." Pia piped in, bumping her twin a little, "She is such a caring girl after all! The kittens have gotten much better now!"
"And she's not as scary as before too!" said Ria with a smile. "Now, if only Daddy wasn't so allergic to fur, then Angela wouldn't have to part with her babies!"
"But we're sure glad you live next door, that way our sister won't be so far from her children."
"Ah, yes, now maybe she could have a complete recovery!"
Pia bumped her sister again.
"Huh?" said Robert, a little confused.
"Oh, it's nothing, nothing really..." said Pia "Why don't you get our guest something to drink?" she told her twin.
"Don't want to," answered Ria, "I'm still talking with Robert!"
"It's okay, I don't plan to stay long anyway..." Robert piped in. 'Angè's sisters sure are weird!' he thought to hiself."
"Non-sense, now you stay right there while Ria and I get you some refreshments!"
"But I don't need to..."
"Come now sister," with that, Pia pulled Ria out of the room.
"Whew..." thought Robert, "I wonder what they meant about 'better'... but to think that she saved that cat from those bullies..."
He looked around the large living room he was in.
He sat in a soft couch lined with embroidery. Everything in the room looked expensive, and Robert thought of how many months allowance he would have to save if he broke just one of the vases that were displayed along the corridor.
He looked behind him.
On the Wall hung a huge painting of a family. It was a portrait of a noble looking man surrounded by 12 young ladies to her left and right, while on his lap sat a young girl with deep dark eyes. All the other girls had wavy brown hair and large brown eyes like the man, except for the young girl.
"That must be Angela," thought Robert, "and those must be her sisters... all twelve of them!" he looked around once more and saw another portrait. It was a painting of a lady, her deep black eyes looked straight at him with such intensity that he felt like it was burning through his soul. Her jet black hair fell to her waist in soft velvety curls, and her full red lips were parted a little. She looked alive, standing in that frame, she seemed to be breathing, a living portrait, the split image of Angela.
"That was our Mother."
Robert jumped.
He was so caught by the picture he didn't notice Pia return.
"She looks just like Angela doesn't she?" she asked, "She's the prettiest of us all you know, my Mother was the most loveliest lady round here when she was still alive, we on the other hand, look more like our father... not that we blame him, anyway..."
"I'm sorry about your mother..." said Robert.
"It's okay, it was a long time ago. You see she died at child birth," Pia explained. "Daddy wanted a boy, but when Angela came, mommy had some complications, the blood wouldn't stop... Daddy said the last thing she said when she died was, 'Please take care of our angel'..."
Pia was silent for a while.
Robert couldn't think of what to say.
"There you are!"
Robert was surprised once again as a frowning Angela appeared by the doorway.
"Oh, dear baby sister! Where have you been?" said Pia with a lovely smile, "Your guest here have been waiting for you for so long!"
"I was looking for my 'guest' ate Pia! How did he end up in here?!" asked Angela.
"Why, where is your hospitality, how could you leave such a nice fellow outside?" replied her sister. "Besides, we've never seen you bring a friend home, much less a 'boy'."
"Ahh! Leave me alone!" grumbled Angela. "C'mon, the kittens are outside."
Angela took Robert's hand and yanked him along.
"O-okay..." said Robert, his arm hurting.
"Oh, how sweet!" said Ria, coming in the room with a tray of refreshments. "They're holding hands!"
"Gahhhh!" said Angela, dropping Robert's arm. "Leave me alone!" she then stomped out of the roommleaving Robert behind.
"Wait, Angè!" called Robert as he ran after her.
"Sister, did you see? She was blushing!!!" said Pia, her eyes twinkling.
"Actually, I think it is more out of anger," replied Ria.
"This is it!" Pia continued, ignoring her twin's remark, "It's the perfect match, a match made in heaven! Such a cool looking guy for our pretty little sister!"
"Yes, the two of them looked so nice together!"
"This is just what we need!"
"What our sister needs as well!"
"And we shall call this, "OPERATION: TURNING BABY SISTER INTO A REAL 'GIRL'!!!" said the two in unison.
"Um, nice sisters you have there..." said Robert, trying to catch up to Angela.
"What did they tell you?" Angela asked.
"Nothing much, just about the cat and your mother..."
Angela turned around abruptly.
"What about my mother?" she looked at him suspiciously.
"Nothing really, just that she passed away."
Angela continued walking.
"I'm sorry bout that."
"Don't bother. Don't remember her anyway."
Robert looked at Angela, a little disappointed.
"That's not so nice to say, you know," he said.
"And it's none of your business."
Robert tried to say something else, but he thought that Angela had a point, it really was none of his business.
He kept his silence instead, as they went out the house and headed to the garage.
There was a large box by the wall and soft meowing was coming from it.
"There," said Angela, "that's Yin and Yang."
Robert looked inside the box.
There were two little kittens, one all black, the other all white. They looked up at Angela and meowed louder. Their eyes were blue, but it seems like they couldn't see very well yet. Angela took the kittens in her hands and started to wipe them with a wet piece of cloth.
"This is Yin," she said, holding the black kitten up, it started to spit when the wet cloth was rubbed on it. "She's very touchy, you know, she hates it when I clean her." she placed the kitten back in the box and rubbed the white one next. It began to purr.
"This one is Yang, he's the sweeter one."
Robert wasn't really looking at the kittens.
He looked at Angela.
She was holding the kittens with such care, her face with such a peaceful expression in it.
'She really does look like her mother,' thought Robert, still looking at her, 'I wonder if her mother seldom smiles as well.'
Angela looked at Robert sideways. "What?" she asked.
"Uh... nothing," replied Robert, a little embarrassed. "So, what happened to the mother cat?"
"Dead," she simply said. "I had to cut her open to save the kittens."
Robert looked at her with horror.
"Three died, Yang almost didn't make it."
"Then... that day when your clothes were filthy..." thought Robert, "that was the cat's blood?"
"So," continued Angela, ignoring him. "Which one do you prefer?"
"You're going to keep one huh?" asked Robert with a smile, "Your sisters said your father was allergic to fur."
"As long as I keep it out of my room," she replied.
"Okay then, I'll keep this one!" Robert picked Yang gently. The small white kitten gave a loud purr and rubbed its head on his hand. "Hey, he likes me already."
"Okay, with that done," said Angela, standing up, "Leave."
The huge gate slammed shut.
Robert was standing outside the big house once again, the kitten, snuggling in his arms.
"So, that's it huh?" he thought. "I really thought I could make her smile this time."
He walked the short distance to his house and opened the front door. His mother was not home yet. He turned on the lights and went straight to his room, placing Yang on his pillow.
The small kitten paced around a couple of times before lying down, turning itself into a little ball of puff. It pounded the pillow gently with its paws, then closed its blue eyes and went to sleep.
"I sure did learn a lot about that girl today," said Robert to himself, "I guess she wasn't such a bad person after all..."
He went to his table and took the portrait he cherished so much.
"Belle," he said, taking a deep breath, "she reminds me a bit about you..."
He kissed the picture and held it to his chest, his eyes closed, lips trembling.
"I miss you so much."
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