SCP Foundation:
SCP Foundation x Male Kirby Reader:
It was sudden.
Your arrival to Earth that is.
A meteor suddenly crashed to earth near the town of [Redacted] one night creating a noticeable crater.
And in the morning when some townfolk came to inspect said crater, in the center they found...nothing.
Just nothing.
Because whatever or whoever crashed there was gone.
And what had crashed there?
You of course.
You had crashed to Earth on a golden star, and you were completely unharmed.
When you woke up you, you looked around and saw you were in an unfamiliar place and decided to do the only thing you could.
Go out and explore.
You kept wandering and any danger you encountered you were surprisingly good at taking care of it.
You very quickly discovered that you had a peculiar ability.
You could gain different abilities based on whatever you touched and so this made it a lot easier to survive.
If you touched a rock or stone and took properties from it you can coat your whole body in absolutely indestructable stone and form your new stone body into nearly any shape from simple shapes to artistic masterpieces.
If you touched water, your hair will resemble and have the consistency of water and you'd gain various water-based abilities.
Any time something or someone harassed you you could take them out easily.
Eventually you found out you could call and summon what you call a Warp Star.
Your Warpstar:
A star, big enough for you to sit on and one that is capable of flying at lightspeed which your body can take.
And as you traveled you ended up helping a lot of people, you saved others from certain death, helped out with any issue they had no matter how big or small.
You did this for about a year and of course reports of an individual riding a star and helping people out would reach the SCP Foundation.
They had attempted to track you down on many occassions but it wasn't easy.
It wasn't until an incident where a man came across a photo that had the face of SCP-096 hidden somewhere which obviously triggered the shy guy.
SCP-096/The Shy Guy:
The Shy Guy immediately began freaking out and eventually broke free of containment to go kill the man who dared look at his face...kinda looked at his face.
Meanwhile you just saved this man from falling into the grand canyon as he was taking a vacation there.
You pulled him up from falling after he slipped, only for SCP-096 to come along and rip him apart.
Of course you did not have time to feel sad as you also saw 096's face and so he tried to kill you too.
Thankfully you managed to absorb 096's power and fought him and it eventually resulted in you ripping off 096's limbs leaving him unable to attack you.
Eventually MTF showed up and secured SCP-096 along with you.
You didn't put up a fight, they simply asked you to come with them and since they didn't seem like bad people you willingly came with them.
They also offered you a lot of candy if you came with.
Ever since you came to Earth you really took a liking to the food, especially sweets with your favorite foods being various desserts, especially cake.
Back at the Foundation you were dubbed "SCP-[Redacted] and put into Foundation custody.
Many staff members and D-Class were impressed that you were one of the few individuals who looked at SCP-096's face and lived.
And from there you were questioned and subjected to many odd experiments.
Eventually you discovered that you had another peculiar ability you called "Handful mode."
You discovered you could turn your hands pink and mushy and wrap them around certain objects and operate said object.
Doing this with a car would allow you to drive it in a way no matter how beat up or broken it was.
As long as it had working wheels and an intact engine, you could drive it.
Doing this with a lightbulb would give you flashlight hands which isn't that impressive.
Eventually you were given the SCP class of "Safe" due to your kind nature, helpful attitude and general good heart.
You were allowed to roam freely and you eventually met SCP-999 who you instantly became friends with.
You were both friendly, pretty much indestructible and loved candy.
The Foundation became your home and you were a massive help during outbreaks as you were strong enough to take on most SCPs.
You still couldn't permenantly damage 682 but you made getting it back into containment a lot easier.
You managed to make a friend from a Researcher named "Susanna Patrya Haltmann" or just "Susie."
Susie was normally a stoic and serious woman among the SCP staff, but she had a particular weakness for cute things.
So you, SCP-999, SCPs-131 and others.
She would gush and swoon over anything cute and you were no exception.
Hell, many Researchers were taken by your cuteness and appreciated you.
Of course many other SCPs developed a deep hatred for you, especially 682 and SCP-076-2 seeing you as a worthy foe would attempt to fight you during his breakouts.
Of course Dr Clef unsettled you like he did most and Susie told you to never do anything Dr Bright asks you to do ever no matter what.
Dr Bright is very persuasive though.
This is the story of all your adventures battles and experiences within the foundation.
Extra Ability:
One extra ability in your arsenal you developed during your time in the foundation is the Friend Heart.
You produce a heart made by your own energy and when thrown at a sentient being they become friendlier and docile.
However it only works on those who desire friendship or have at least some degree of good in them.
This will not work on truly vile beings like some SCPs or non-sentient creatures. However on the ones that do work your Friend Hearts have helped in calming down certain SCPs
Love Interests:
(A/N: You guys can pick a love interest you think would be good for you. I'm still deciding weather to have just one or multiple. If I do pick multiple there won't be that many. 3 Max really and so you guys can pick between SCPs, Researchers, D-Class OCs, maybe you help one come to terms with their past after you saved them from an SCP or something. You just can't pick Susie cause she'll be more like a sisterly figure to you.)
So I was having a few problems with wattpad initially but it seems to have sorted itself and I can write normally again so that's good.
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