Overlord 3:
The Pale Overlord: (Overlord x Male Pale King Reader)
Reader Info:
You were one of the Guildmasters of Ainz Ooal Gown in the once popular MMO YGGDRASIL.
In fact you were it's most powerful member and the official leader.
Your character was known as the Pale King, you had many friends, had many adventures within this game so it broke your heart when you heard the servers would be shutdown permanently.
Unlike most of your fellow guild members you chose to stay logged in until the servers shutdown.
When it did however you found that you had become the Pale King himself and you were now trapped within YGGDRASIL.
Not only that, the NPCs you and the other Guildmasters created have come to life as well and have developed personalities of their own.
At first you were confused but eventually accepted your fate and decided to see what this world had to offer as the Pale Overlord.
Extra Notes:
Your character is a special creature known as The Pale Wyrm and you have 2 forms that you can switch between.
A smaller more humanoid form and the one you're in the most.
Your Humanoid form:
Your second, more powerful form is your true appearance, a giant worm-like creature most in the land see as a deity.
Your True form:
Also like most of the Guildmasters, you have also created NPCs of your own and here they are.
The White Lady:
She was the first NPC you made.
She is located underneath the Tomb of Nazarick in a special area you made just for her known as the Queen's Garden.
The White Lady is a nature deity and you created her as a counterpart and wife to the Pale King.
So basically you made a fantasy girlfriend and you also gave her a huge libido so she wants to breed...a lot.
It was in your earlier days, so you were horny though you never bothered changing it.
You made her to reflect all you wanted in a woman, tall, kind, motherly, beautiful and horny.
As stated before, she is a nature deity and thus has powers relating to nature such as plant manipulation along with soul abilities thrown in for good measure.
Out of every NPC she is the strongest but she is also the most passive as she absolutely abores violence.
She is almost always in her garden and your visits always brighten up her day.
She loves cuddling you much to your embarrassment and refers to you as her "Dear Wyrm" or more embaressingly "Wyrmy."
You secretly loved being mothered by her as you and your parents in real life weren't very close.
She loves you with all her heart and does her best to help you run the guild.
Ze'mer the Grey Mourner:
In addition to the White Lady you also created a set of NPCs known as "The 5 Great Knights."
Among them was Ze'mer better known as the Grey Mourner.
Ze'mer despite being an extremely powerful Warrior is quite passive and tires to avoid fighting whenever possible but will fight with great verocity to protect you and those she loves.
She is very gentle and shy and only speaks when spoken too.
She can usually be found in the Queen's Garden either talking with the White Lady or simply enjoying the Flora and Fauna.
She seems to have taken a liking to the Delicate Flowers.
They are flowers the White Lady herself grew and they seem to hold a mysterious power, however they're named Delicate Flowers for a reason.
They break if not handled with extreme care.
Ze'mer is very protective of these flowers and they are not to be harmed by anyone or anything lest they be impaled upon her blade.
You're not sure if she'll turn against you if you break them but you don't want to find out.
You've played Breath of the Wild, you've seen the crazy flower lady.
Dryya the Fierce:
Fast and swift with her rapier.
Dryya is fiercely loyal to you and protective and will cut down your foes with graceful efficiency.
She obeys without question and will risk her life to serve you to a reckless degree.
She can usually be found training and rarely takes breaks.
You worry about her sometimes.
She has a no-nonsense type of personality which usually puts her at odds with Ogrim who is the exact opposite of her.
She's not very good at social interactions which causes her to embaress herself sometimes and when that happens she turns into a blushing stuttering mess.
You find it cute.
She is the Healer of the 5 Great Knights.
She can be found in her Grove usually with Ogrim.
Her medical knowledge along with her healing magic are second to none.
She isn't very adept at combat but she more than makes up for it with her support magic to buff her allies and debuff foes.
She is very kind-hearted and likes to see the beauty in everything, she is far from naive though and understands that not everything has beauty.
She loves to sing and her voice is quite beautiful, much better than any celebrity singer from your world which isn't a hard contest considering most of them have to resort to autotuning.
She is the second most upbeat and positive member of the Knights.
Ogrim by far is the most upbeat and positive member of the 5 Great Knights.
He is jolly, loud and just a really good dude.
He enjoys a good fight and will compliment any foe who has bested him honorably.
Despite his large size, he is surprisingly quick and with his mastery over earth magic he is also quite strong and durable.
He begins every fight by beating his chest and yelling.
You don't know what that means but you can tell it's something similar to "Bring it on!" or "Let the battle begin!"
He is the true heart of the Knights and keeps them together.
This Knight despite his intimidating size and strength he is quite sweet and a big softie when not in combat.
In every way he is a gentle giant, he loves cute things and is very childlike which gets on Dryya's nerves.
He doesn't know his own strength and as the strongest of the 5 Knights, physically at least that's not a good thing.
Lurien the Watcher:
Lurien is from another set of NPCs known as "The 3 Royal Advisors."
They help you run the guild and the only ones with higher authority than them currently is you and the White Lady.
Lurien is the most loyal of the 3, loyal to an unhealthy and he'll follow your orders blindly no matter how stupid.
He can usually be found in his observatory watching people with his huge telescope like a fucking creep.
Why else do you thunk he's called "Lurein the Watcher?"
But in seriousness he studies the stars and watches for any threats in the distance.
He's kind of a prick though.
Monomon the Teacher:
The most rational of your 3 Advisors, Monomon was an NPC you made to be a magic expert.
She has her own lab within the tomb and can be found mixing and matching spells or creating new ones, practicing alchemy or cresting artificial beings to act as guards for the Tombs.
She is the most intelligent of the 3 and the sanest one which usually leads to her pointing out flaws in some of your plans.
Though she is rarely listened to, especially by the other 2.
Herrah the Beast:
Herrah is the most terrifying member of your 3 advisors.
She is also known as the Spider Queen as she has a legion of spider creature known as Weavers who answer to her only.
Weavers are responsible for a lot in the tomb.
Fabric for clothes, protective seals and many other spells.
Herrah as their Queen is quite vicious and sadistic with a desire to eat her foes.
Though she does have one other desire other than the suffering of her foes and that is to be a mother.
She wants you to father her children and has a thirst to rival the White Lady much to your dismay.
You can't remember why you mad her like this.
Your relationship with your Advisors in a nutshell:
The Hollow Knight:
This is the NPC you have been leveling up the most and is without a doubt your strongest fighter.
He is silent and stoic, he never speaks and obeys without question.
He's like Soundwave from Transformers Prime and with his magic and combat skills he is a deadly opponent for everyone.
You put so much work and detail into him that he feels like a son to you.
You made him to be silent, emotionless and empty, but ever since you got trapped here he's been slowly developing feelings and emotions and began seeing you as his father.
Mare and Aura
White Lady
Not sure if I should add the rest of the female Knights though.
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