The Amazing Digital Circus 5:
The Amazing Digital Circus x Male Mr Mime Reader:
Reader Info:
The Amazing Digital Circus was once a normal virtual game that was enjoyed by millions.
Until one day, something happened and suddenly anyone who placed the virtual headset on to play the Digital Circus got trapped within the game.
You apparently were one of the people who got trapped within the Digital Circus.
At least that's what you assume cause you don't remember a thing about your life before the Digital Circus.
You just woke up one day in the Circus, met a weird creature named Caine who gave you your new name being "Mr Mime" and you just kind of joined the group of other trapped souls.
However, from the moment you entered the Circus you decided:
"I don't want peace, I want problems."
Thanks to a certain member of the group, you found out that you liked causing problems for other people.
So you and this certain person became a notorious duo of pranksters often times utilizing your unique power.
Said power is the ability to create invisible barriers that are seemingly unbreakable.
You can create these barriers anywhere anytime and in elaborate patterns creating a maze with invisible walls which you have used many times to cause as much grief to everyone in the Circus.
You don't talk that much, you can talk but to keep yourself silent.
This is done mainly to annoy people and lean further into your role as a Mime, though you do occasionally let out brief sentences...only to go silent once more just to further irk everyone.
Even the mentally broken new girl Pomni isn't safe from you, all you see in her is another person to fuck with.
How will your presence affect the Digital Circus moving forward?
Love Interest:
Another member of the Digital Circus crew and your closest friend.
Jax was the one who got you to start being a nuisance to the others after seeing your powers.
She helped you discover your love of being a menace and you've been inseparable ever since.
Pulling pranks on the others, playing catch with Zooble's head and just being very problematic.
You're the only person Jax shows affection to without being subtle about it.
She openly flirts with you and you don't mind at all, in fact you flirt back in your own way.
You're both rarely seen apart, true partners in crime, she is the Bonnie to your Clyde.
There we go, the first idea for my 3rd idea book.
Now, the reason I chose Mr Mime to be the Reader is solely because of this scene.
This scene lives rent free in my head and it actually made me like Mr Mime.
Even got me to try using one in Legends Arceus and it was fun to use.
I mean it's not my favorite Pokémon but I appreciate it a lot more now.
Anyway, see ya'll later.
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